Reviews from

Fine-Tuning Your Kindle For PC

How to Get More From the Books You Read

36 total reviews 
Comment from Tom Horonzy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It might be the best deal on-line, but where does one find the time when he is reading and critiquing a dozen submissions a day, writing his own, editing them over a second time, searching for an appropriate photi, etc., etc..

 Comment Written 26-Jul-2023

reply by the author on 26-Jul-2023
    LOL, like the meditation student said to his Master, "I don't have even have five minutes' time to meditate." And the Master returned with, "Then you need to do twenty minutes." Lord knows I'm not a Master, but all the greatest writers have said that it's as important to read good and bad and the best writing, as it is to write. Easy for me to say because I'm retired ... but we've got to keep growing.
Comment from Iza Deleanu
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Nice for sharing this with us. To tell you the truth I am not a fan of reading on any electronic device. I prefer the hard cover book:) I know I am an oldi goldie. Thank you for sharing and good luck with your writings.

 Comment Written 26-Jul-2023

reply by the author on 26-Jul-2023
    Thank you, Iza. I appreciate your stopping by and reading my post.
Comment from prettybluebirds
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I might check Kindle out, but mostly I'm an old-fashioned book reader. I love my paperbacks. I must have over 200 novels set in pre-historic times. I'm glad I kept them because nobody writes pre-historic novels now. I have the complete set of Jean Auel novels and most of the ones written by Michael and Kathleen Gear. You can't take a Kindle book and put it on your shelf.

 Comment Written 26-Jul-2023

reply by the author on 26-Jul-2023
    Folks like you have a strong voice on Fanstory. If you read responses to this article, a lot of folks prefer the old-fashioned books. So you're in good company.
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I can see that I don't do enough reading. One doesn't have necessarily have engage to live an intuitive and perceptive philosophy or life, but it certainly broadens what grounds one. Thanks for this Jay, you've changed my perspective, well done, blessings Roy

 Comment Written 26-Jul-2023

reply by the author on 26-Jul-2023
    Thank you, Roy. I'm glad you found time to read this and see that maybe you can be nudged into electronic reading. God bless! Jay
reply by royowen on 27-Jul-2023
    Yep; I stand convicted
Comment from tfawcus
This work has reached the exceptional level

Thanks so much for this, Jay. I've bookmarked it and cut-'n-pasted it into a Word document so that I can go through it at my leisure. I am currently rewriting The Ponyfish, and my first assignment is to upload the second draft onto Kindle and use your notes to examine it critically using the features you have described.
So far, I have only rewritten about 10% of the book. I am strengthening the main character and giving him a more focused aim, raising the stakes, and providing more interiority and backstory.
I'm trying an experiment by rewriting in 1st Person Present Tense to give more immediacy to the action.
I'm also narrowing the plot, shedding some of the minor characters, and considerably reducing the role of the dog, Mophead/Sheba, whose main purpose is, and was always meant to be, the means of bringing Ant and Winks together. However, I'm keeping her in a minor role as a comic foil.
Unfortunately, as I have already posted the story, I can't put it before FanStory members again for feedback. Maybe that's a good thing, though. There are few on the site prepared to be cruel to be kind!

 Comment Written 26-Jul-2023

reply by the author on 26-Jul-2023
    interiority! I love that! I wish I had an interiority complex. I'll tell you one thing. You The Ponyfish into any book fashion and I'll be clawing at my keyboard to get a copy. Sheba was never a distracting presence. The Ponyfish was one of my all-time favorites here. I looked forward to reading it every week! Again, thank you for reading this post. I'm glad you'll be able to use parts of it for your editing work.
Comment from BethShelby
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

There was a time I Amazon gave away Kindles for free and I had one on a Ipad, which I took everywhere I went. My comuter and Ipad with Kindle had to be replacre and when I tied to download antoher Kinde, Amazon said we don't do that anymore. We'll sell you a Kindle. I eventually got one from another source. When I was a kid, I read for pleasure and usually went though at least 10 books a week. Now I can't find the time to complete the reviews I need to and get a little of own writing done. The way you suggest doing it sounds like work rather than pleasure. Whatever works for you. I'm old enough to enjoy what I do.

 Comment Written 26-Jul-2023

reply by the author on 26-Jul-2023
    Thank you, Beth. I don't have the drive for new knowledge like I used to. Between you and Carol, your argument for leaving the hard work for the kids sounds pretty darned good.
Comment from Terry Broxson
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Jay, I noticed a really big problem with this post. Oh, not that technical stuff. I am very impressed with all your knowledge and the tutorials you offered, even for a confessed non-teacher. The big problem is that you are not getting a commission from Amazon. That's outrageous!

Okay, maybe not outrageous, but damn inconvenient. I have had Kindles since they first came out. I can attest Jay Squires books read just fine on them, no doubt the free one for PC will work, too. Terry.

 Comment Written 26-Jul-2023

reply by the author on 26-Jul-2023
    Oh-ho! You had me scared for a minute, Terry. Oh yes, though, I am a big Kindle fan -- but only for the Kindle on PC. I have the small one but I hardly ever use it.
Comment from Katherine M. (k-11)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am a person who likes the smell of paper, and the touch of it. So I don't actually read Kindle books by choice, but you do make it appealing now that my eyesight is dimming. Maybe Trinings will convert me. kay

 Comment Written 26-Jul-2023

reply by the author on 26-Jul-2023
    Count on it, Kay-Kay. Not the Trining converting you. But the Kindle PC advantage is enormous for inveterate readers like you and me.
Comment from GWHARGIS
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I will have to download on my phone. There are no laptops or computers other than my daughters work lap top and my husband's. I work from my phone. I find it easier and more convenient. You probably helped countless people. Gretchen

 Comment Written 26-Jul-2023

reply by the author on 26-Jul-2023
    Well, I hope you downloaded your Freebie on your phone, though. I'm glad you at least saw the advantage for the Kindle on PC
Comment from Wayne Fowler
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I appreciate all the work that went into your post. I also appreciate the seriousness and dedication you have to benefiting from reading.
I thought I had Kindle for PC. I read on my Kindle all the time. I have Kindle Unlimited and download books regularly. But... I thought that I would go through the process and see what I don't know. All went well until I attempted to send the verification code back to Amazon - nope. The code was wrong. Resending the code button didn't work. I got completely stymied. Had no choice but to back out.
Then I got to wondering why I wanted Kindle on the PC? I prefer to read on the tablet. What am I missing?

 Comment Written 26-Jul-2023

reply by the author on 26-Jul-2023
    Can you do all the things I mentioned in the post on your Kindle handheld? If you can, then you're missing nothing. My handheld Kindle is old and it doesn't have all the PC features. I'm so sorry your code didn't work. Why not try it again later?
reply by Wayne Fowler on 26-Jul-2023
    I have no idea how, but books I read have highlights and underlines and bookmarks. I might be doing them by accident?????
    You notice the manner of some people who say 'on' accident?
reply by the author on 26-Jul-2023
    No, I know that you can highlight and bookmark, but can you access both functions in a separate place on your Kindle where you can study your accumulated bookmarks and highlights (by color... which is more reason to have a system for choosing your colors). Not to mention (which I'm going to) having every note from every note box available to study -- and modify. I think 'by accident' is a regional choice. Anyway, if you ever do manage to get your Kindle on your PC you'll see how much more expansive your studying can be.