Reviews from

daily prayer for poeta

asking GOD for guidance always

18 total reviews 
Comment from kahpot
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I like the reference to the misguided minds as the world seems to have quite a few of these that are meant to be leading us, and yes they along with all of us need to continue to pray, very well said an excellent read****kahpot

 Comment Written 27-Aug-2019

Comment from rama devi
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Nice to see you posting, my dear Vance. This is a beautiful, heartfelt prayer, rich in spiritual fervor and sincerity. It has a flow of immense yearning that touches the soul.

However, the flow would be improved by fixing spag and also adding line breaks to format 'breaths' and room for contemplation. As it is, it feels more like prose. The latter is optional, of course. There is a fluid flow to it that also works well as a paragraph. But since it is prose-like in the way it is now, I recommend using correct grammar, spelling and punctuation. NOTES:

Oh(,) dear GOD, these hours come and go, exploding into days, expanding into months, crawling into years always alive with promise seeking awareness and capture(d) by the whirling, spinning, misguided minds too full of anger and fear to pay attention with what is rich and near. So(,) even knowing this is all so very true(,) one such as I still wonders what is the wisest thing to do, and so(,) in shame and sorrow(,) head bowed in prayer, I hopefully reach to you (I reach to you, hopefully,) to capture my mind and my fingers and lead them to understanding that will grip and hold the heart and mind with constant reach, touch, and blessing brought forth from every miniscule (minuscule) of understanding that reaches forth and carries home the richness of understanding, knowing, and loving that I pray to be engaged with you at all times and forever! Amen!

With above edits:

Oh, dear GOD, these hours come and go, exploding into days, expanding into months, crawling into years always alive with promise seeking awareness and captured by the whirling, spinning, misguided minds too full of anger and fear to pay attention with what is rich and near. So, even knowing this is all so very true, one such as I still wonders what is the wisest thing to do, and so, in shame and sorrow, head bowed in prayer, I reach to you, hopefully, to capture my mind and my fingers and lead them to understanding that will grip and hold the heart and mind with constant reach, touch, and blessing brought forth from every minuscule of understanding that reaches forth and carries home the richness of understanding, knowing, and loving that I pray to be engaged with you at all times and forever! Amen!

Example with above edits and line breaks (*just so you can consider how it might look):

Oh, dear GOD, these hours come and go,
exploding into days,
expanding into months,
crawling into years always
alive with promise
seeking awareness
and captured by the whirling,
spinning, misguided minds
too full of anger and fear
to pay attention
with what is rich and near.

So, even knowing this is all so very true,
one such as I still wonders what is the wisest thing to do,
and so, in shame and sorrow,
head bowed in prayer,
I reach to you, hopefully,
to capture my mind and my fingers
and lead them to understanding
that will grip and hold the heart and mind
with constant reach, touch, and blessing
brought forth from every minuscule of understanding
that reaches forth and carries home the richness of understanding,
knowing, and loving that I pray to be engaged with you
at all times and forever! Amen!

And another device of using indents to sculpt phrasing cadence might suit this poem well (entirely optional, of course). Example:

Oh, dear GOD, these hours come and go,
exploding into days,
expanding into months,
crawling into years always
alive with promise
seeking awareness
and captured by the whirling,
spinning, misguided minds
too full of anger and fear
to pay attention
with what is rich and near.

So, even knowing this is all so very true,
one such as I still wonders what is the wisest thing to do,
and so, in shame and sorrow,
head bowed in prayer,
I reach to you, hopefully,
to capture my mind and my fingers
and lead them to understanding
that will grip and hold the heart and mind
with constant reach, touch, and blessing
brought forth from every minuscule of understanding
that reaches forth and carries home the richness of understanding,
knowing, and loving that I pray to be engaged with you
at all times and forever! Amen!

Just some thoughts for you. This poem touched my soul. So elevated in tone and tenor.

Bless you!


 Comment Written 27-Aug-2019

Comment from Rosemary Everson1
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I prayed right with you. A wonderful prayer. We must ask God to guide us through the good and bad times. Keep us safe from harm and to always thank Him for everything that He has done for us. I try to do that each night. Love your prayer.

 Comment Written 27-Aug-2019

Comment from Jeffrey L. Michaux
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I really like this. This is a beautiful prayer and the best way to start your day. I call it The Breakfast of Champions. Starting your day with prayer will strengthen you and help you to be focused and prepared, come what may. I Love this and enjoyed reading this inspirational and well written work. Well done!

 Comment Written 27-Aug-2019

Comment from Judd7
This work has reached the exceptional level

Yes my and I pray together each night at bedtime and it sounds much like this. The closing line are wonderful. I will read it to her tonight. Thanks much.......Quentin

 Comment Written 27-Aug-2019

Comment from Supe
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Lovely prayer.
So even knowing this is all so very true one such as I still wonder
We all want guidance and sometimes don't ask for it, but this is a reminder to all. I enjoyed it.

 Comment Written 27-Aug-2019

reply by the author on 11-Sep-2019
    Oh! dearest brother Roy, thanks so very much for your lovely review and message, so very sincerely appreciated! you have made my day as you always do! Blessings always! Vance
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a lovely thing to do Vance, as I get older I realise my life is not my own, but too late, I discover it belongs to others, to pray, to give, to enjoy the blessing of sowing. Our time is so limited, and the tasks and people overwhelm me. A beautifully written anecdote, I bess God for your kindness, well done, blessings Roy

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 Comment Written 27-Aug-2019

Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Seems like you have been watching the news, Vance! And the right response to all the chaos is to pray so thank you for praying and may you feel the Lord's peace and strong presence!

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 Comment Written 27-Aug-2019