Gun Safety Makes Sense
Stand Up to Protect our Freedoms36 total reviews
Comment from Ric Myworld
The more people who speak out, the more likely we can find ways to help the problem. There will never be a solution for mean, angry, and mentally deranged people, and if they don't have guns, they will use cars, knives, bats, and easily made bombs, etcetera. There have been countries who outlawed guns to solve the problem, but as you'll find, there numbers have continued to rise. We will never find provisions to keep weapons out of the hands of criminals or those with evil intentions. But like a number of the things you've mentioned, we can make efforts to lesson the aftermath of mass shootings. The biggest part of the problem is the lack of regard for human life, compassion, and empathy, and fixing that problem would have to start soon after birth for the perpetrators. Thanks for sharing.
reply by the author on 01-Jun-2022
The more people who speak out, the more likely we can find ways to help the problem. There will never be a solution for mean, angry, and mentally deranged people, and if they don't have guns, they will use cars, knives, bats, and easily made bombs, etcetera. There have been countries who outlawed guns to solve the problem, but as you'll find, there numbers have continued to rise. We will never find provisions to keep weapons out of the hands of criminals or those with evil intentions. But like a number of the things you've mentioned, we can make efforts to lesson the aftermath of mass shootings. The biggest part of the problem is the lack of regard for human life, compassion, and empathy, and fixing that problem would have to start soon after birth for the perpetrators. Thanks for sharing.
Comment Written 01-Jun-2022
reply by the author on 01-Jun-2022
Thanks so much for reading and for reviewing my post. You and I agree on many things - evidenced by your response. People will always find ways to express their anger at life and other people will always be hurt by that expression. My thought is that we must limit the ways --at the very least, make it more difficult to implement - the tremendous pain inflected by mass shootings. We cannot 'fix' the world, but we can mend a tear here and there; perhaps, that is part of our responsibility as good citizens, good role models and just for our own peace of mind. Thanks so much for reading and commenting. i appreciate your words. ann
Comment from Lilly Flowers
I have to admit that I've succumbed to the craziness in our country. I've watched these mass shootings time and again and I've watched the crap come out of Washington. The so-called debates are hideous. Who in their right mind thinks a weapon that belongs on a battlefield should be in possession of private citizens.
No longer do I get angry because with anger is hope - hope for change. With anger comes motivation to fight against the evil/craziness. I leave that fight to younger, more energetic people. I'm just thoroughly depressed and fearful.
I'm fearful that my 10-year-old granddaughter could be the next victim. I'm fearful that any one of my loved ones could be shot in a mass shooting or picked off in a road rage incident.
It isn't just the NRA and its money. It's the conservative politicians with their absurd pontification about rights and freedoms. Our founders are probably looking down on us with pity because Americans are killing Americans as Washington watches. Regards, Lilly
reply by the author on 01-Jun-2022
I have to admit that I've succumbed to the craziness in our country. I've watched these mass shootings time and again and I've watched the crap come out of Washington. The so-called debates are hideous. Who in their right mind thinks a weapon that belongs on a battlefield should be in possession of private citizens.
No longer do I get angry because with anger is hope - hope for change. With anger comes motivation to fight against the evil/craziness. I leave that fight to younger, more energetic people. I'm just thoroughly depressed and fearful.
I'm fearful that my 10-year-old granddaughter could be the next victim. I'm fearful that any one of my loved ones could be shot in a mass shooting or picked off in a road rage incident.
It isn't just the NRA and its money. It's the conservative politicians with their absurd pontification about rights and freedoms. Our founders are probably looking down on us with pity because Americans are killing Americans as Washington watches. Regards, Lilly
Comment Written 01-Jun-2022
reply by the author on 01-Jun-2022
A 6 star rating from a writer whose work I admire & enjoy is especially cherished! Thank you so much.
I agree with you as to how difficult it is to stay focused and to believe change and responsible gun ownership is possible in t his country. I am determined to do so, but my faith falters at times and, at those times, it is a blessing to hear from someone who sees my point and agrees. Thank you so much. ann
Comment from Mary Vigasin
A very well-thought-out essay with very valid points. I saw a 60 Minutes segment last week that showed was an AK-15 does to the human body or an animal.. When the bullet enters the body it result is, not just piercing the body, but it explodes shattering organs and bones. It now made sense why some families were asked to submit DNA to help identify their children. These weapons were developed as the civilian version of a military weapon. Why do we need to have such high-powered weapons, yet the same "solutions" are being brought forward.
Best wishes,
reply by the author on 01-Jun-2022
A very well-thought-out essay with very valid points. I saw a 60 Minutes segment last week that showed was an AK-15 does to the human body or an animal.. When the bullet enters the body it result is, not just piercing the body, but it explodes shattering organs and bones. It now made sense why some families were asked to submit DNA to help identify their children. These weapons were developed as the civilian version of a military weapon. Why do we need to have such high-powered weapons, yet the same "solutions" are being brought forward.
Best wishes,
Comment Written 01-Jun-2022
reply by the author on 01-Jun-2022
The answer to your question as to 'Why' is there is no valid reason for arming private citizens with military grade weapons. The only logical result of doing so is to increase the number of mass shootings and horror our country will suffer. thanks so much for reading and commenting. ann
Comment from Alcreator Litt Dear
Enough is enough, no more pride of nationalism, you have endeavoured to show us the truth, you request every American to stand up to protect American freedom; you advice the nation, make appropriate law and effect it in country, today, gun safety can make sense of true American living; Well said, well done, post god speed more; b a classic-good (rare) theist writer, post 4 God; may pray FS sick Free Member Alcreator Litt Dear (DR)
reply by the author on 01-Jun-2022
Enough is enough, no more pride of nationalism, you have endeavoured to show us the truth, you request every American to stand up to protect American freedom; you advice the nation, make appropriate law and effect it in country, today, gun safety can make sense of true American living; Well said, well done, post god speed more; b a classic-good (rare) theist writer, post 4 God; may pray FS sick Free Member Alcreator Litt Dear (DR)
Comment Written 31-May-2022
reply by the author on 01-Jun-2022
Thanks for reading and commenting. I appreciate. ann
Comment from Carol Hillebrenner
We are a family who owns guns. We hunt to help control the animal population and to put food on our tables. One of us carries a gun for protection involving his job. None of us need the kind of gun used in Texas and we do not belong to the NRA. This is responsible gun ownership. Thank you for your interesting article.
reply by the author on 31-May-2022
We are a family who owns guns. We hunt to help control the animal population and to put food on our tables. One of us carries a gun for protection involving his job. None of us need the kind of gun used in Texas and we do not belong to the NRA. This is responsible gun ownership. Thank you for your interesting article.
Comment Written 31-May-2022
reply by the author on 31-May-2022
Absolutely, your family sounds like the definition of responsible gun ownership! As is mine. Thanks so much for reading and commenting. ann
Comment from barbara.wilkey
The cities in our country with the strictest gun regulations have the highest murder rate. I'm not sure stricter gun regulations are the answer, maybe enforcing the regulations we already have and teach morals and Christianity. Let's get back to raising children with family values, maybe two parent homes. Thank you for sharing.
reply by the author on 31-May-2022
The cities in our country with the strictest gun regulations have the highest murder rate. I'm not sure stricter gun regulations are the answer, maybe enforcing the regulations we already have and teach morals and Christianity. Let's get back to raising children with family values, maybe two parent homes. Thank you for sharing.
Comment Written 31-May-2022
reply by the author on 31-May-2022
That is NOT true, Barbara, although many people it. Check the facts: The 6 US cities with the highest murder rates are: St Louis, Baltimore, Birmingham, Detroit, Dayton, Baton Rouge. The 6 US cities with the toughest gun laws are: New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Chicago, Las Vegas, San Francisco. Other than Baltimore, there is no common city among the top six and, while I did not check out the next4 highest murder rate cities: New Orleans, Kansas City, Memphis, Cleveland against the next 6 most strict gun laws, I feel confident the same situation exists.
It has been proven over and over again and all over the world that few guns -- especially repeating rifles - translates to fewer deaths by guns. Two parent homes, family values, are not the source of our gun related deaths. It does not compute. thanks for reading and replying. ann
Comment from Paul McFarland
Very nice article. You have made your position very clear. I have thew solution to these mass shootings. I am a retired school teacher. I am sure that if you asked any teacher who had the shooter in class, they would tell you that they were not surprised at what happened. A teacher can tell what kind of student they have in their class. The troubled student needs a hug once in awhile when they are young. The high school student needs a hand on the shoulder and a kind word of advice. We also need the Lord's Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance back in the classroom. With what is going on with some of the school boards in this country, it is a wonder that we can get any decent teachers in the schools.
reply by the author on 31-May-2022
Very nice article. You have made your position very clear. I have thew solution to these mass shootings. I am a retired school teacher. I am sure that if you asked any teacher who had the shooter in class, they would tell you that they were not surprised at what happened. A teacher can tell what kind of student they have in their class. The troubled student needs a hug once in awhile when they are young. The high school student needs a hand on the shoulder and a kind word of advice. We also need the Lord's Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance back in the classroom. With what is going on with some of the school boards in this country, it is a wonder that we can get any decent teachers in the schools.
Comment Written 31-May-2022
reply by the author on 31-May-2022
I appreciate your words based on experience and thank you for the time you dedicated to the youth in your area. I appreciate your time in reading and your review. ann
Comment from Pam Lonsdale
I agree with everything you said, actually. I do hate the term "gun control"; I prefer gun safety laws because that's what the vast majority of Americans want. I'm not coming for your damn guns that you need to protect your family. But I have freedoms too, like the freedom to live without fear when I send my children to school or go to church.
Don't worry about how many read it - you needed to write it.
reply by the author on 31-May-2022
I agree with everything you said, actually. I do hate the term "gun control"; I prefer gun safety laws because that's what the vast majority of Americans want. I'm not coming for your damn guns that you need to protect your family. But I have freedoms too, like the freedom to live without fear when I send my children to school or go to church.
Don't worry about how many read it - you needed to write it.
Comment Written 31-May-2022
reply by the author on 31-May-2022
I am going to immediately change the title -- you are correct that Gun Safety Makes Sense and is a better title. I appreciate your input and your time. ann
Comment from Jannypan (Jan)
You made several valid, points, Ann. Your essay was well
presented and supported by facts. It's a tragedy so many
see using a weapon like the ones used in mass killings as
a way to act. However, I believe until there is a National and
enforceable law, or laws, aimed at control, there will always
be those who circumvent state laws. No one in politics seems
to be willing to take on the NRA. That organization knows it,
so they continue doing as they wish. Yes, there are responsible
citizens who own guns, but no one other than the military needs
AR15 weapons. Those should be banned from any and everyone
immediately. You are right about not being able to recover
the millions of guns owned in the USA.
Respectfully, Jan
reply by the author on 31-May-2022
You made several valid, points, Ann. Your essay was well
presented and supported by facts. It's a tragedy so many
see using a weapon like the ones used in mass killings as
a way to act. However, I believe until there is a National and
enforceable law, or laws, aimed at control, there will always
be those who circumvent state laws. No one in politics seems
to be willing to take on the NRA. That organization knows it,
so they continue doing as they wish. Yes, there are responsible
citizens who own guns, but no one other than the military needs
AR15 weapons. Those should be banned from any and everyone
immediately. You are right about not being able to recover
the millions of guns owned in the USA.
Respectfully, Jan
Comment Written 31-May-2022
reply by the author on 31-May-2022
Thanks so much for reading and commenting. I appreciate your time, your words and your encouraging review. ann
Comment from Jay Squires
Amen, Sister Ann! I consider myself a fence-sitter on the need for a spiritual awakening--or rather I am in FULL agreement there needs to be a spiritual awakening, but not a religious agreement. I believe all of us are born with an instinctive knowledge of what is good and what is bad. And I hope there is a spiritual, not religious, way to bring us back to full awareness of it. Until then, we DO need to study carefully Australia's and Britain's solutions to gun control, because they have FAR, FAR fewer instances of abuse. And yes, we also need to establish a national law along the lines you suggested.
Some have even said that teachers should be armed. [Trump, for one said it to a large gathering after the shooting.]
about 40% of Americans believe that second coming will occur before the year 2050. [I never heard about that poll.]
The pandemic has acerbated the problem. [Ann, I believe the word you want here is exacerbate]
all guns being confiscated by the government. That would be logistically impossible [Especially since instructions can be found right on the internet teaching how to make a gun.]
Thank you, Ann; we needed your article now.
reply by the author on 31-May-2022
Amen, Sister Ann! I consider myself a fence-sitter on the need for a spiritual awakening--or rather I am in FULL agreement there needs to be a spiritual awakening, but not a religious agreement. I believe all of us are born with an instinctive knowledge of what is good and what is bad. And I hope there is a spiritual, not religious, way to bring us back to full awareness of it. Until then, we DO need to study carefully Australia's and Britain's solutions to gun control, because they have FAR, FAR fewer instances of abuse. And yes, we also need to establish a national law along the lines you suggested.
Some have even said that teachers should be armed. [Trump, for one said it to a large gathering after the shooting.]
about 40% of Americans believe that second coming will occur before the year 2050. [I never heard about that poll.]
The pandemic has acerbated the problem. [Ann, I believe the word you want here is exacerbate]
all guns being confiscated by the government. That would be logistically impossible [Especially since instructions can be found right on the internet teaching how to make a gun.]
Thank you, Ann; we needed your article now.
Comment Written 31-May-2022
reply by the author on 31-May-2022
Thanks so much for reading and commenting. If you just type in Armageddon or second coming of Christ on the Internet, that 2050 date will probably show up somewhere. I will immediately change my incorrectly written word as you so kindly pointed out. Thank you, Jay, for reading and for commenting. I appreciate both. ann
I'll check that out, Ann! Thanks.