Reviews from

Dr Maya Angelou

Phenomenal Woman

46 total reviews 
Comment from bob cullen
This work has reached the exceptional level

I don't often award six stars, but this simply was too good to earn less. I must confess, being an Aussie, I'd not heard of her before. Now I'd like to know more. Is there a biography available on her?
You write superbly and over the next few days I'll search for more of your work. Thank you for making my day more knowledgeable. I really enjoyed this poem.

 Comment Written 08-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 08-Apr-2024
    Thank you so much, Bob, for this wonderful review! The fact that you want to learn more about this phenomenal woman means so much to me and is the icing on the cake! Bless you. Debbie
Comment from davisr (Rhonda)
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi Debbie!
Thank you for sharing about the life and legacy of a famous black activist. There was much she contributed to our view of the reality of being a proud black woman in this country.

Your poem was well written and the theme deftly delivered.

Great job,

 Comment Written 08-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 08-Apr-2024
    Thank you so much, Rhonda, for your wonderful review! I'm so pleased that this meant something to you. She was a remarkable woman and I think she even beats Audre Lorde for my #1 favourite! Take care Debbie
reply by davisr (Rhonda) on 08-Apr-2024
    I have to agree with you entirely!!
Comment from GWHARGIS
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I've never read much poetry outside of fanstory, but I have read some of Maya Angelou's. It is very powerful and emotionally charged. Your poem was a beautiful tribute that not only covered her publishing triumphs but her full life. Wonderfully written . Gretchen

 Comment Written 07-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 08-Apr-2024
    Thank you so much for your kind review and lovely words! This means a lot to me. Take care Debbie
Comment from Wendy G
This work has reached the exceptional level

Yes, I noted that similarity, and I am glad you are paying tribute to these wonderful and strong, brave women. There was a space missing in the third last stanza (of facing). Other than finding the font a bit difficult to read, I thought this was yet another outstanding poem accompanied by your well researched and clearly written notes.

 Comment Written 07-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 08-Apr-2024
    Thank you so much, Wendy, for your great kindness and support here. And thank you for the suggestions which I always appreciate. My computer is misbehaving at the moment and seems to have a mind of its own. I've checked the spacing on my screen but it seems ok. So I may simply re-type. And, if the font is a bit illegible, I may go back to Georgia (not literally although it would be nice to get out of the rain:)) Again, I can't tell because I made it quite large and it seems ok with me. But thanks so much anyway! Hope the weather is kind and your volunteering isn't too time-consuming. Take care Debbie
reply by Wendy G on 08-Apr-2024
    It could well be my eyes re the space, and the font. But I loved your amazing poem. I always do.
Comment from Karen Cherry Threadgill
This work has reached the exceptional level

You are a great voice here. You write the best research. You could make a book. " People I Have Known On The Page." Lots would want to read. We all love biographies. Good work. Karen

 Comment Written 07-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 08-Apr-2024
    What a wonderful review, Karen! Bless you for this. She a force of nature isn't she? No wonder you like her:)) Two very strong ladies together! Take care Debbie
reply by Karen Cherry Threadgill on 08-Apr-2024
    Take no prisoners! I Rise!
Comment from teafor2
This work has reached the exceptional level

Debbie, all of your writings in this vein have been captivating, however,
this one is of special interest to me...Not just because of her culture, pigmentation, race, religion, politics and or career path. I admire her and your "Ode" for presenting not just the traumatic events in her early childhood, but the write follows her trek through life and overcoming many of the things I listed in the previous sentence. As a girls dad, I find myself in awe of her fortitude and motivation...The gender bias she faced and still persevered...I have spoken of her to my two daughters throughout the years as one role model to emulate. Your title, selected picture, theme, tone and poetics creates a memorable presentation.

 Comment Written 07-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 07-Apr-2024
    Thank you so much for this very kind and full review! I'm delighted by your lovely comments and that this is special and memorable for you. This means so much to me! Take care Debbie
reply by teafor2 on 07-Apr-2024
    You are welcome. teafor2
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A glorious woman, but as one wise man said, God has equipped us all to be the same as His Son, I'm surprised Maya Angelou found it, a remarkable she found the source of life, and embraced it, great poetry. Beautifully written, beautifully written, blessings Roy

 Comment Written 07-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 07-Apr-2024
    Thank you so much for this kind and thoughtful review which is greatly appreciated! Take care Debbie
reply by royowen on 08-Apr-2024
    Most welcome
Comment from jmdg1954
This work has reached the exceptional level

I look forward to your Sunday posts. We never know of whom your story will tell. And such surprises you do bestow on us.

Your due diligence on your "subjects" is impeccable.

You wow me every week I guess because I was never well read on subject matter other then sports. So each week it's like going to class and learning something new.

Thank you for being you...

 Comment Written 07-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 07-Apr-2024
    Thank you so much, John, for this wonderful review and your supportive comments! I love what you say about going to class to learn something new. You know exactly how to put a smile on my face and make my day! Thank you for this. Debbie
Comment from jake cosmos aller
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

another masterful tribute to a great poet. She is indeed an inspirational poet who overcame an unbelievable ordeal as a young child but rose to become one of the best poets of her generation.

 Comment Written 07-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 07-Apr-2024
    Thanks so much, Jake! I appreciate your kindness and support. Take care Debbie
Comment from Sally Law
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Debbie dear,
As always, you did a tremendous job. Beautifully written and illustrated poem of Maya Angelou. How imspiring she is. I only knew I loved her writing. I did not know of the rape and subsequent tramas that can oftentimes kill the spirit inside. Amazing story and crafted without any errors. A virtual six as my last one is promised.

Thank you for the video too. Much enjoyed!
Sending you my best today as always.
Sal xoxo

 Comment Written 07-Apr-2024

reply by the author on 07-Apr-2024
    Thank you so much, Sal, for this kind and supportive review. I'm delighted by your lovely comments and the fact you enjoyed this verse. That means everything to me. Take care, Debbie xoxo
reply by Sally Law on 07-Apr-2024
    My pleasure! Beautiful work, my friend. You're so talented. Blessings,
    Sal xoxo