Reviews from

My Brother's Selfless Act

Because he knew how it felt

43 total reviews 
Comment from Brenda Strauser
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Debi, what a powerful story. It is well written and flows very well. Today, it is so hard for kids. Bullying goes on in school and social media adds more problems. Our world is not getting easier. Great job on this story.

 Comment Written 01-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 01-Mar-2024
    Brenda, I thank you very much for reading my story. Children are truly my weak spot, so to see one of them suffer is heart wrenching.

    I appreciate the kind and compassionate comments for this story. It felt right and I hope that it helps to keep the awareness going.

    Thanks again, my lovely friend. Love, Debi
Comment from LJbutterfly
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This story has a powerful message for young people who think parents, siblings, and other people don't like them. Sometimes, children don't know how to express themselves, so parents have to keep a keen eye on their children, recognizing any behavior that is out of the ordinary. Thank you for this public service post, and the number for the Crisis Lifeline.

By now, John was within a foot of Jeremy, and I heard John say, did you ever ask them to listen to how you felt about things? Tell them how you feel. I have a feeling they are ready to listen. (don't forget to add quotation marks for what you heard John say).

 Comment Written 29-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 29-Feb-2024
    First of all, Lorraine, I want to thank you for catching my error at forgetting the quotation marks in that one spot. Initially they were there and then I changed the paragraph, and forgot them. So I thank you so very much for that.

    Children are truly my weak spot, so to see one of them suffer is heart wrenching. I appreciate the kind and compassionate comments for this story. It felt right and I hope that it helps to keep the awareness going.
    Thanks again, my lovely friend. Love, Debi
Comment from Mintybee
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a touching PSA on how suicide is more prevalent than we expect. More women attempt than men, but more men succeed due to often choosing more violent means. 988 is finally available in Canada now, too. Seeing the main character struggle to accept his brother because of mental health issues was a touching angle to bring to the story.

 Comment Written 29-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 29-Feb-2024
    Hi Minty Bee, you see pretty up on the subject, so did you ever work with them. I am very impressed with your knowledge.

    Children are truly my weak spot, so to see one of them suffer is heart wrenching. I appreciate the kind and compassionate comments for this story. It felt right and I hope that it helps to keep the awareness going.
    Thanks again, my lovely friend. Love, Debi
reply by Mintybee on 01-Mar-2024
    No, I never worked with them. I have a psych minor, and unfortunately I have a few friends/family members who have lost loved ones/nearly lost loved ones to suicide. I post the hotline number on my Facebook page every few months, just in case. Now it's 988 for US and CAN so that's a bit less to remember.
Comment from Verna Cole Mitchell
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is really an outstanding story, suspenseful throughout and with and excellent point. I like how it showed the family dynamic of love for a sibling. You achieved your purpose in writing it.

 Comment Written 29-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 29-Feb-2024
    Hi Verna, thanks so very much for this caring review and the six stars to honor it. It means a lot to me.

    Children are truly my weak spot, so to see one of them suffer is heart wrenching. I appreciate the kind and compassionate comments for this story. It felt right and I hope that it helps to keep the awareness going.
    Thanks again, my lovely friend. Love, Debi
Comment from Gypsy Blue Rose
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Depression is a chemical imbalance so it can come up without any reason at all. Of course some situations may make it worse.

Your brother, John, was very brave and saved Jeremy's life. I would be proud of him too.

Thank you for adding the 988 crises line number.

Well done

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason" -- Novalis

 Comment Written 29-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 29-Feb-2024
    Hi Gypsy, I just want to let you know that my story is completely fictional. When I saw that some didn't notice the fiction setting, I added in author's notes. Thankfully it has not happened to us.

    Children are truly my weak spot, so to see one of them suffer is heart wrenching. I appreciate the kind and compassionate comments for this story. It felt right and I hope that it helps to keep the awareness going.
    Thanks again, my lovely friend. Love, Debi
Comment from Pam Lonsdale
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I began reading this as non-fiction before checking, wondering how you could have a brother who was 15 years old, lol!

You say "tears stream down my brother's eyes"; I would suggest "from my brother's eyes" or "down my brother's face".

Debi, kids are under so much pressure these days, and when I see them in public with their parents, I am appalled at the behavior of the parents. No one engages with their kids anymore - parents are on cell phones while out for dinner with their families, at the beach, and often at the bus stop they're scrolling while their young ones stand alone waiting for the bus. It makes me sick! Cell phones are killing us.

I enjoyed seeing you stray from your side of the opening page to write this dramatic piece of fiction. Well done, sis! Now get back over there on your side, lol!

I'm wondering how many people reviewed this and asked how your brother is doing? You'll have to let me know.


 Comment Written 29-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 29-Feb-2024
    BUSTED!! And by my own twin at that. Hahaha! I always read the reviews as soon as they come in, even tho I could not answer at the time, I appreciate your suggestion. Great catch! I did make the change. So thank you very much for that.

    Children are truly my weak spot, so to see one of them suffer is heart wrenching. I appreciate the kind and compassionate comments for this story. It felt right and I hope that it helps to keep the awareness going.

    Love your comment about getting back to my own side! Now you just paid me the nicest compliment ever. Thank you very much for that, sis!!

    Thanks again, my lovely twin. Love, Debi
reply by Pam Lonsdale on 01-Mar-2024
    Have a great weekend, sweetie:-)
Comment from Rosemary Everson1
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

There are several lessons to be heard within your story. Weapons need to be locked up and the person in question needs a background check. There are too many deaths from uncontrolled weapons.

 Comment Written 29-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 29-Feb-2024
    Thanks so vey much for the awesome review, Rosemary!
    I agree with you about weapons. Here in rural MN, like I am sure it is in Wisconsin, our kids are taught the respect for guns at a very young age.
    Guns are used to keep kids out of trouble instead, by learning how to hunt and fish. It is too bad that it is not that way everywhere.

    Children are truly my weak spot, so to see one of them suffer is heart wrenching. I appreciate the kind and compassionate comments for this story. It felt right and I hope that it helps to keep the awareness going.
    Thanks again, my lovely friend. Love, Debi
Comment from Ric Myworld
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yes, suicide has become so common among young people and even those very young. I don't know the answers on how to stop it and it doesn't seem anyone else does. But we can only hope the rash of foolish deaths subsides. Thanks for sharing. Wish I had a six to reward your piece properly.

I just want to apologize for my careless mistake, and thank you for bringing it to my attention. Now I'm wondering how many times this has happened and someone hasn't pointed it out so that I could change it. If I can't give someone at least a five, then I don't review them at all. The only reason this piece didn't get a six is, I didn't have one to give. I'm so sorry for the blunder!

 Comment Written 29-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 29-Feb-2024
    Ric, thank you so very much for the kind words. Do you want here a freaky story about this?

    I always pray and ask God to lead me in His direction. And God usually lets me have a little fun if I want it. However, my plan was that this was not supposed to be the suicide piece. At least I had planned that for another time.

    This was to poke a little fun at the guy who calls me his older sister because we feel like brother and sis, but also because I am two months older than him. I told him someday I would write a funny piece about him. And it started out to go in that direction when I wrote the first two paragraphs.

    You know him as John, jmdg54. Anyway, God had other plans for this as he wanted me to write for the suicide piece, so away I went. I did not tell John about this and Yes, I kept him in the story, along with the first two paragraphs for the initial story.

    However, when John reviewed this he had some sad news as a very good friend of his, whose 21 year old son committed suicide in the last week. And the son was best friends with his son.

    I wrote back to tell John that he was the John in the story. Since I do not believe in coincidences, I believe this was why God didn't' allow me to go my way, instead on behalf of John's friend.

    So thank you again for your very kind words. I appreciate a virtual six as much as the real one. But I am assuming then that maybe your four star rating means perhaps a slip of the finger? LOL...

    Thanks either way, my dear friend. Love Debi
reply by the author on 29-Feb-2024
    And if the rating was a mistake, I appreciate it very much if you could change it. Thanks Ric!
reply by Ric Myworld on 29-Feb-2024
    I managed to change that four to a five, which it was supposed to be anyway. Let me know if it isn't changed. It's not the slip of my finger giving you a four that upsets me the most. It's that one four eliminates a six, which would have erased two for you. The one I wanted to give you, and the one offset by my mistake. I'm just so glad you brought it to my attention, and I could get it changed.
reply by the author on 29-Feb-2024
    I appreciate that a lot, Ric.
    That is big. You are every bit as sweet as my best friend here, Karenina says you are.
    Thank you so very much!
reply by Ric Myworld on 29-Feb-2024
    Well, thanks for the kind words. I like to think I'm an okay person. Karenina is a sweetheart, and you seem to be too. :-)
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

WOW! What a story! Virtual six! Thanks for sharing and so glad that John had just the right words for Jeremy. Without his understanding, there would have been a horrible tragedy. You're right that there's a ride in suicide and I can send you a prayer sheet for our college kids as you have some grandkids that age. Thanks for sharing this!!

 Comment Written 29-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 29-Feb-2024
    Hi Helen, thank you so very much for the kind words. Do you want here a freaky story about this?

    I always pray and ask God to lead me in His direction. And God usually lets me have a little fun if I want it. However, my plan was that this was not supposed to be the suicide piece. At least I had planned that for another time.

    This was to poke a little fun at the guy who calls me his older sister because we feel like brother and sis, but also because I am two months older than him. I told him someday I would write a funny piece about him. And it started out to go in that direction when I wrote the first two paragraphs.

    You know him as John, jmdg54. Anyway, God had other plans for this as he wanted me to write for the suicide piece, so away I went. I did not tell John about this and Yes, I kept him in the story, along with the first two paragraphs for the initial story.

    However, when John reviewed this he had some sad news as a very good friend of his, whose 21 year old son committed suicide in the last week. And the son was best friends with his son.

    I wrote back to tell John that he was the John in the story. Since I do not believe in coincidences, I believe this was why God didn't' allow me to go my way, instead on behalf of John's friend.

    And yes, I would love the list and thank you for the virtual six. It means as much to me.
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Teen suicide in on the rise. Thank you for sharing this with us. It is a very serious subject and you handled it with all the grace you always do. Wonderful job of writing.

 Comment Written 29-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 29-Feb-2024
    Hello my sweet, Barb. As always I appreciate your kind words.
    I somehow expected it to come with a list of corrections when I saw the rating. Perhaps a slip of the finger? As I know you well enough that you would tell me otherwise. Thanks, my dear friend.
reply by barbara.wilkey on 29-Feb-2024
    Yes, a slip of the finger. I tend to do that often. I can't imagine giving you anything lower than 5 stars. Everything you write deserves more, but I always run out. I have made correction.
reply by the author on 29-Feb-2024
    Thank you, Hon! I would never dispute a four if it came with some explanation.
    And I know you better than that. I appreciate you and your always kind reviews and friendship.
reply by barbara.wilkey on 29-Feb-2024
    Thank you for being kind.