Reviews from

The Christmas Tree

A tale of the old West

42 total reviews 
Comment from Mary Vigasin
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I enjoyed reading. I captured my attention from beginning to end. It is clever, imaginative, and well-written.
I knew only of the name Kit Carson, your story told me so much about the man.
Best wishes,

 Comment Written 10-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 10-Dec-2023
    Mary, thank you for the excellent review. Terry.
Comment from Annmuma
This work has reached the exceptional level

Creative, just enough humor and a delight to read. You may become THE Christmas Story author. This is another beginning to a publishable and saleable book. A little older audience -- maybe preteen. I enjoyed the read very much. ann

 Comment Written 10-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 10-Dec-2023
    Ann, thank you for the six stars and the fabulous review. I don't think this turns into a book, but maybe goes in a collection of short stories. Terry.
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you for sharing Holly and Kit Carson with us. I enjoyed reading. You did a creative job telling this story. It's amazing what cats can do. They are interesting creatures. LOL

 Comment Written 10-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 10-Dec-2023
    Barbara, thank you very much. Terry.
Comment from nomi338
This work has reached the exceptional level

You tell one heck of a story. would buy this story in an animated version. It was really good and engaging. If you can hold my attention the way your story did, you have truly done something wonderful. Congratulations.

 Comment Written 10-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 10-Dec-2023
    Nomi, thank you for the wonderful review, and the six stars. I am pleased that you enjoyed the story. Terry.
Comment from Jacob1395
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I thought this was a really engaging read and I loved the dialogue. It was interesting finding out about Kit, who I have never heard of before, and I thought you did a brilliant job of bringing this story to life. A well written piece. I enjoyed reading it.

 Comment Written 10-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 10-Dec-2023
    Jacob, thank you for your fine review! Terry.
Comment from davisr (Rhonda)
This work has reached the exceptional level

Best Christmas tail ever!

I love the interplay between holly and Cat Daddy, which, by the way, is a great moniker... hint, hint.

It's an interesting story and well written. I was engaged from start to finish!

An amazing love story and one of redemption. Singing Grass's only requirement, to give up vengeance and hate, and he did it!

Thanks for sharing,

 Comment Written 10-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 10-Dec-2023
    Rhonda, thank you the six stars! I was Cat Daddy for 40 years to seven cats! LOL. I am delighted you enjoyed the story. Terry.
reply by davisr (Rhonda) on 10-Dec-2023
    I should have seen it in your eyes! Cat, and Dog Daddies are special!
reply by the author on 10-Dec-2023
Comment from Douglas Goff
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is an interesting fun read. Not to mention that you managed to weave a cat into a Kit Carson story.

Talent, my friend. Talent.
Enjoyed this.

I found out I was 12.5% Cherokee last month so have been research some Native histories. Many tribes only defended them selves. As in your story. I found that interesting as most American tales focus on the violent raiding tribes.

Good read. Another well-earned six.

 Comment Written 10-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 10-Dec-2023
    Douglas, thank you for the six-star rating and your kind review. So, you are part Cherokee. Probably the most famous Cherokee artist is a fellow named Rance Hood. I have a couple of his artworks and met him several years ago.

    I drove to a small town north of Dallas and just south of Olkahoma. In a small house built in the 1950's is where he storied his artwork. Probably several million dollars of art in that house. He was an interesting fellow. Terry.
reply by the author on 10-Dec-2023
    Douglas, thank you for the kind review and the six stars! Terry.
reply by Douglas Goff on 10-Dec-2023
    Thank you, Terry. I shall research him. D
Comment from Mrs. KT
This work has reached the exceptional level

Good morning, Terry!
Six stars for your creativity, connectivity, and possessing Spode Christmas dishes = my favorite, and a huge part of our Christmas tradition.
What I enjoy about your story is that while it is grounded in non-fiction = Kit Carson, it is also a bit "out there" in terms of Holly the cat, her being able to speak, etc. But that is also the charm of your story. We all need to be a bit "out there" as Christmas approaches, and yet you manage to tie in the story of Christ's birth and the importance of revering all traditions.

Much enjoyed.
Now... for a cup of coffee in my Spode Christmas cup!

Thank you for sharing!
Best wishes,

 Comment Written 10-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 10-Dec-2023
    Diane, thank you for the six stars. Zoe had a large collection of Spode. She had a place setting for 12, and almost every serving piece imaginable. I gave it to her niece who had ten kids. I am guessing it has been broken up by now.

    This story will be in our Storytellers collection. Thank you. Terry.
reply by Mrs. KT on 10-Dec-2023
    Wonderful, Terry!
    My mother also owned 12 place settings, and she divided them up among her three daughters. I've added to my collection through the years, or rather, "Santa" has. And when our first two grandsons were born, I was able to find non-breakable sets of a cup and dish for Bowdie and Porter; will have to add one for Baby Jude!

    Still smiling...
Comment from John Ciarmello
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a super cool story, Terry!

It had a lot of imagination, which is what I look forward to when I read your work.

Cognac in a crystal goblet in front of a fire at Christmastime is the perfect calm before the storm. I loved it! Best, JohnC

 Comment Written 10-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 10-Dec-2023
    John, thank you, I am glad you enjoyed the story.
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
This work has reached the exceptional level

That was such a lovely Christmas story, Terry. Why on earth is it not in the Christmas Story contest? It's fabulous!
I learned a lot as well, it was amazing that Kit was born on Christmas Eve. The history of the Arapahos, was well told by Holly, that you had to check the dates Holly gave you showed just how clever she is! LOL!! Mind you, having been owned by two feral cats, (Yes, the cat owned us) I know just how clever they can be! This story was precious, and I loved it. Well done! :)) Sandra xx

 Comment Written 10-Dec-2023

reply by the author on 10-Dec-2023
    Sandra, thank you for the six stars. I do know about being owned by cats. I was Cat Daddy to seven over a 40 year time frame. Sadly, none of them could speak English. Terry.
reply by Sandra Stoner-Mitchell on 10-Dec-2023
    LOL! Neither could mine, but cats do have an uncanny way of making their wishes known. And try disobeying! xx