Reviews from

No words sublime

Apologies to the real poets!

34 total reviews 
Comment from Verna Cole Mitchell
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is outstanding in rhyme AND meter. I loved the self deprecation and the fun rhyming. I guess you better not quit on something that you can obviously do exceedingly well! It's just tedious to get the meter right!

 Comment Written 16-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 17-Jul-2024
    Thank you very much Verna! Your words are SO encouraging, and the six stars? Just amazing and delightful. Thanks you for those as well! I had a lot of fun writing this one.
Comment from juliaSjames
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I enjoyed your entertaining self deprecating poem. I rarely write metred poetry although I suppose I can. Iambs simply reflect the rhythm of speech but I admit it can be tricky if the stress falls on the wrong word.

I enjoy reading and writing free verse and the Japanese short forms with their mind expanding satori lines. But at university I studied English Lit with an emphasis on the metaphysical poets. The Psalms in the Bible are songs but unrhymed and unmetred. Poetry is everywhere! Go out and play, Wendy!

Blessings, Julia

 Comment Written 16-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 17-Jul-2024
    Thanks so much Julia. I used to write a lot more poetry, especially the 5-7-5 and free verse, but this year have focused on prose.Every so often I get the urge to do a poem and have a bash at one. Yes, the Psalms - now there's an encouragement for poetry to be just beautiful poetry!
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I completely understand. I do understand rhyme, and even counting syllables, but the meter, I don't understand all. Stress this syllable or that, WHAT???? Thank you for sharing my problem too.

 Comment Written 16-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 17-Jul-2024
    Yes, and sometimes our pronunciation stresses different syllables from the US and the way we say things rhymes for us but not for US, so there's an extra layerof complication. Lol. I had fun writing it.
    Thanks so much for reviewing. I appreciate it.
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well this poem is perfectly metered and rhymes Wendy and you can take your place at the table with all the skilled poets on this sight and be well thought of. A talented, humorous and well worded poem full of magical melody and I wish I had a six left for you as this deserves one, a skilled post, love Dolly x x x

 Comment Written 16-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 17-Jul-2024
    Lol. Thanks so much Dolly, for these extremely encouraging words! (I don't think I'm ready yet for that table! I was just having a bit of fun. Every so often I get an urge to write a poem!
Comment from Rachelle Allen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm no Mrs. K.T. or Dolly's Poems - the two best-of-the-best, in my opinion, on here when it comes to meter - but I thought you held your own here gallantly as you poked some fun at yourself. This was fun to read, and it had a lilting, fun beat to it. Fine work, indeed. xoxox

 Comment Written 16-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 17-Jul-2024
    Yes, I agree, (along with Debbie D'Arcy). I am glad you enjoyed my poem having a little fun at my own expense. Thanks so much for reviewing.
reply by Rachelle Allen on 17-Jul-2024
    Ohhh, yes! Debbie D'Arcy! She is absolutely unbelievable!
Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well, I don't think you have to worry one little bit, Wendy! You did an excellent job here and, more importantly, you expressed your message clearly, fluently and with assured rhyme. The only bump in the 4th stanza. Syllable count great but it loses its flow (if you read you'll note the stress is on the 1st syllable instead of the 2nd). Maybe: I long to learn but can I change/my only wish to try my best. Well done! Debbie. PS I'm looking forward to reading more:)

 Comment Written 16-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 16-Jul-2024
    Thank you so much! That is most encouraging, and I have made the changes you suggested. Thanks for the guidance. I just wrote it for fun - every now and then I do get the urge, but I'm really no poet. I've only done a handful this year. That's why I admire yours so much - interesting, perfectly composed, and meaningful - every week!
reply by Debbie D'Arcy on 16-Jul-2024
    Wendy, trust me, you're a poet!
Comment from Wayne Fowler
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think your poem is first rate. If you can sing it or hum it, then it's pure poetry. (smiley face here)
Bizarre techniques - When I employ such in prose I get hammered by people using Grammarly. (another smiley face here)
Best wishes.

 Comment Written 16-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 16-Jul-2024
    Lol. I was just having a bit of fun here. The techniques - I was thinking too of all the different poetic formats, syllable constraints etc, which to me sometimes seem to overtake the meaning, with their constraints. Thanks so much for reviewing. I always appreciate it.
Comment from Pam Lonsdale
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Why is "I" and "my" in bold print? I thought perhaps it was a metering joke:-)

Wendy, I always thought you were a very good poet. Of course, I also do not understand the metering and all the technicalities of writing poetry. I tried free verse once because I assumed there were no rules, but was schooled on that too. I think I'll stick to prose.

Metered or not, I loved the rhymes and enjoyed this very much. You're never too old to learn new things, rusted brain or not.


 Comment Written 16-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 16-Jul-2024
    Thanks so much for a great review! I put them in bold just for emphasis but I don't know why they came out black. I might put it back to normal. I haven't done more than a handful of poems this year, but every so often I get an urge. This one was just for fun. Thanks again.
Comment from Marilyn Hamilton
This work has reached the exceptional level

Six stars for your meter! Is it perfect? How the heck would I know?! I suck at meter! lol This poem resonates with me for sure. I have been learning meter for over a month in order to write a limerick book and the poor woman helping me must be having a nervous breakdown. So, keep up the good work...or not. it all sounds great to me! :-)

 Comment Written 15-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 16-Jul-2024
    Lol. Well, sounds like we're in this together! If you give me a six, and you don't know if my metre is okay - well, I'm not going to argue! I am thrilled and pleased - many thanks!
Comment from BOO ghost
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Let's see what you got! I'm no longer a poet either. That iambic meter is hard to master. Same and lame, hehehe! My prose could be lame? Meter stresses me out! Turn a simple poem into a nightmare! I concur, wish I could provide better feedback, I'm a prose writer! I did a polydactyl cat iambic meter once which was a nightmare! I wish you luck! BOO!

 Comment Written 15-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 16-Jul-2024
    Lol Thanks so much for your fun review. I have been told my words don't rhyme - but I am Aussie, and we definitely do pronounce things differently. To me it's the other poets who don't rhyme. And metre? Well, enough said! I like to have a bit of fun at my own expense sometimes. Thanks so much for your fun review! I appreciate it a lot.