Reviews from

Old but not Forgotten

how it is to be old

28 total reviews 
Comment from moyramouse
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It is when we feel our children's impatience with us that age traces a shiver down our backs! Western society values youth so much more than age and this is reflected in all walks of life. My mum had Alzheimers for 7 years and vascular dementia for the last 2 years of her life. I am an only child so there was no one to share the pain of seeing someone you love become locked behind this shell. I kpet remembering how she cared for me when I was a child, it is just what goes around comes around. I think this is a poem that needs reading by everyone, to make them think that we all grow old and tolerance, patience and love are just as much needed, if not more. xmouse

 Comment Written 24-Mar-2011

reply by the author on 25-Mar-2011
    Thank you Moyra for this fab review of my work. I can't believe the reponse to yesterday's positngs, xoxo Kiwi
Comment from stanishmichelle
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You wrote such a beautiful poem, full of emotions and meaningful. We do go through changes as we get older, and unfortunately, our own relatives can become impatient with our slow movements and behaviour, forgeting that they too will also grow old. The poem is interesting to read and flows smoothly.

 Comment Written 24-Mar-2011

reply by the author on 25-Mar-2011
    Thank you Michelle once again for reading and reviewing my work So greatly appreciated... thanks again xoxo Kiwi
reply by stanishmichelle on 25-Mar-2011
    You're welcome. xx Michelle
Comment from bbowen6757
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Boy can I identify with this, not for me (yet ;) ) but for my Mom. She's not as bad as many, but still I know that someday It could be me. Nicely done, flowed nicely

'I'll need hugs and plenty of love
remember to smile'

Doesn't this describe all of us, no matter our age? I know it doe me.

Enjoyed the read,


 Comment Written 24-Mar-2011

reply by the author on 25-Mar-2011
    yeah you are so right Bobby I definitely need lots of thanks for the review. xoxo Kiwi
Comment from despiser
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ok kiwi, we will, lol. I'd like to staple this on the door of every sicko that rapes old ladies (though maybe they prey on the frail cause they're too weak themselves. Still no excuse).
Diapers to diapers huh? Not a pleasant thought. At the risk of sounding fatalistic, is it perhaps better just to burn out while you can? Ala Charlie sheen? Maybe he's not so crazy after all.

 Comment Written 24-Mar-2011

reply by the author on 25-Mar-2011
    lol ... despiser you are quite the sumthin aren't you but, yes we have to think about what's going to happen cause eventually we all get here don't we. Thank you for dropping in and reviewing my work. xoxo Kiwi
Comment from acajudy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

In this piece you have voiced the fears and hopes that all of us have as we grow older. It is fearful to me as I am fast approaching this period of life. I enjoyed the read. Thank you for sharing.

 Comment Written 24-Mar-2011

reply by the author on 25-Mar-2011
    Scary yes but with a little planning maybe we will all be able to get through it...Thanks for the read and review. xoxo Kiwi
Comment from InterestingRon
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This beautifully crafted poem will probably prick a few consciences - it certainly pricked mine.
My late Mom had a habit of repeating her favorite stories at great length. I was cruel enough once to tell her I had heard a particular story a hundred times before. She never told it to me again, and I'll regret that to my dying day.
I needed to read this wonderful poem back then.
Ron xox

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 Comment Written 24-Mar-2011

reply by the author on 24-Mar-2011
    My mother does it all the time Ron, I just listen over and over and over again because I know she won't be with me forever...I hope this piece does make a few of us think because age will happen to all of us as inevitably as life and death...Thank you for stopping by again and the support your friendship always brings to my world. xoxo Kiwi
Comment from amandabell75
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is one of the most inspiring, touching poems I have ever read. I liked "I will still need to be treated with a measure of respect", because it shows how in touch with yourself you are. A lovely poem and I feel privileged to have read it.

 Comment Written 24-Mar-2011

reply by the author on 24-Mar-2011
    I am honored that you saw this piece for what it is. Thank you for the undeniably incredible rating and review of my piece. I don't know what to say...You stopped me in my you. xoox Kiwi
Comment from dinoscribe
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

If I had a six left YOU would have it. This is beautiful.
It says all of the things that we want to say, but none of us has the courage. It holds all of the fears we have as we get older, but none of us want to face up to either.

And, it gently reminds all of us that we should respect all that age before us. Because life is a cycle of swings and roundabouts, when we were young, cranky and infirm; they tended us with a kindness that left our dignity intact.

A lovely, well written and sensitive work, that you should be utterly proud of. :)

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 Comment Written 24-Mar-2011

reply by the author on 24-Mar-2011
    Thank you so much for the virtual 6 ... to me those are just as important as the real ones. I appreciate that you understood where I was going with this one. Thank you for that. xoxo Kiwi
reply by dinoscribe on 24-Mar-2011
    You are very welcome.