haiku (fireflies swirl above)
A Haiku Contest Entry22 total reviews
Comment from karenina
New word for me!
Merriam Webster helped me out:
"Definition of grama: any of several pasture grasses (genus Bouteloua) of the western U.S."
(Great! I'll be looking for this is a crossword!)
Love this haiku. Fireflies/ sparks from a campfire -- it all comes full circle and in an elegant fashion.
Great image to accompany!
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reply by the author on 12-Jun-2022
New word for me!
Merriam Webster helped me out:
"Definition of grama: any of several pasture grasses (genus Bouteloua) of the western U.S."
(Great! I'll be looking for this is a crossword!)
Love this haiku. Fireflies/ sparks from a campfire -- it all comes full circle and in an elegant fashion.
Great image to accompany!
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Comment Written 12-Jun-2022
reply by the author on 12-Jun-2022
Thanks Karenina?us Texas boys know our hay!
I promise to inject this word into my conversation at LEAST three times today! Just for fun!
Comment from Susan Newell
You taught me a new word. I was able to decipher "grama" from context, but looked it up to find the details. What an interesting observation to see fireflies as sparks from a campfire. I liked the soft swirl/sweeping, punctuated with the harsher sparks. Very nice.
reply by the author on 12-Jun-2022
You taught me a new word. I was able to decipher "grama" from context, but looked it up to find the details. What an interesting observation to see fireflies as sparks from a campfire. I liked the soft swirl/sweeping, punctuated with the harsher sparks. Very nice.
Comment Written 12-Jun-2022
reply by the author on 12-Jun-2022
You are too kind! Thanks for the generous review. Yes?us Texas boys know our hay!
Always welcome!