The Little Dog That Wouldn't Let Go
Viewing comments for Chapter 41 "Trips Together from '87 - '97"Subtitle: God Never Lets Go!
23 total reviews
Comment from michaelcahill
I saw the review that fool gave you. not even a suggestion. well, this one wipes that one out. so, there he goes. will pay him a visit by and by. ha! lots of info here and lots of stuff on the horizon. saw a Tasmanian devil at the zoo once. quite a creature and aptly named. sounds like wonderful places to visit to me. personally I like the italics and different face types. sorts things out as far as I am concerned. makes it a bit easier for those of us not familiar with the area to read I think. (read the other one too!!) well, ready for more. found this interesting as do I all of them. it is a book after all and this is a chapter. still feel like shaking that guy. hahaha. mike
reply by the author on 17-Sep-2013
I saw the review that fool gave you. not even a suggestion. well, this one wipes that one out. so, there he goes. will pay him a visit by and by. ha! lots of info here and lots of stuff on the horizon. saw a Tasmanian devil at the zoo once. quite a creature and aptly named. sounds like wonderful places to visit to me. personally I like the italics and different face types. sorts things out as far as I am concerned. makes it a bit easier for those of us not familiar with the area to read I think. (read the other one too!!) well, ready for more. found this interesting as do I all of them. it is a book after all and this is a chapter. still feel like shaking that guy. hahaha. mike
Comment Written 17-Sep-2013
reply by the author on 17-Sep-2013
Aw thanks friend Hugs ok! Can't kiss ya my wife might wonder about us hehe. I just got a good joke have I added you to my joke list on e-mail? Sorry might be pete I am thinking of the mad hatter
Comment from twowheels
I love travel writing, not only to learn about places I've never been but to see how other people experience things. I would love love love to see more detail on what you saw when you got to those places. And how did you feel? What were your relatives like?
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reply by the author on 17-Sep-2013
I love travel writing, not only to learn about places I've never been but to see how other people experience things. I would love love love to see more detail on what you saw when you got to those places. And how did you feel? What were your relatives like?
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Comment Written 17-Sep-2013
reply by the author on 17-Sep-2013
HI check out the rest of the book. I can't give away too much as I said my wife is writing about our holidays. This is not a drama or Novel it is a Autobiography. Thanks for the ??review.
Comment from Antoine Charlemaine
A very interesting read as I am familiar with some of the places mentioned. My mum is at Forster and I grew up in the Blue Mountains and had many summer holidays on the NSW South Coast. One thing did distract me a little and that was your use (or overuse) of italics for place names and to highlight other points. It just becomes a little difficult to read. You have certainly had an interesting life as far as your tripping around is concerned! Thanks for the great read.
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reply by the author on 17-Sep-2013
A very interesting read as I am familiar with some of the places mentioned. My mum is at Forster and I grew up in the Blue Mountains and had many summer holidays on the NSW South Coast. One thing did distract me a little and that was your use (or overuse) of italics for place names and to highlight other points. It just becomes a little difficult to read. You have certainly had an interesting life as far as your tripping around is concerned! Thanks for the great read.
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Comment Written 17-Sep-2013
reply by the author on 17-Sep-2013
O Bro glad to have another Aussie in board. Your name was a bit of a trick hehe. Yeah will work on the italics. I get folks going crook about my comma's and stuff hehe, Thanks hope you can read some of the other chapters. As you have time.
Dunno if you are still around? Hey did you see Tootsie55 account is open again trying to do reviews over there to build up some funny money. Cost me a lot in Aus$ to get the account up for an other year over there.