Contests--My Two Cents Worth
my take on recent posts46 total reviews
Comment from birdsnest
My Two Cents Worth
My what a thought provoking article
'More authors gain ranking position with their reviews and wins than by the quantity of posting they do on site. A lot of crap may fertilize a garden, but if you don't plant your own crop, you'll be hungry come harvest.'
Very interesting comments
Thank you for sharing
reply by the author on 22-Jan-2014
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My Two Cents Worth
My what a thought provoking article
'More authors gain ranking position with their reviews and wins than by the quantity of posting they do on site. A lot of crap may fertilize a garden, but if you don't plant your own crop, you'll be hungry come harvest.'
Very interesting comments
Thank you for sharing
Comment Written 22-Jan-2014
reply by the author on 22-Jan-2014
Thanks very much for both the read and the review.
Comment from LoannaLois
Hi, Spiritual Echo,
I love your moniker! I also saw the teensy-tiny coax at the top of a page, and I HAD to read it. You are my kind of person. I don't believe you have a fake bone in your body.I began writing on the site in October, and am slowly figuring out how to rise, shine, or die. I have met wonderful people with greatness to be written, so , as with you, I thank you. I am so happy I read this.
reply by the author on 22-Jan-2014
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Hi, Spiritual Echo,
I love your moniker! I also saw the teensy-tiny coax at the top of a page, and I HAD to read it. You are my kind of person. I don't believe you have a fake bone in your body.I began writing on the site in October, and am slowly figuring out how to rise, shine, or die. I have met wonderful people with greatness to be written, so , as with you, I thank you. I am so happy I read this.
Comment Written 22-Jan-2014
reply by the author on 22-Jan-2014
Not only did you read and review, you sent me over a galaxy of stars. thanks so much for all of that.
Every finds their niche here, and yes, there are some great people here that sincerely will help other writers.
Comment from Nomar Chagrin
Hey Ingrid, great assessment of this site. You hit on a lot of good points. I like how you included how Fanstory is not the be-all and end-all of the writing world. In fact, it's small potatoes compared to other venues. But, like you say, it is a tool. Hell, I wouldn't have written diddly if I hadn't stumbled across this site those many years ago.
The rankings? I guess they mean something but anyone in the know here knows it's weighted more on quantity than quality. I got a trophy one year for first place and thought it would be a big deal in my life. But it has meant very little to me (I don't even know where the trophy is right now). That trophy and 50 cents would get me a cup of coffee.
In a perfect world, this site would be fair. The quirks and gimmicks do generate more $$ for Tom, but I guess that's the trade-off for the benefits we do get here.
One of the best op-eds of this site I've read. Check out Lee's essay on this subject.
Hugs, my friend
~ Jack
P.S. It says I'm getting 27 cents for this, but I was reviewing it anyway when I thought it was two cents.
reply by the author on 22-Jan-2014
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Hey Ingrid, great assessment of this site. You hit on a lot of good points. I like how you included how Fanstory is not the be-all and end-all of the writing world. In fact, it's small potatoes compared to other venues. But, like you say, it is a tool. Hell, I wouldn't have written diddly if I hadn't stumbled across this site those many years ago.
The rankings? I guess they mean something but anyone in the know here knows it's weighted more on quantity than quality. I got a trophy one year for first place and thought it would be a big deal in my life. But it has meant very little to me (I don't even know where the trophy is right now). That trophy and 50 cents would get me a cup of coffee.
In a perfect world, this site would be fair. The quirks and gimmicks do generate more $$ for Tom, but I guess that's the trade-off for the benefits we do get here.
One of the best op-eds of this site I've read. Check out Lee's essay on this subject.
Hugs, my friend
~ Jack
P.S. It says I'm getting 27 cents for this, but I was reviewing it anyway when I thought it was two cents.
Comment Written 22-Jan-2014
reply by the author on 22-Jan-2014
I did read Lee's and Lancelot's and Nancy's but missed where and who threw the fist stone to get this cheating crap going.
Yes, you got your trophy in 2011 and you deserved it, for whatever it brought or gave to you. I have a 5th place for 2012 and I likes the day I got it--a lot, but I haven't even shown it to my son. It occurred to me that he always took my writing for granted and wouldn't care one way or the other.
Do tell, where exactly do you buy your coffee that you can still muster up a cup of java for fifty cents?
Well, don't drink coffee, so I guess I misspoke. :-O I remember when coffee used to be a dime though.
And I feel your pain concerning family members. My own kids have never had a desire to read one of my stories.
Comment from michaelcahill
Love this. Totally on the money and telling it like it is. Too much crying and not enough writing. If people were winning contests 346 to 34 that would be one thing. But the votes are usually five to four. Sounds like way more crying than participation. With so many contests and such little voting there are bound to be some strange winners. But, most of the winners are top pieces. Probably some cheating here and there, who cares. Of course I vote for the writers I like. I root for the Lakers too. mikey
reply by the author on 22-Jan-2014
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Love this. Totally on the money and telling it like it is. Too much crying and not enough writing. If people were winning contests 346 to 34 that would be one thing. But the votes are usually five to four. Sounds like way more crying than participation. With so many contests and such little voting there are bound to be some strange winners. But, most of the winners are top pieces. Probably some cheating here and there, who cares. Of course I vote for the writers I like. I root for the Lakers too. mikey
Comment Written 22-Jan-2014
reply by the author on 22-Jan-2014
Something I didn't mention and don't want to open that dialogue...some people vote for the WORST story, figuring it won't cancel out their own votes...thanks for the visit.
I have seen that happen and have that piece win. Karma!
Comment from skye
Your essay hits on all the salient points that irritate and confuse the members of Fanstory, as well as the true points that will help a writer succeed in this chosen craft of writing. Whether stories or poetry, writing is a job. It is work. It requires diligence.
Your thoughts are clear, concise, and will help those who read them, ponder the applicability in their life, and do the work required.
Excellent. I love your "2 cents worth" that is really 27 cents.
reply by the author on 22-Jan-2014
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Your essay hits on all the salient points that irritate and confuse the members of Fanstory, as well as the true points that will help a writer succeed in this chosen craft of writing. Whether stories or poetry, writing is a job. It is work. It requires diligence.
Your thoughts are clear, concise, and will help those who read them, ponder the applicability in their life, and do the work required.
Excellent. I love your "2 cents worth" that is really 27 cents.
Comment Written 22-Jan-2014
reply by the author on 22-Jan-2014
I decided to add a bonus, LOL. hope you get all you're looking for at FS. Thanks.
Comment from ExperiencingLiphe
I don't pull out a debit card or a credit card. It's silly to pay for something I can get for free by reviewing. By free I mean the time it takes me to stop and review. It takes me a long time, which can be frustrating, because I work and have house work and I have to spend time with my other half and then more house work and work. I don't have a lot of time for here but I always try to promote my stuff. Contests are a frustrating thing for me because sometimes I think mine is the best and I wonder how some people win. Most deserve to win but there were some I read that made me scratch my head. I hope to one day publish a book but for now this is what I do. This site gives me optimism and hope because I've seen others succeed and I've met some amazing people. And I also have to agree that when you get a fan it's the most humbling thing that can happen in a day. It's such an honor when someone wants to read your work. Great job with this friend
reply by the author on 22-Jan-2014
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I don't pull out a debit card or a credit card. It's silly to pay for something I can get for free by reviewing. By free I mean the time it takes me to stop and review. It takes me a long time, which can be frustrating, because I work and have house work and I have to spend time with my other half and then more house work and work. I don't have a lot of time for here but I always try to promote my stuff. Contests are a frustrating thing for me because sometimes I think mine is the best and I wonder how some people win. Most deserve to win but there were some I read that made me scratch my head. I hope to one day publish a book but for now this is what I do. This site gives me optimism and hope because I've seen others succeed and I've met some amazing people. And I also have to agree that when you get a fan it's the most humbling thing that can happen in a day. It's such an honor when someone wants to read your work. Great job with this friend
Comment Written 22-Jan-2014
reply by the author on 22-Jan-2014
Here's something I think you should embrace. ALWAYS believe your story is the best. It's rare, but it happens to me that I abandon the thought, but sometimes I read a competitors story and sigh, acknowledging that the writer knocked out a fly ball.
Believe in yourself and your work.
Comment from Sasha
Marvelous! I agree with you completely. I really don't know what more to say than I would read your posts even if they didn't pay the 2 cents but agree, if you really want feedback you have to get a certificate. That is really the only way. I have a standard amount I use. The 9.99 certificate and 5 points. One reviewer criticized me for being so cheap. I muted her and moved on. Some people just don't get it do they?
reply by the author on 22-Jan-2014
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Marvelous! I agree with you completely. I really don't know what more to say than I would read your posts even if they didn't pay the 2 cents but agree, if you really want feedback you have to get a certificate. That is really the only way. I have a standard amount I use. The 9.99 certificate and 5 points. One reviewer criticized me for being so cheap. I muted her and moved on. Some people just don't get it do they?
Comment Written 22-Jan-2014
reply by the author on 22-Jan-2014
$10 is cheap? Hell, this one is the $7 and that's because in two days I doubt anyone will care about this issue. Hope you're feeling better each day. Thanks.
I guess to some it is considered cheap.
Comment from islandergirl
I really truly love this. I love your honesty in this piece. I have often wondered about entering a contest, but I haven't. It's not that I don't have the time or something to post, it's just that is not what I am here for. I'm here to learn from others about writing and to learn a little about myself in the process. My goal is to become a better writer and reach others, not win a contest.
Good piece.
reply by the author on 22-Jan-2014
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I really truly love this. I love your honesty in this piece. I have often wondered about entering a contest, but I haven't. It's not that I don't have the time or something to post, it's just that is not what I am here for. I'm here to learn from others about writing and to learn a little about myself in the process. My goal is to become a better writer and reach others, not win a contest.
Good piece.
Comment Written 22-Jan-2014
reply by the author on 22-Jan-2014
It's kind of fun to do both. the contests and prompts often inspire me to write and reach out to ideas I hadn't thought of. I'm sure you'll do well on this site and find what you're looking for.
Comment from BunnyS
I for one would have gotten a kick out of you posting your essay for two cents... I would have read it anyway!
So many times I have written a story that I thought was the best ever! Then someone else, and three or four someone elses, took the prize. There were times that I thought mine was better, but... I'm not the judge. I am extremely passionate about my work and try so hard to make it perfect, so of course there is the whole disappointment thing when it doesn't win, but it gives me the kick in the butt I need to try a little harder. Like you, there have been many times that I have posted a piece, after going over it SO many times that I could recite it word for word, and someone will kick in with corrections. I am usually a bit embarrassed that I missed them, but try to remember that when I find errors and tell a writer, I am doing so with a helpful heart. Some people can be downright nasty with their correction advice while others are so helpful and considerate. It's the latter that I choose to listen to and try to improve my work.
This is all a journey, as you have so eloquently stated in your essay. I can't even express how fortunate and blessed I feel that we have such a site to stretch our skills and share our imaginations.
One of the most helpful reviews I ever received was one that told me my grammar and spelling were perfect. That meant the world to me. When someone gets lost in one of my stories, I feel that I have chosen the "write" path and it is extremely encouraging. THAT is what I take from this site. I am here to become a better writer, to experiment a bit and see what the majority thinks of my skills. A blue ribbon is wonderful but having my work recognized... well, that is a precious and humbling moment for me.
I don't know what got this whole mess started, or what's up with the essays, but I have found them very helpful. I also see them as a reminder that we are not children, we are adults that have chosen to be a part of something wonderful; sometimes things don't work out as planned but life goes on and we try harder next time. I have raised six children with that philosophy and it seems to have worked out pretty well...
You did a great job on this essay! God bless you for taking the time to say what most of us would hopefully agree with. Have a wonderful day!!
reply by the author on 22-Jan-2014
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I for one would have gotten a kick out of you posting your essay for two cents... I would have read it anyway!
So many times I have written a story that I thought was the best ever! Then someone else, and three or four someone elses, took the prize. There were times that I thought mine was better, but... I'm not the judge. I am extremely passionate about my work and try so hard to make it perfect, so of course there is the whole disappointment thing when it doesn't win, but it gives me the kick in the butt I need to try a little harder. Like you, there have been many times that I have posted a piece, after going over it SO many times that I could recite it word for word, and someone will kick in with corrections. I am usually a bit embarrassed that I missed them, but try to remember that when I find errors and tell a writer, I am doing so with a helpful heart. Some people can be downright nasty with their correction advice while others are so helpful and considerate. It's the latter that I choose to listen to and try to improve my work.
This is all a journey, as you have so eloquently stated in your essay. I can't even express how fortunate and blessed I feel that we have such a site to stretch our skills and share our imaginations.
One of the most helpful reviews I ever received was one that told me my grammar and spelling were perfect. That meant the world to me. When someone gets lost in one of my stories, I feel that I have chosen the "write" path and it is extremely encouraging. THAT is what I take from this site. I am here to become a better writer, to experiment a bit and see what the majority thinks of my skills. A blue ribbon is wonderful but having my work recognized... well, that is a precious and humbling moment for me.
I don't know what got this whole mess started, or what's up with the essays, but I have found them very helpful. I also see them as a reminder that we are not children, we are adults that have chosen to be a part of something wonderful; sometimes things don't work out as planned but life goes on and we try harder next time. I have raised six children with that philosophy and it seems to have worked out pretty well...
You did a great job on this essay! God bless you for taking the time to say what most of us would hopefully agree with. Have a wonderful day!!
Comment Written 22-Jan-2014
reply by the author on 22-Jan-2014
Thanks so much for the generous and open response to my essay. I don't know who started the controversy either, just some muck about all the cheaters and what a sham the contest were. Missed that original piece.
It's always good to be connected with a community that is working towards the same goals.
It sounds like you're doing great.
Comment from CR Delport
Thanks. I thoroughly enjoyed this read. I like the irony of your 2 cents for your 2 cents :) Yes, I attach a certificate to my writing almost every day, so I can get enough helpful reviews to point out all my errors. When I start the editing process, I review all my reviews and it is extremely helpful. Thanks to all the good people of Fanstory, and thank you for sharing this story :)
reply by the author on 22-Jan-2014
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Thanks. I thoroughly enjoyed this read. I like the irony of your 2 cents for your 2 cents :) Yes, I attach a certificate to my writing almost every day, so I can get enough helpful reviews to point out all my errors. When I start the editing process, I review all my reviews and it is extremely helpful. Thanks to all the good people of Fanstory, and thank you for sharing this story :)
Comment Written 22-Jan-2014
reply by the author on 22-Jan-2014
Well, thanks for reading and you're more than welcome. I'm sure you'll find what you need here.
Indeed I have. My writing has improved so much in the year since I joined.