Reviews from

Wish Granted

Fictional account of a protest gone wrong.

32 total reviews 
Comment from nancy_e_davis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Isn't that the truth! All those protesters need to get a job and live the dream. I love your story nomi. I would say they got off easy when it came to getting what they asked for.
We are so fortunate to live here in America. God Bless America. Well done. Nancy:)

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 16-Jun-2023
    Thank you Nancy. This story has been germinating inside my mind for some time. I may not have done a great job of assembling all the elements as it was done just before my retiring for the night. I hope I did not make too many mistakes.
Comment from Paul Manton
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you for this satire, Nomi. As a Brit. and an ally of Ukraine, I share your mistrust of most things Russian at present. Several British veterans have been captured or killed in the conflict, and a huge amount of weapons training has taken place in both of our countries, I believe. This was a good subject to choose and a point well made. But those tee shirts should certainly be illegal!
Good luck with all your future writing.

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 16-Jun-2023
    Thank you for a great and supportive review. I mourn the loss of life on all sides of the conflict.
Comment from Terry Broxson
This work has reached the exceptional level

LOL, Nomi, Excellent work in satire. The old saying, "Be careful of what you wish for you might get it!" I, like you, have heard over the years one celebrity on one side or the other says, "If___is elected, I will move to ____." But they never do. Very well done. Terry.

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 16-Jun-2023
    Thanks buddy. This story, though not that well developed, was burning in my craw and I just had to get it out there.
Comment from Pantygynt
This work has reached the exceptional level

I knew there was a good reason for not wearing slogan's on T shirts or rather, for not wearing political slogans on T shirts. There is a very good reason the ballot is supposed to be secret. Lets keep it that way

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 16-Jun-2023
    Thank you for a point well stated and made.
Comment from Bill Schott
This work has reached the exceptional level

What timely story, and with an appropriate and powerful summary. I know in my heart and mind that Russia has money and propaganda invested in some, if not all of the decision makers in the "Ruspublican Party".

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 16-Jun-2023
    You are on point. It is so obvious, I wonder why more people do not see it. Thanks for a great review Bill.
Comment from Jesse James Doty
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well, I don't think that is the worst thing. They might not believe what they are protesting for but they could still gain some experience with the other protesters such as getting clobbered by the police and taken to jail.
This satire is sort of silly yet I can see you are trying to make a valid point. The protester might learn what he is protesting about more thoroughly and learn that he doesn't really want what he is protesting about.

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 16-Jun-2023
    That is exactly my point. All protestors should stop to consider, how will my getting what I ask for play out?
reply by Jesse James Doty on 16-Jun-2023
    I agree.
    Protesters need to consider why they are doing what they are doing.
reply by the author on 16-Jun-2023
Comment from Wayne Fowler
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well done. Good work.
To my dying day I will never understand why any American could support what Putin is doing in Ukraine.
Best wishes.

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 16-Jun-2023
    Thank you for your review. I do not think that those who choose Russia over their home country have given very much thought to what they are saying. Just jump on the bandwagon, never mind where it may be going.
Comment from Pam Lonsdale
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You mention three people at the beginning of the story, then write "since neither of them had ever served in the military." That would suggest two people. For presentation's sake, I would also put spaces between your paragraphs 1 and 2 and 2 and 3. You might also look at putting commas around Eric Stearns and Big Jim Sellers.

The story itself is a delight:-) If only something like this was gifted to some of the morons who show up at political rallies. You really want that? Here ya go!

A fun and funny story to start my Friday:-)


 Comment Written 16-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 16-Jun-2023
    Thank you Pam. My only defense of my grammatical errors is, it was late and I was just about to go to bed, when inspiration hit me and I decided to act on it.
reply by Pam Lonsdale on 16-Jun-2023
    We cannot ignore our Muse when she visits:-)
reply by the author on 16-Jun-2023
    True, so true.
Comment from JSD
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A neat undermining of our bluster. Activists should be so careful. A really satisfying and successful little piece; most enjoyable. Thank you for sharing this with us.

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 16-Jun-2023
    Thank you for a kind and supportive review.
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a poignant write. I have been to Russia, I visited in 1976 under strong communist rule. Unfortunately some of the practices the Democrats are displaying are very Communistically orientated and it is a bit scary to think that the US could become a Communist country.

When a Government gains control of the public to such an extent that the media is censored and there is manipulation over people's rights, then it is a worry. You have had some amazing Republican leaders in the past and I would like to see the US prosper and unify the people and I am not sure that is possible under the present Democratic rule. Your write is very poignant, and be careful what you wish for is the lesson here, and this is precisely what I am also saying, love Dolly x

 Comment Written 16-Jun-2023

reply by the author on 16-Jun-2023
    As a religious man. I am convinced by careful study of the Holy writings, the only successful rule of man will have to come from a heavenly source. With that being said, we are doomed unless and until God steps in and takes the reins.
reply by Dolly'sPoems on 16-Jun-2023
    There are many religious men like yourself in the US and I admire your continued faith, but I wonder why you also have the death penalty in some states? This goes against all teachings in the bible, love Dolly x
reply by the author on 16-Jun-2023
    This is very true, however I had no hand in enacting these laws, nor do I support or advocate in favor of them.