The virus
Reissue from last year40 total reviews
Comment from Melodie Michelle
The font that was chosen makes it very difficult to read! The poem is good maybe a little more tweaking but all in all a good job!
Thank you for sharing and may God bless you;-)
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reply by the author on 10-Oct-2021
The font that was chosen makes it very difficult to read! The poem is good maybe a little more tweaking but all in all a good job!
Thank you for sharing and may God bless you;-)
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Comment Written 10-Oct-2021
reply by the author on 10-Oct-2021
What is wrong with the font?
It makes it very difficult to read is what I told you. The font is very hard to read my friend!
Is it color or font?
It is the font not the color of the font!
Comment from Daylok
This is great! You have reached out and brought to surface with many of us are thinking, but some do not want to admit. In my opinion each point is right on.
Good luck in the contest!
Nicely done!
reply by the author on 10-Oct-2021
This is great! You have reached out and brought to surface with many of us are thinking, but some do not want to admit. In my opinion each point is right on.
Good luck in the contest!
Nicely done!
Comment Written 10-Oct-2021
reply by the author on 10-Oct-2021
Thank you for the review...John
Comment from tfawcus
You have found many positives arising from this tragic pandemic. How wonderful it would be if mankind, (and womankind for that matter,) would continue to heed these lessons into the future. One can only hope.
reply by the author on 10-Oct-2021
You have found many positives arising from this tragic pandemic. How wonderful it would be if mankind, (and womankind for that matter,) would continue to heed these lessons into the future. One can only hope.
Comment Written 10-Oct-2021
reply by the author on 10-Oct-2021
Many Thanks..Good Morning...John
Comment from Eternal Muse
I like the concept of you talking to a Virus. A great dialogue. Liked all the reasons you told It to clear off the planet.
Excellent visuals, imagery, presentation and the main thing, a message. I hope the damn Virus listens and just melts (smile) like the wicked witch in the "Wizard of Oz".
Thank you for sharing. Fond wishes, EM
reply by the author on 10-Oct-2021
I like the concept of you talking to a Virus. A great dialogue. Liked all the reasons you told It to clear off the planet.
Excellent visuals, imagery, presentation and the main thing, a message. I hope the damn Virus listens and just melts (smile) like the wicked witch in the "Wizard of Oz".
Thank you for sharing. Fond wishes, EM
Comment Written 10-Oct-2021
reply by the author on 10-Oct-2021
Many Thanks..Good Morning...John
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Living through these sad times of Covid has taught us all to appreciate life and the little things that make us happy. Perhaps this has been a lesson we all had to learn and it has been a very hard one. Your letter to Covid will no doubt fall on deaf ears, I enjoyed it though, love Dolly x
reply by the author on 10-Oct-2021
Living through these sad times of Covid has taught us all to appreciate life and the little things that make us happy. Perhaps this has been a lesson we all had to learn and it has been a very hard one. Your letter to Covid will no doubt fall on deaf ears, I enjoyed it though, love Dolly x
Comment Written 09-Oct-2021
reply by the author on 10-Oct-2021
COVID tends to take the selfish out of my psyche...Thanks for the review...John
Comment from Tiffany Ferren
I liked how you more than once mention of the family unity and closeness it brought back. I like the way you made it a personal thing for you in the way it was written. Your use of we in the ending was correct it is we.
reply by the author on 10-Oct-2021
I liked how you more than once mention of the family unity and closeness it brought back. I like the way you made it a personal thing for you in the way it was written. Your use of we in the ending was correct it is we.
Comment Written 09-Oct-2021
reply by the author on 10-Oct-2021
COVID tends to take the selfish out of my psyche...Thanks for the review...John
Comment from amahra
You've written a very interesting case for this deadly disease. Covid killed people I loved before there was a vaccine. I find it hard to owe it any allegiance. It didn't come from the earth, but a laboratory. I wished to God it had never raised its demonic head in our midst. But, I guess that's just me.
reply by the author on 10-Oct-2021
You've written a very interesting case for this deadly disease. Covid killed people I loved before there was a vaccine. I find it hard to owe it any allegiance. It didn't come from the earth, but a laboratory. I wished to God it had never raised its demonic head in our midst. But, I guess that's just me.
Comment Written 09-Oct-2021
reply by the author on 10-Oct-2021
COVID tends to take the selfish out of my psyche...Thanks for the review...John
Comment from LJbutterfly
After reading number 1 and 2, I decided to determine which item was most important to me. Then I read number 3 addressed to Mother Earth, trying to rid herself of the human plague which is the virus making her sick. Brilliantly stated. But I soon realized, every point was valid last year, and still is. We've lost many souls during the past year and a half, but It's not too late to make amends. I'm glad and appreciate your posting this powerful message.
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2021
After reading number 1 and 2, I decided to determine which item was most important to me. Then I read number 3 addressed to Mother Earth, trying to rid herself of the human plague which is the virus making her sick. Brilliantly stated. But I soon realized, every point was valid last year, and still is. We've lost many souls during the past year and a half, but It's not too late to make amends. I'm glad and appreciate your posting this powerful message.
Comment Written 09-Oct-2021
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2021
Many thanks for the stellar review...John
Comment from Mary Vigasin
Very well written commentary. While there are some points I disagree with however, you also have valid points.
I wish the last line was true that we work together.
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2021
Very well written commentary. While there are some points I disagree with however, you also have valid points.
I wish the last line was true that we work together.
Comment Written 09-Oct-2021
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2021
Thanks much...John
Comment from royowen
I sometimes wonder if there is a greater intelligence at work as you've alluded to in this articulate write. "There are more things in heaven and earth Horatio..." said Shakespeare, and although I wouldn't have known years ago, I do now!
It would be great if we could stop thinking of ourselves as deity for a short while, and realise that the most naive child is much, much wiser than the collective we, the better. Beautifully written, blessings
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2021
I sometimes wonder if there is a greater intelligence at work as you've alluded to in this articulate write. "There are more things in heaven and earth Horatio..." said Shakespeare, and although I wouldn't have known years ago, I do now!
It would be great if we could stop thinking of ourselves as deity for a short while, and realise that the most naive child is much, much wiser than the collective we, the better. Beautifully written, blessings
Comment Written 09-Oct-2021
reply by the author on 09-Oct-2021
Thank you...John