What if I were God?
How would things be different if I were God?31 total reviews
Comment from Sally Law
Virtual six for this splendid commentary, my friend. I think about this all the time. I must be honest and say Im overwhelmed with my own circumstances at times. I think that's one of the many reasons God has brought me to FanStory, to encourage and to be encouraged. No of us are alone in our suffering and as you said, God is with us, of we allow Him to be. He's a gentleman and likes to be asked.
A favorite verse of mine. Psalms 3:2: I cried to the Lord with my voice, and He heard me out of his holy hill.
Thank you for sharing. Feel free to contact me by private FS mail for prayer. I would be happy to pray with you.
Sending you my best today as always.
Sal :))
reply by the author on 03-Oct-2023
Virtual six for this splendid commentary, my friend. I think about this all the time. I must be honest and say Im overwhelmed with my own circumstances at times. I think that's one of the many reasons God has brought me to FanStory, to encourage and to be encouraged. No of us are alone in our suffering and as you said, God is with us, of we allow Him to be. He's a gentleman and likes to be asked.
A favorite verse of mine. Psalms 3:2: I cried to the Lord with my voice, and He heard me out of his holy hill.
Thank you for sharing. Feel free to contact me by private FS mail for prayer. I would be happy to pray with you.
Sending you my best today as always.
Sal :))
Comment Written 03-Oct-2023
reply by the author on 03-Oct-2023
Hello Sally,
I appreciate the wonderful review and comments. I will keep in mind the offer to contact you for prayer. I agree that Fan Story has been a great place to get in contact with others of like mind and as we get to know each other better we are in a position to support each other's needs.
Have a blessed day gal.
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Life is a challenge from the day we are born Tom, but it is no different for every living creature, to survive we join the fight and hope that our journey is fruitful. Some are born in countries were they are persecuted and some are born to poverty, some are born to power and wealth and still die at another's hand, look at JFK. We hope to choose a path in life that gives us a pleasant journey but we will all have to combat some kind of sorrow in life. There are no guarantees.
I enjoyed your sentiments here Tom as you have a good heart and I think everyone is with you when it comes to helping others who are suffering.
A fine post, love Dolly x x x
reply by the author on 03-Oct-2023
Life is a challenge from the day we are born Tom, but it is no different for every living creature, to survive we join the fight and hope that our journey is fruitful. Some are born in countries were they are persecuted and some are born to poverty, some are born to power and wealth and still die at another's hand, look at JFK. We hope to choose a path in life that gives us a pleasant journey but we will all have to combat some kind of sorrow in life. There are no guarantees.
I enjoyed your sentiments here Tom as you have a good heart and I think everyone is with you when it comes to helping others who are suffering.
A fine post, love Dolly x x x
Comment Written 03-Oct-2023
reply by the author on 03-Oct-2023
Hello Dolly,
thanks so much for the thoughtful and heartfelt comments. I suppose that part of being human is that we are going to have to deal with unpleasant situations. I think that we all have a responsibility to help others when we can, as the Lord directs, but we don't have the power to change all the perceived wrongs in the world. I appreciate you gal.
Have a blessed day.
Comment from Pam Lonsdale
Tom, I gave up trying to understand "why" a long, long time ago. I think the best thing any of us can do is help those in our community; if we all helped locally, I know it would make a difference globally.
We have created a lot of suffering through our own greed, and praying isn't going to make the damage we've brought on ourselves go away. God gave us free will, and we squandered it.
Prayer doesn't hurt, and I feel it gives comfort to those who suffer. But the fixes needed go way beyond prayer. I can almost hear God saying, just as my mother would have said to me, "You made this mess, now clean it up." Maybe we should pray that we can clean up our messes.
I can't speak for everyone who suffers an illness, but I can speak to what is going on with my own husband. Just when we thought we were out of the woods, we were told we have to continue to fight hard with medication at least for two more years. I've noticed a change in my husband since his diagnosis a year ago. He was always a good guy, but he's become more thoughtful, more giving, and more understanding of those around him. And more determined. In a strange way, he has been given these gifts through his cancer.
Anyway, I've rambled enough. There are few answers to our many questions:-)
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
reply by the author on 03-Oct-2023
Tom, I gave up trying to understand "why" a long, long time ago. I think the best thing any of us can do is help those in our community; if we all helped locally, I know it would make a difference globally.
We have created a lot of suffering through our own greed, and praying isn't going to make the damage we've brought on ourselves go away. God gave us free will, and we squandered it.
Prayer doesn't hurt, and I feel it gives comfort to those who suffer. But the fixes needed go way beyond prayer. I can almost hear God saying, just as my mother would have said to me, "You made this mess, now clean it up." Maybe we should pray that we can clean up our messes.
I can't speak for everyone who suffers an illness, but I can speak to what is going on with my own husband. Just when we thought we were out of the woods, we were told we have to continue to fight hard with medication at least for two more years. I've noticed a change in my husband since his diagnosis a year ago. He was always a good guy, but he's become more thoughtful, more giving, and more understanding of those around him. And more determined. In a strange way, he has been given these gifts through his cancer.
Anyway, I've rambled enough. There are few answers to our many questions:-)
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Comment Written 03-Oct-2023
reply by the author on 03-Oct-2023
Hello Pam,
thanks so much for your thoughtful comments. I agree that we all have free will, and some will use it for their own selfish purposes. I believe that prayer can change situations and attitudes, but I think you're also correct that along with prayer, there needs to be action. Like the apostle James said, "faith without works is dead."
I'm sorry to hear that you and your husband are still dealing with the medical issue, but it's refreshing to hear that he is benefitting as well because of it. Thanks so much for sharing this. Please extend my good wishes to him.
Have a blessed day gal.
Comment from Tom Horonzy
I am not schooled to judge or criticize what anyone writes but I will comment on your story. It is wonderful? The who and why and when God decides to aid or not is mysterious, and yet we have been, are and can always be a mini-god working in His behalf to help another. Well said. TB
reply by the author on 03-Oct-2023
I am not schooled to judge or criticize what anyone writes but I will comment on your story. It is wonderful? The who and why and when God decides to aid or not is mysterious, and yet we have been, are and can always be a mini-god working in His behalf to help another. Well said. TB
Comment Written 03-Oct-2023
reply by the author on 03-Oct-2023
Hello Tom,
thanks so much for the outstanding review and comments. I'm sure that we don't have a thorough understanding of why God does what He does, but I believe that everything He does is for our good. He can take a lousy situation and turn it into a blessing. An example is what Pam Lonsdale has written about her husband in the comments for this post. It would be nice if we were all at the top of our game all the time, but sometimes we need a reminder or a push in the right direction.
Have a blessed day.
Comment from karenina
You've struck a familiar chord. Of course, most of us struggle with how a loving God could allow such suffering... Either we're dealing with health issues, or financial woes, or we know someone we love who is.
I am a simple woman. Like you, I won't pretend to know the reasons why. I do believe there will come a time when it will all be revealed to us.
Meanwhile, as I recently said to a friend of mine, I just want to be a good pebble splashed into life's pond. The kind that sends ripples of kindness clear to shore and perhaps makes differences I will never comprehend.
A prayer. A smile. Simple gestures of faith that muliptly...
I end every morning prayer with "What can I do for YOU today, God?"
Somehow there is always an answer!
I love this...
reply by the author on 03-Oct-2023
You've struck a familiar chord. Of course, most of us struggle with how a loving God could allow such suffering... Either we're dealing with health issues, or financial woes, or we know someone we love who is.
I am a simple woman. Like you, I won't pretend to know the reasons why. I do believe there will come a time when it will all be revealed to us.
Meanwhile, as I recently said to a friend of mine, I just want to be a good pebble splashed into life's pond. The kind that sends ripples of kindness clear to shore and perhaps makes differences I will never comprehend.
A prayer. A smile. Simple gestures of faith that muliptly...
I end every morning prayer with "What can I do for YOU today, God?"
Somehow there is always an answer!
I love this...
Comment Written 03-Oct-2023
reply by the author on 03-Oct-2023
Hello Karenina.
thanks so much for the wonderful review. I love the way you end your prayers. I think I may have to adopt that one myself. There is no shortage of needs in this world, we just need to open our eyes and hearts and act when God directs us.
Have a blessed evening.
You as well Tom! Great to read your post!
Comment from lyenochka
Thank you so much for caring. When I read your post, I knew most of the people who are suffering. Thank you for reminding us to pray for them.
I appreciate your reflection on human suffering and the reference to Job. I always remember that it's not just us and God but there is an evil power and the effects of the Fall that plagues us. God can even use the suffering of some to move the compassion of others and both are blessed. But ultimately, the suffering was never God's plan before the Fall.
reply by the author on 03-Oct-2023
Thank you so much for caring. When I read your post, I knew most of the people who are suffering. Thank you for reminding us to pray for them.
I appreciate your reflection on human suffering and the reference to Job. I always remember that it's not just us and God but there is an evil power and the effects of the Fall that plagues us. God can even use the suffering of some to move the compassion of others and both are blessed. But ultimately, the suffering was never God's plan before the Fall.
Comment Written 03-Oct-2023
reply by the author on 03-Oct-2023
Hello Helen,
thanks so much for the spot on review and comments. You're absolutely right when you say this was never God's plan, to have mankind suffer as we do. As you mentioned, we're given opportunities to help those in need and we can all receive a blessing and put the enemy on the run. Thanks so much gal.
Have a blessed evening.
Comment from damommy
Prayer is the best you can do for any and all. Never underestimate the power of prayer. I know for a fact that prayer can do. I don't have answers of why we lose loved ones before their time or suffer from illnesses, but I do know God has a reason for it all.
reply by the author on 03-Oct-2023
Prayer is the best you can do for any and all. Never underestimate the power of prayer. I know for a fact that prayer can do. I don't have answers of why we lose loved ones before their time or suffer from illnesses, but I do know God has a reason for it all.
Comment Written 03-Oct-2023
reply by the author on 03-Oct-2023
Hello Yvonne,
thanks so much for the generous review and wonderful comments. God doesn't owe us an explanation, and as we see with Job, He didn't give one, but instead pointed out His power and love and wisdom. Have a blessed day my friend.
Comment from Wendy G
A very wise, insightful and compassionate post. You are right at every step, and especially that our prayers are very effective. Even just knowing that we are supported and prayed for during difficult times is helpful.
Well written and supportive article. Thankfully we can have peace, knowing that God is in control.
reply by the author on 03-Oct-2023
A very wise, insightful and compassionate post. You are right at every step, and especially that our prayers are very effective. Even just knowing that we are supported and prayed for during difficult times is helpful.
Well written and supportive article. Thankfully we can have peace, knowing that God is in control.
Comment Written 03-Oct-2023
reply by the author on 03-Oct-2023
Hello Wendy,
isn't it great that God is in control and we aren't? His wisdom and love have no equal, either in heaven or earth. It's a mystery why the good amongst us suffer so sometimes, but somehow He can turn it all to good. Thanks for the great review gal.
Have a blessed day.
Comment from Jay Squires
You brought everything to the right perspective with this small essay, and that is no small task. We are all left with the unanswered questions. And perhaps that's the way it should be. This is a simple but solid piece of writing, Tom.
reply by the author on 03-Oct-2023
You brought everything to the right perspective with this small essay, and that is no small task. We are all left with the unanswered questions. And perhaps that's the way it should be. This is a simple but solid piece of writing, Tom.
Comment Written 03-Oct-2023
reply by the author on 03-Oct-2023
Hello Jay,
I'm honored by your exceptional review and kind comments. I sometimes look at the troubles that others have and I'm grateful that I haven't suffered the same thing, but nonetheless, no one escapes unharmed from this life. Knowing the frailty of our fellow human beings, hopefully we can be compassionate.
Have a blessed day.
Comment from Carol Hillebrenner
Some people seem to go through life with no difficulties, no illnesses, no sorrow, but that isn't real. I have a friend who decided she couldn't be a writer because nothing unusual had ever happened to her, yet her face was horribly scarred. She thought her life was perfect, which is not a bad attitude to have. I feel God has blessed me with a wonderful life, but there have been many trials. Living in a country at war would be horrible, but some can celebrate that they have lost no one near to them. Those who are starving must find it hardest to find the gold in the dross. It has never occurred to me to blame God for anything bad. Bad things just happen, that's life.
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reply by the author on 03-Oct-2023
Some people seem to go through life with no difficulties, no illnesses, no sorrow, but that isn't real. I have a friend who decided she couldn't be a writer because nothing unusual had ever happened to her, yet her face was horribly scarred. She thought her life was perfect, which is not a bad attitude to have. I feel God has blessed me with a wonderful life, but there have been many trials. Living in a country at war would be horrible, but some can celebrate that they have lost no one near to them. Those who are starving must find it hardest to find the gold in the dross. It has never occurred to me to blame God for anything bad. Bad things just happen, that's life.
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Comment Written 02-Oct-2023
reply by the author on 03-Oct-2023
Hello Carol,
thanks for your thoughtful review. It sounds like you have a good attitude towards life. Some of what happens to us is the result of poor choices, some we have no control over. I think that the Lord would have us choose compassion for those in need, and act in whatever way we can help, be it a smile, a kind word, or a gift of some kind. Have a blessed day gal.