Reviews from

Another Pretty Face

Viewing comments for Chapter 8 "Chapter 3 Part three"
Can love survive small town gossip?

87 total reviews 
Comment from RazberryBullet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Joe is a really nice person. The fact that Sara was 'date raped' many years ago is not an issue with him. I'm glad he treats her honorably :)

 Comment Written 23-Jul-2010

reply by the author on 23-Jul-2010
    Thank you for your kind review. Joe is a really nice guy.
Comment from Arkine
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm kind of thinking Roy might be Cassie's dad. If he his, she's better off without him. Hard to believe she thought she was a slut because of a date rape. But, I imagine all the other students were thinking that and she just figured it must be true because she couldn't remember anything. Good chapter! Didn't catch any nits. :)

 Comment Written 23-Jul-2010

reply by the author on 23-Jul-2010
    Thank you for your kind review. I appreciate it.
Comment from templar knight
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very well done a fine read i espesially liked the description of the hand pinch ,i almost felt the pain myself.An easy to read piece of work well done cheers.

 Comment Written 23-Jul-2010

reply by the author on 23-Jul-2010
    Thank you for the kind review.
Comment from SamanthaD.
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I always look nforward bto another chapter of this compelling story and this one did not disappoint. I love it that you keep the reader wanting more by hinting at secrets but not giving them away too soon! Can't wait to read the next chapter! Samantha

 Comment Written 23-Jul-2010

reply by the author on 23-Jul-2010
    Thank you for your kind review and support.
Comment from Sarah_Goldwell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well you have me fully intreagued now. The timing was just right to reveal how she got pregnant, ["Is he here?"] - I asked the same question in unison with Joe lol. I'm guessing Roy, as he seems to be showing a bit of the old green eyed monster. This chapter was really good character development for Sarah, it really showed how a young popular home-coming queen can be ruined so easily for the sake of a drunken incident that wasn't even her fault. I bet Roy spiked the drink himself. And to turn up the next day with her knickers and tell her he's met someone else. Talk about rub salt in a wound ... Men!!!

 Comment Written 23-Jul-2010

reply by the author on 23-Jul-2010
    Thank you for your kind review and thoughts. I consider what people say about the chapter as valuable as catching the nits.
Comment from FredCollingwood
This work has reached the exceptional level

Roy seems like a peach of a guy. You did such an excellent job of bringing your readers to dislike him. I was waiting for Joe to kick his ass. Sara isn't the only girl to have that happen. It seems like things are working out for her now. Excellent from beginning to end.

 Comment Written 23-Jul-2010

reply by the author on 23-Jul-2010
    Thank you for your kind review and the support. Coming from an excellent author as yourself means so much.
Comment from Mª Luisa López Pisú
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

History fully completely. Congratulaci³n.
Trantes very much. For your historry special for me. You enjory my. Heart. FASCINATI?N.


 Comment Written 23-Jul-2010

reply by the author on 23-Jul-2010
    Gracias por su revisión amable. Hablo español tan si quiere revisarme en español, está bien.
Comment from K. L. Bauman
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Sigh. I love the strong man who protects, but is so gentle with the lady! You have such great characters. This was another well written chapter--didn't see any spags.

 Comment Written 23-Jul-2010

reply by the author on 23-Jul-2010
    Thank you for your kind review.
Comment from Nicnac
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh, this is so sweet! I'm all warm inside. Joe is just the tastiest treat. Could he be any more supportive and handsome? Oh - I like that man. :)

I could picture each scene very clearly. The dialogue keeps everything moving along smoothly. I love the little nuances you've sprinkled throughout that make the imagery pop (such as her lifting her dress to see her shoes).

"My dance card's open only for my date." (I think this would read smoother if written: "My dance card's only open for my date.")

Placing his hand on the small of her back, he led her to the dance floor. Sara leaned closer, resting her head against his shoulder. "You need my shoulder and I'm the reason for it. I'm sorry." (In this paragraph, the POV changed, making me unsure of who was speaking. It starts out as Joe's POV, then Sara's, then Joe speaks. Perhaps you could rephrase slightly to keep it in his POV.)

I love this chapter, Barbara. Sara is opening up to Joe, sharing things she's never shared before. He is so supportive, so protective and so freaking hot! I'm in love.
I wish I could give you an exceptional rating, but it wont allow me. :(

 Comment Written 23-Jul-2010

reply by the author on 23-Jul-2010
    Is Sara leaning her head on Joe's should her POV. I thought as long as Joe could see it or feel it then it's still in his POV. HELP!!!!! Thank you for your kind review.
reply by Nicnac on 23-Jul-2010
    Hmmm - I don't seem to have an issue with it now, but the first time I read it, I thought Sara was speaking. LOL (I'm a lot of help!)
reply by the author on 23-Jul-2010
    I understand fully.
Comment from patmedium
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Now then. I found this most interesting. Even more questions buzzing around under my lid now! This reunion only seems to have animosity from one solitary person so far. Pat. xxx

 Comment Written 23-Jul-2010

reply by the author on 23-Jul-2010
    Thank you for your kind review. It's always a pleasure hearing from you.