Where Are All The Children
Viewing comments for Chapter 6 "Almost Home"A vigilante takes down trafficing rings.
15 total reviews
Comment from Robert Zimmerman
Hello Mistydawn.
The starkness in the horror of this story is like watching a train wreck. You did say something in the story that is certainly resounds. This is slavery.
It was discouraging and disappointing when the police laughed and essentially turned over for 18 more years of hell on earth. The traffickers are horrible people and I'm disappointed this continues. Unfortunately, it flourishes in this age.
You are doing a very nice job in your narration. You provide a lot of detail and also show emotion of the victims as they try to live from day to day.
reply by the author on 11-Oct-2020
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Hello Mistydawn.
The starkness in the horror of this story is like watching a train wreck. You did say something in the story that is certainly resounds. This is slavery.
It was discouraging and disappointing when the police laughed and essentially turned over for 18 more years of hell on earth. The traffickers are horrible people and I'm disappointed this continues. Unfortunately, it flourishes in this age.
You are doing a very nice job in your narration. You provide a lot of detail and also show emotion of the victims as they try to live from day to day.
Comment Written 11-Oct-2020
reply by the author on 11-Oct-2020
Thank you so much for reading my chapter and your wonderful compliment. You put a smile on my face. They are horrid people for sure. Think places like Iran have the right idea for something like this, public execution.
Thank you again for all your help, support, friendship, and encouragement. It means the world to me.
You're welcome. You are doing a nice job with this narrative.
Comment from royowen
There doesn't seem to be any compassion there, with the abuse of these poor girls, it seems that these poor subjugated girls are just fodder oversexed, animal like men, fast forward 30 years and we have a half human, much diminished from the original form. beautifully written, well done, blessings Roy
Typo : the officer rubs my tattoo(,) chuckles(,) 2: I(,) along with several others...
reply by the author on 11-Oct-2020
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There doesn't seem to be any compassion there, with the abuse of these poor girls, it seems that these poor subjugated girls are just fodder oversexed, animal like men, fast forward 30 years and we have a half human, much diminished from the original form. beautifully written, well done, blessings Roy
Typo : the officer rubs my tattoo(,) chuckles(,) 2: I(,) along with several others...
Comment Written 11-Oct-2020
reply by the author on 11-Oct-2020
Thank you so much for your kind review and for catching my mistakes. Those darned old commas did it to me again. It's horrible what happens to these children. All the hell the have to go through after if they somehow survive.
Thank you again for all your help, support, encouragement and friendship. It means the world to me, take care.
Most welcome
Comment from Ulla
Oh, Misty, this is poignant and brought tears to my eyes. A young life lost, a young life wasted and abused to its limit. It doesn't bear thinking of.
I begs, flailing around. = I beg, flailing around
My hopes and dreams disintegrates to mere ash = My hopes and dreams disintegrate to mere ash
I point to the dollar sigh on = I point to the dollar sign on
A great but very tragic story. Ulla:)))
reply by the author on 11-Oct-2020
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Oh, Misty, this is poignant and brought tears to my eyes. A young life lost, a young life wasted and abused to its limit. It doesn't bear thinking of.
I begs, flailing around. = I beg, flailing around
My hopes and dreams disintegrates to mere ash = My hopes and dreams disintegrate to mere ash
I point to the dollar sigh on = I point to the dollar sign on
A great but very tragic story. Ulla:)))
Comment Written 11-Oct-2020
reply by the author on 11-Oct-2020
Thank you so much for reading my chapter your marvelous review and for catching my mistakes. Child trafficking is horrid all the innocent lives taken way to soon. Who knows what the world would've been like what they could've become if they lived.
Thank you again for all your help, support, encouragement and friendship. It always means the world to me, take care.
Comment from BethShelby
You are a very good writer. This story sounds more like a documentary than fiction. I know these children from the South American countries who think of the U.S. is the answer to the poverty and fear they have suffered in their country who get caught up in human trafficking, must really live in such a horrible existence. It is something that is hard to hear that this could be reality for some.
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reply by the author on 11-Oct-2020
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You are a very good writer. This story sounds more like a documentary than fiction. I know these children from the South American countries who think of the U.S. is the answer to the poverty and fear they have suffered in their country who get caught up in human trafficking, must really live in such a horrible existence. It is something that is hard to hear that this could be reality for some.
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Comment Written 11-Oct-2020
reply by the author on 11-Oct-2020
Thank you so much for your continued support. It's always greatly appreciated. It is horrid that so many suffer this way end up in a living hell following their dreams.
Thank you again for all your help, support, encouragement and friendship. It always means the world to me, take care.
Comment from thaities, Rebecca V.
The various stories within this story are heart wrenching. There are always people, men and women, who are in human trafficking. They have no heart.
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reply by the author on 11-Oct-2020
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The various stories within this story are heart wrenching. There are always people, men and women, who are in human trafficking. They have no heart.
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Comment Written 11-Oct-2020
reply by the author on 11-Oct-2020
Thank you so much for your kind review and continues support. They'd have to be heartless to do what they do. I honestly don't know how they live with themselves how they justify their actions.
Thank you again for all your help, support, encouragement and friendship. It always means the world to me, take care.
I am so happy you keep this travesty in people's minds. The stories are hard to read and forget.