Thank You for Being a Friend
The author has placed a Mush Warning on this post!47 total reviews
Comment from Mary Vigasin
You ended this story with a beautiful tribute, and thank you to Jan.
A wonderful story of friendships. Being the person you are, they become friends because they see you as being warm, caring, and loving. How can anyone here or at home resist such a friendship?
I have only had two friends, both terribly flawed ladies. Both were so insecure they harmed those around them. Both were jealous of each other being my friend. Both are gone now.
So I have FS for friends.
reply by the author on 18-Aug-2023
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You ended this story with a beautiful tribute, and thank you to Jan.
A wonderful story of friendships. Being the person you are, they become friends because they see you as being warm, caring, and loving. How can anyone here or at home resist such a friendship?
I have only had two friends, both terribly flawed ladies. Both were so insecure they harmed those around them. Both were jealous of each other being my friend. Both are gone now.
So I have FS for friends.
Comment Written 17-Aug-2023
reply by the author on 18-Aug-2023
Carol, l'm so thankful for your friendship and also others that are so kind and caring and that there is a place like FS where we are a part of that
Mary, I apologize that I accidentally put Carols thank you on yours. I am responding in the part where it shows view ratings after the piece. And I just noticed that Carols is not done yet and couldn't figure out why, until I looked and saw it is in your place. But was going to do yours next. Thank you and had planned to say on yours that I am so sorry that happened to your other friends. I'm glad we are good here. friends
Comment from Iza Deleanu
Hi Debi, you are right Jan was one of a kind. She was always there to encourage you and never got tired of reading and reviewing our works. Thank you for reminding us what true friendship is.
reply by the author on 19-Aug-2023
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Hi Debi, you are right Jan was one of a kind. She was always there to encourage you and never got tired of reading and reviewing our works. Thank you for reminding us what true friendship is.
Comment Written 17-Aug-2023
reply by the author on 19-Aug-2023
Hi Iza, Thank you for the lovely comments for my friend story. I count you as one of my very dear ones. Thank you for that.
Comment from Paul Manton
Oh what a lovely letter to us all from a genuine FS sweetheart!
You know, I looked at that photo at the beginning, trying to work out which one was you for three minutes! Then the penny dropped.
Well, I don't know if I am in there, but I will pretend I am, since some of those expressions of love are exactly what I feel for you - yes, and pride too, to have known such a kind, selfless lady - with a wicked sense of humor!
God bless you, Debi. Fan story is ten times a better place with you in it.
Lots of love from Paul xxx
reply by the author on 18-Aug-2023
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Oh what a lovely letter to us all from a genuine FS sweetheart!
You know, I looked at that photo at the beginning, trying to work out which one was you for three minutes! Then the penny dropped.
Well, I don't know if I am in there, but I will pretend I am, since some of those expressions of love are exactly what I feel for you - yes, and pride too, to have known such a kind, selfless lady - with a wicked sense of humor!
God bless you, Debi. Fan story is ten times a better place with you in it.
Lots of love from Paul xxx
Comment Written 17-Aug-2023
reply by the author on 18-Aug-2023
Paul, l hope you know that l'm so thankful for your friendship and also others too that are so kind and caring and that there is a place like FS where we are a part of a big second family
Thanks again, Debi.
Comment from LateBloomer
Hello my beautiful SOTU, the love shines through this story. Yes, the people of FS are wonderful. They are more than friends, they are family. Of special note:
I have many that live the same values and morals that I have. What a blessing to have friends who also are on that same journey in preparation for a life as friends thru eternity.
(These friends are spread far and wide, and they are blessing.)
I think that everyone recognized themselves, and I know that Jan is looking down and loving that this story is dedicated to her, but we all know that no matter how wonderful her heavenly glory may be, there is still a part of her that wishes she was right here. Wait a minute, she is right here with us. That's where she belongs. Sigh.
Beautiful writing. When the time comes that I may want to post a YouTube, you will have big shoes to fill. You will have to help me. Jan wanted to help me so many times, but I had no desire at the time. However, never is a long time. So get those big empty shoes ready 'cause you're gonna have to fill 'em one day. Xo. Your SOTU. M
reply by the author on 18-Aug-2023
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Hello my beautiful SOTU, the love shines through this story. Yes, the people of FS are wonderful. They are more than friends, they are family. Of special note:
I have many that live the same values and morals that I have. What a blessing to have friends who also are on that same journey in preparation for a life as friends thru eternity.
(These friends are spread far and wide, and they are blessing.)
I think that everyone recognized themselves, and I know that Jan is looking down and loving that this story is dedicated to her, but we all know that no matter how wonderful her heavenly glory may be, there is still a part of her that wishes she was right here. Wait a minute, she is right here with us. That's where she belongs. Sigh.
Beautiful writing. When the time comes that I may want to post a YouTube, you will have big shoes to fill. You will have to help me. Jan wanted to help me so many times, but I had no desire at the time. However, never is a long time. So get those big empty shoes ready 'cause you're gonna have to fill 'em one day. Xo. Your SOTU. M
Comment Written 17-Aug-2023
reply by the author on 18-Aug-2023
Hello sweet sotu, l appreciate your very sweet review and comments as it seems like just yesterday when we realized that much of our childhood was alike, our dads and then later our weather-watching husbands who are also the same age, like you and me. The list goes on and on. Thanks again for it all!
You should hear Katherine do the "Susher" with me. Lol. It's become our little thing because she has a susher in her room that she, herself, puts on for her naps and bedtime, along with her music box, but when we do the "susher," I laugh and think of you.
Susher- OMGosh that is hilarious! I just knew I loved that boss baby for a reason,
Comment from CD Richards
I enjoyed reading about the friendships you have made here, Debi, and how much they mean to you. It seems like an obvious thing, but I hadn't really thought until fairly recently about the fact that as we get older, we lose so many of our friends, as well as our idols and those we have admired. It seems to be almost a daily occurrence, and it makes me realise how important these relationships and memories are.
You mention Jan, she was a friend to almost everyone it was possible to befriend, and her passing brought a huge collective sadness to FanStory.
Your "mush" will be much appreciated, I am sure. Thanks for sharing, well done, and kudos for the decision to withhold it from the contest.
reply by the author on 22-Aug-2023
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I enjoyed reading about the friendships you have made here, Debi, and how much they mean to you. It seems like an obvious thing, but I hadn't really thought until fairly recently about the fact that as we get older, we lose so many of our friends, as well as our idols and those we have admired. It seems to be almost a daily occurrence, and it makes me realise how important these relationships and memories are.
You mention Jan, she was a friend to almost everyone it was possible to befriend, and her passing brought a huge collective sadness to FanStory.
Your "mush" will be much appreciated, I am sure. Thanks for sharing, well done, and kudos for the decision to withhold it from the contest.
Comment Written 17-Aug-2023
reply by the author on 22-Aug-2023
Hi Craig, I really appreciate your kind review and words. You are right, as we get older, we lose more and more. Because I have lost so many - even young, two brothers in their 40's, and my mother in her 50s, which is actually 28 yrs ago today, I realize the importance to tell people how you feel.
Thanks again, my awesome friend!
Comment from Jay Squires
It is you, dear Debi, who are the true friend to so many on Fanstory. Haha, I got a kick out of the "mush warning" at the beginning of your post. Yet there was not a sentimental syllable in it. I'm afraid I didn't know Jan very well since I'm pretty heavily weighted on the prose side of my reading. But she must have been a remarkable woman. I wish this had been entered in the contest. It would have been a favorite of the judges, I'm sure.
Again, you rock, my dear!
reply by the author on 17-Aug-2023
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It is you, dear Debi, who are the true friend to so many on Fanstory. Haha, I got a kick out of the "mush warning" at the beginning of your post. Yet there was not a sentimental syllable in it. I'm afraid I didn't know Jan very well since I'm pretty heavily weighted on the prose side of my reading. But she must have been a remarkable woman. I wish this had been entered in the contest. It would have been a favorite of the judges, I'm sure.
Again, you rock, my dear!
Comment Written 16-Aug-2023
reply by the author on 17-Aug-2023
Jay, I pray that you never say we have to stop meeting like this.
I have enjoyed your very kind reviews more than you could possibly know. Once again, I am honored by the six stars.
The last few weeks you've made me feel like a queen-ager..
Thank you so very much, my awesome friend.
Comment from jim vecchio
Thank you for your honesty. I wish you had entered, though. I have not been on this site as long as many, but I am so blessed and thankful for the writers with whom I have built friendships and who teach me so much. You inspire me always with your words and tributes. By the way, I once worked with a woman who wrote a script for "The Golden Girls". I never found out what became of it.
reply by the author on 18-Aug-2023
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Thank you for your honesty. I wish you had entered, though. I have not been on this site as long as many, but I am so blessed and thankful for the writers with whom I have built friendships and who teach me so much. You inspire me always with your words and tributes. By the way, I once worked with a woman who wrote a script for "The Golden Girls". I never found out what became of it.
Comment Written 16-Aug-2023
reply by the author on 18-Aug-2023
Jim, I'm so thankful for your friendship and others that are so kind and caring. Thankful that there is a place like FS where we are a part of that family. .
I'm thankful someone as sensitive and talented as you can correspond with me and review!
Comment from Wayne Fowler
This is a very, very nice post. So kind of you to acknowledge the value of your friendships. And you are right, it would be about impossible to do this one blind.
Best wishes.
reply by the author on 18-Aug-2023
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This is a very, very nice post. So kind of you to acknowledge the value of your friendships. And you are right, it would be about impossible to do this one blind.
Best wishes.
Comment Written 16-Aug-2023
reply by the author on 18-Aug-2023
Wayne, thanks for being one of these friends l spoke of.
Comment from LJbutterfly
I never expected to find a family when I joined this site. Everyone proved to be friendly and helpful. I wasn't even a writer when I joined. For six months I just read and never posted. When I tried my first poem, a reviewer gave me my first four star review. That same person is one of my greatest fans and supporters today. (Maybe I'll let him know eventually. haha)
I agree with you on many levels. I miss Jan, and cried when I found out she had passed. Had you entered this post in a blind contest, most of us would have known it was you. I love your descriptions of various writers who have befriended you, and YOU have been a real friend to many writer, me included. I appreciate you and your work.
reply by the author on 16-Aug-2023
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I never expected to find a family when I joined this site. Everyone proved to be friendly and helpful. I wasn't even a writer when I joined. For six months I just read and never posted. When I tried my first poem, a reviewer gave me my first four star review. That same person is one of my greatest fans and supporters today. (Maybe I'll let him know eventually. haha)
I agree with you on many levels. I miss Jan, and cried when I found out she had passed. Had you entered this post in a blind contest, most of us would have known it was you. I love your descriptions of various writers who have befriended you, and YOU have been a real friend to many writer, me included. I appreciate you and your work.
Comment Written 16-Aug-2023
reply by the author on 16-Aug-2023
Y'know Lorraine, you and a handful of others were on my mind when I wrote this. My regular reviewers who I have come to love so much, like you, Gretchen, Mary, Pam, and a few that I would miss so much if you and they were gone. I just received a letter from Regina and she is no longer here. I wrote back to ask her if she would except help with membership, as I can't imagine it here w/o her either.. But thank you for being one of the most special friends here. I always appreciate you so very much.
Loved your story too! God bless sweet friend!
Comment from aryr
I really liked the picture and fell in love with the video, Debi. It is so true that when you get a friend, hold onto them because they are truly are friends. I was amazed that you named 'Jan' as a friend because she truly was. I have fond memories of her. Blessings n Hugs!!!
reply by the author on 16-Aug-2023
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I really liked the picture and fell in love with the video, Debi. It is so true that when you get a friend, hold onto them because they are truly are friends. I was amazed that you named 'Jan' as a friend because she truly was. I have fond memories of her. Blessings n Hugs!!!
Comment Written 16-Aug-2023
reply by the author on 16-Aug-2023
Hi Ali, I couldn't do a piece on friendship without dedicating it to her. Jan and I talked on the phone often and she shared so very much with me. She had become very special and then about a week before we found out about her. I couldn't talk as I was going somewhere. I said we could the next night. But she didn't answer. I kept calling or texting all week and finally the last morning I called the police dept in her area and they said they would check on her. Yvonne had been thinking on the same lines and she was the one they reported that they found her dead. They must have thought we were the same person calling, because they never did call me back. So anyway, yes she was very special and I don't think she had any idea how much people cared for her. So very sad. ...........Thank you so much Ali for your very kind comments for my story. You are an awesome friend!
You are absolutely was indeed a very sad time. You are so very welcome, Debi.