Reviews from

In Need of A Friend

A prayer, a hug, just a shoulder to cry on

33 total reviews 
Comment from patcelaw
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is very well written and I enjoyed reading it very much. We all need friends and we all can find friends here on

Fan story I believe and I hope that you find good friends here as well. Have a good day and may God bless you. patricia.

 Comment Written 03-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 04-Aug-2024
    Yes, I needed a friend and they were there. I am blessed to have found Fanstory, my friends, and a place to share what I enjoy the most...writing. Thanks, Patricia.
    Smiles and hugs, Carol
Comment from joann r romei
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I feel for you, however did you hear the story of Ernest Hemingway, his wife put his early stories in a valise and she lost it on the train, when he told his editor, he said good now you can start again,

 Comment Written 03-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 03-Aug-2024
    Well, thanks for the smile and the info. I guess I am in good company then. I was so shaken because it's never happened to me before, but as they say, there's always a first. I appreciate your comments.
    Smiles, Carol
Comment from BethShelby
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I know your pain. It has happened to me more than once. I don't know how muich you lost but when I lose the story, I have to let it go for several days. I can't write when I'm sick and angry at my self for losing it. I think i have a evil spirt in my computer that does that just for kick. Sometimes it is out in a cloud on my word program and and it will reappear. If it does after a few days, when my nerves have settled I can began again. All I can is when that happens I freak out too and I'm sorry is has happened to.

 Comment Written 03-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 03-Aug-2024
    I've never lost a story before and this time I had written three chapters...waiting to post. I was really upset. And then I worked myself into such a frenzy that I forgot what my story was even about... crazy, huh? When I finally wrote this story, it was calming. Like I new I had friends hee that would understand and after all, I could start again. I appreciate the kindness.
    Smiles, Carol
Comment from LJbutterfly
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There is no such thing as posting too much, or too many chapters at one time. We have four days to read what you post, and can choose to read one post each day.

I can relate to how you felt this morning. I've lost several stories because I often write for the enjoyment and relaxation, but never post my stories. I've upset myself to the point I became dizzy and had to lie down.

I used to play piano. I once was scheduled to play at an event. I confidently sat at the piano and my mind went totally blank. I looked at the piano keys and couldn't remember anything. I struggled, but couldn't remember how to play. I had to apologize and get up from the piano.

After a certain age, we all experience challenges. I had an unfortunate physical incident in May that landed me in the hospital. To this day, I'm still using a walker to walk.

Your writing is one of the bright spots of my day. I feel your emotions, sincerity, and love in your characters and plots. Main characters always live happily ever after, which makes ME happy. We love you and are here for you with prayers and words of encouragement. You are not alone, and your open honesty lets me know that I am not alone. As you Begin Again, each time, you are better.

 Comment Written 03-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 03-Aug-2024
    Oh heavens, Lorraine. First of all, it would take a miracle to get me on stage anymore, and then to have forgotten the piano arrangement... I don't know how you managed.

    I know you and I have developed a close relationship through my writing and that makes me very happy. Your kindness is truly felt and appreciated.

    Love ya and thank you...
    Always Carol
Comment from Mrs. KT
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Dear Carol,
I read your moving post when you first posted, but I didn't have a moment to respond.
Just now, I've returned, and I scrolled through a number of your replies, hoping that somehow you had miraculously retrieved all of your lost work.
It appears that you have not.
And so, I am indeed sending you a prayer, a hug and a shoulder upon which to cry.
I can only imagine how devastating this situation is for you.
But, just as your pen name, I have no doubt that you will "Begin Again."
And who knows?
Perhaps these new chapters will be even more creative and captivating.

Sending you positivity across the miles.

 Comment Written 03-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 03-Aug-2024
    Nope, three long chapters are missing. I was holding them so I didn't post so close together, but I guess that wasn't such a good idea. I hadn't slept well last night and then not finding the chapters really rocked me. Thank heavens hours later I could calm myself with writing (of course) knowing that my friends here would understand. Now, I just start again.... Thanks so much for yur kindness, Diane.
    Smiles, Carol
Comment from Ric Myworld
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ouch, I sure hope you find everything you've misplaced. I didn't know it was possible for me to lose anything since I do everything on the computer. But about a month ago, and I don't know how, I lost two books and two folders full of stories. A few that I've had for years. I done everything to get them back but they are gone forever. I don't guess this is very encouraging, but it sounds like yours might be on paper. Anyway, best of luck and know your fans are rooting for you!

 Comment Written 03-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 03-Aug-2024
    Nope, they are gone.... I had written (typed) three chapters and had not posted because some said I was moving too mistake. Whatever I did, I can't find them and my notes for the story are gone too. So I guess I start from scratch. To be honest, I had myself so worked up at 2 am that I thought I'd had a stroke and lost my memory. Then later...I settled down, took a deep breath, and said let's begin again. What else can I do!!! I'm sorry you lost so much of your work as well. It's tough when you put so much into the writing and then with the push of the wrong button it is gone. Writing this story and forcing myself to add a little humor to laugh at myself helped.
    You have a great day and keep smiling!
    Always. Carol
Comment from SimianSavant
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I've had this happen before. It's a good reminder for me to have a consistent system for saving my work, or write my long drafts in the cloud, like on the site

Hmm. If you haven't checked Microsoft Word's temp/autosave folder, I'd start there.

Or maybe Danny floated off with them, and you can use her as a self-hypnosis proxy to salvage them from your memory. In all seriousness, you might end up with something better than what you had originally, as your brain reconstructs all those old pieces and adds new ones. Don't be discouraged.

If all else fails, there's one final place you may not have checked: Google "HYCYBH".

Best of luck,


 Comment Written 03-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 03-Aug-2024
    Thanks so much for all your suggestions... I've never heard of the HYCYBH but I'll give it a try. I so appreciate your kindness and reaching out to me.
    Smiles, Carol
reply by SimianSavant on 03-Aug-2024
    I hope you find it more amusing than traumatic, hahaha. Let me know ; )
Comment from Patty Mazzurco
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm really sorry you're dealing with this. Losing your story must be incredibly tough. Your honest and heartfelt post shows how much it means to you, and it's clear how much effort you've put into your work.

It's okay to feel overwhelmed, and reaching out for support is a brave step. I hope the encouragement from your friends helps you through this. Remember, you're not alone, and your community is here for you.

 Comment Written 03-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 03-Aug-2024
    To be hones, because of my age, my first thought was I'd had a stroke and just could't think straight. Then little by little I tried to breath, calm my self and once I started writing ( a blessing for me) I felt better and I knew hearing from others that I wasn't the only one this happens to...that's great!
    Smiles and hugs, Carol
Comment from Katherine M. (k-11)
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You are posting so many entries for similar contest this weekend I am becoming confused. This was a horror one. I have many similar such events in my life, especially since last year when my computer crashed and I had to learn to handle a new one (I became a slave to AI technological advances). So yes I am definitely there for you, and wish you all the best in your hunting down the rabbit warren. kay

 Comment Written 03-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 03-Aug-2024
    I hadn't intended this for a contest at first. I was just writing because I needed a friend. I seriously thought I was going to lose my mind. But the writing helped calm me down. And then as I was posting I saw the contest and thought I might as well. Yes, this is a horror one!.
    Smiles, Carol
reply by Katherine M. (k-11) on 03-Aug-2024
    Yes. We all need a friend or two. I need to take a short rest from FS, but I can't afford to lose some of my reviews, so I keep paying my subs, and just take a rest from writing. k
reply by the author on 03-Aug-2024
    It's just been one of those weeks for me and writing (normally) is my salvation. Now I have one chapter and then it's a start over you will get a ret from me. Thanks for reading and beingmy friend.
    Smiles, Carol
reply by Katherine M. (k-11) on 03-Aug-2024
    I read 3 chapters it seems. These should be recoverable from the FS text, to save to word. So you will grab back a bit more than you are expecting k
reply by the author on 03-Aug-2024
    thanks...I had three more written and in waiting... but they are gone. I had an update on my computer and that might have had something to do with it. But it's not something I can't start over again. Thanks so much Katherine.
    Hugs, Carol
Comment from Teri7
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Carol, You know I love to read and review your work. Sometimes we have those moments when it seems everything just disappears on us. You are a great writer and so many love your work. Just hang in there and it will all come back to you. Just remember, I love you, but Jesus loves you so much more! If you ever need a friend to talk to just give me a call. My number is 731-695-3633. love and blessings, Teri

 Comment Written 03-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 03-Aug-2024
    thank you so much, Teri. I really thought I was losing it for sure this morning. But writing and making myself calm down and of course asking the LOrd for guidance was very helpful. I'm better now and of course I'll just Begin Again.
    Smiles, Carol
reply by Teri7 on 03-Aug-2024
    That is a great attitude my friend. I think we all go through that in our life some days! love you always! Teri