Reviews from

Mumba the Stray

A sonnet

39 total reviews 
Comment from Karen Cherry Threadgill
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Animals are our furry children. We miss them every bit as much. They can illicit every single emotion from us. If you are single when you meet the bond is a million times stronger. So sorry for your loss. Karen

 Comment Written 20-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 20-Nov-2023
    Thank you so much, Karen! I appreciate your kind review and thoughts. It was a long time ago but my husband still blames his ex wife (now deceased) who was sharing custody at the time Mumba got run over! Sometimes, forgiveness is never an option! Take care Debbie
reply by Karen Cherry Threadgill on 21-Nov-2023
    I thought you said he got Mumba after the divorce?
reply by the author on 21-Nov-2023
    They shared custody after their separation. His estranged wife was living apart and always nagged him to look after the dog for a few days.
reply by Karen Cherry Threadgill on 21-Nov-2023
    Okie dokie then. Have a good week. I wrote a sci-fi. :-)
Comment from Sally Law
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I understand this unique bond between humans and dogs. On many days, I'm more like a dog.

Beautifully penned and illustrated poem of the magnificent Mumba. Sending you my best today as always,
Sal XOs

 Comment Written 20-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 20-Nov-2023
    Thank you so much, Sal! Your kind review and thoughts are, as ever, greatly appreciated. Take care Debbie xos
Comment from gramalot8
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

There is nothing better yo heal a broken soul than the love you can receive from our fur babies. No one is as loyal ad they are.
I'm sorry that his earthly life had to so tragically. But it's a comfort to know he has crossed that rainbow bridge to the other side, awaiting his reunion with your husband again.
Thanks for sharing his story with us.

 Comment Written 20-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 20-Nov-2023
    Thank you so much for your very kind review and thoughts, all greatly appreciated! Take care Debbie
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yes, we have owned five dogs over the years, and all are special in their ow way, they have an integral part in our lives, along with 13 cats, but one stands out among them, one who bounded into our lives as a pup, a stray, found abandoned in a park, too young to be away from his mother, he wheedled his wonderful way into our hearts, beautifully written, blessings Roy

 Comment Written 20-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 20-Nov-2023
    Thank you so much, Roy! I really appreciate your kindness and support. Take care Debbie
reply by royowen on 20-Nov-2023
    Most welcome
Comment from Jim Wile
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a sweet poem about a dog who seemed to mean the world to your husband. It sounds like he came at a time when your husband needed him the most, but sadly parted before his time. At least there were 12 good years with him. Sounds like he was a wonderful companion and the perfect antidote to your husband's doldrums.

I loved the 2nd person POV of this poem. It worked very well here. - Jim

 Comment Written 20-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 20-Nov-2023
    Thank you so much, Jim! I'm delighted by your last comment in particular. That means a lot from a story-teller like you. Take care Debbie
reply by Jim Wile on 20-Nov-2023
    Debbie, if you'd care to send me your mailing address, I have a little something I'd like to send you a little closer to Christmas time. - Jim
Comment from Navada
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a stunningly beautiful tribute to a loved and lost friend. Pets are so very important in our lives and their loss is deeply felt. I am experiencing this at the moment and the absence of my beautiful smoochy cat Sally makes my home feel like just a house. Your masterful use of metre and rhyme really adds to the impact of this lovely sonnet. Thank you for sharing this,

 Comment Written 20-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 20-Nov-2023
    Thank you so much for this! I'm so grateful for all your kindness and support. Take care Debbie
Comment from Wendyanne
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What very sad story told in poetic style. After my previous dog died it was decided we would not get another one but I became so depressed!! I saw someone on FB who had a Greek rescue dog that was looking for a good home so we took her in. I named her Sunshine as that is what she has brought into my life. Mumba obviously brought sunshine into your husband's life at a time when he needed it. Thanks for sharing this poetic tale.

 Comment Written 20-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 20-Nov-2023
    Thank you so much for this, Wendyanne! Your kindness and support, as ever, are greatly valued. Take care Debbie
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you for sharing Mumba with us. God has a habit of giving us what we need when we need it. I'm sure Mumba coming into your husband's life was that gift. I enjoyed reading.

 Comment Written 20-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 20-Nov-2023
    Thank you so much, Barbara! Your kindness and support are greatly appreciated and I'm delighted you enjoyed. Take care Debbie
Comment from nomi338
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Our loving heavenly father often gives to us just the thing we need in order for us to heal. Sadly, we are not always wise enough to recognize the gift when it arrives. Even more tragically, we realize often too late that it was a divine, heavenly sent gift. Remorse does not always ease the pain. Your thoughtful post does not align with the regret portion of my response, which is a good thing in you and your husband's case.

 Comment Written 20-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 20-Nov-2023
    Thank you so much, Nomi, for your lovely review and, as ever, kind and thoughtful words, all greatly valued. Take care Debbie
Comment from karenina
This work has reached the exceptional level

Such a fine sonnet, Debbie. Rhyme and meter seem flawless. Also flawless, in my mind, was God's plan to align Mumbai's soul with your husband's at a time he had endured an emotional loss.

Your beautiful encounter tells us Mumba, indeed, made a difference in your husband's life...and continues to.

He was a beautiful dog! God sends miracles...

Mumba is one!


 Comment Written 20-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 20-Nov-2023
    Thank you so much, Karenina! Your wonderful review and thoughts are greatly valued and an absolute delight to read. Mumba was, particularly, special. I've not known another dog like him. Thanks again Debbie x
reply by karenina on 20-Nov-2023
    Even dogs have old you, I have felt that special something!