Reviews from

The Higher Calling ~ Motherhood

My nonet for the ninth of May.

33 total reviews 
Comment from Heather Knight
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I have three children, but I also lost a baby right before my youngest was born.
Like you, I have thoroughly enjoyed been a mother. Still do, the little one, my baby, is 14 now.
I love your poem. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 10-May-2019

reply by the author on 10-May-2019
    Thank you so much for the sweet review. I am so sorry for your loss and do know how devastating that can be. I?m glad to hear you have three teenagers, the baby at 14! I remember those days, which don?t seem that long ago. Time does fly. Have a wonderful Mother?s Day, dear Maria!
    Always my best to you and yours, Sally xo
Comment from patcelaw
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

To me motherhood has been the greatest honor of my life. Just today I got the message from my grandson that his baby boy Oliver was born this afternoon. So that makes great
grandmother yet again.

 Comment Written 09-May-2019

reply by the author on 10-May-2019
    Happy Mother?s Day and grandmother?s day applies to you, dear Patricia. Thank you for the excellent review and kind comments. Motherhood is wonderful in every way. Always my best to you and yours, Sally xo
Comment from Carla Trinklein
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Lovely! I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your first child. A young couple in my church is going through the exact same thing. They just miss carried their first, a girl. So very difficult for everyone involved! Your poem beautifully captures the joy of anticipating a baby..a sense of wonderment we should fight to hold onto throughout our children's developmental years.

 Comment Written 09-May-2019

reply by the author on 10-May-2019
    Thank you so much Carla, for the excellent review and kind comments. I am never lost my sense of wonder with my children or grandchildren. They continue to amaze me! I am so sorry to hear about your friends?it is the most difficult thing to lose a child. Always my best to you and yours, Sal xo
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Indeed each one is a miracle. And you'll see your first little one in Heaven, too. No wonder you could relate so well to what your daughter-in-law went through.
Enjoyed your poem - especially the father buying boy toys and the grandmother pink things!

 Comment Written 09-May-2019

reply by the author on 10-May-2019
    Thank you so much, dear Helen. I appreciate the excellent review and kind words. It is always so good to hear from you. Please have a Happy Mother?s Day! Always my best to you and yours, Sally xo
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh yes indeed there is no higher calling than that of mother, my wife was/is the perfect mum, and follows it up by being the perfect grandmother, and I'm sure you are God's appointed delight to be a wonderful mum to your son and grandmum to your grands. A beautifully styled and lovingly expressed Nonet, well done Sally, (my elder daughter was born in 1979. Blessings, Roy

 Comment Written 09-May-2019

reply by the author on 10-May-2019
    Thank you so much, Roy. I appreciate the kind and thoughtful words and review. Please tell your wife to have a blessed Mother?s Day from me, will you please? Always my best to you and yours, Sally
reply by royowen on 10-May-2019
    Well done
Comment from Jannypan (Jan)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I enjoyed your nonet contest entry, Sally. Good job on the syllable count per line. Your words are well-chosen and speak volumes about mothers' love. Your notes were poignant, but not without hope. I love the picture you paired with your poem. Thanks for sharing and best wishes. Jan

 Comment Written 09-May-2019

reply by the author on 10-May-2019
    Thank you so much for the excellent review and kind comments. I am so glad enjoyed it and I hope you have a wonderful and blessed Mother?s Day, dear Jan.
    Always my best to you and yours, Sally xo
Comment from Kathleen Washnis
This work has reached the exceptional level

I just thought this was superb! Your writing is professional, heartfelt, simple yet holds much depth. I'm sorry for the loss of your first child but excited some day for you to meet that child in heaven!

 Comment Written 09-May-2019

reply by the author on 09-May-2019
    Thank you sweet lady. What a kind review and so honoring! We lived in New York (near Niagara Falls) at the time of my miscarriage. I slipped and fell on the ice. I began to have complications immediately after that. I was so elated when I conceived again and had our oldest son. I dreamt of being a mom my entire life and thus the ?dreams? line. I will meet that child in heaven with great joy and do the happy dance as you said.
    All my best,
    Sal xo
reply by Kathleen Washnis on 09-May-2019
    Yes I'm sure that little baby will be just one of many treasures you will receive on the other side!! Ugh, that darn ice can be brutal. I slipped on the ice (nothing as serious as yours) about two years ago and hit down so hard it ripped my pants and had a workers comp case though nothing broke and I still have the scar (or bruise mark today!) So glad you were able to conceive again. So you have two sons?
reply by the author on 09-May-2019
    Three sons in four years! Three grandsons and two granddaughters. (Esther is with the Lord already.) my little Sophia just turned five? How about you, any children?
reply by Kathleen Washnis on 09-May-2019
    Wow, three sons in four years, that had to of kept you busy!! I'm so glad for you that you have such a nice family. Yes, little Esther Grace if my memory serves me well is with Jesus waiting for everyone to arrive someday! I live alone with my two furry cat children, both boys!! (Dracoola and Sebastian) Never been married, never had any children. I think God has called me to a single life devoted to Him but I'm open to whatever He has in store! : )
Comment from doggymad1
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You certainly covered all aspects of becoming a parent in this well penned lines. The carrying of the child and the dreams and home of family and loved ones.

Motherhood is both a privilege and a lifetime job.

 Comment Written 09-May-2019

reply by the author on 09-May-2019
    Thank you so much Freda. I appreciate the excellent review and kind compliments. I am privileged to have a loving husband who loves our children and grandchildren as much as I do.
    Always my best to you and yours,
    Sal :+)
Comment from WalkerMan
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your flawless nonet is a splendid tribute to motherhood and the loving feelings involved -- here, specifically in its earliest stage. The saying you used as illustration certainly is true for any responsible mother (and transfers to the father if no mother is present). Superb.

Please accept a Virtual Six, as this week's allotment is already gone.

 Comment Written 09-May-2019

reply by the author on 09-May-2019
    Thank you so much, dear Mike. I appreciate the kind words and virtual six. I dreamt of being a mother as long as I can remember. So glad you enjoyed this. I can?t imagine doing it alone though, it is a tag team responsibility. We lived in New York near Niagara Falls and our little home was wood heated. Jack would get up at night and bring our sons to bed so I could nurse them without being chilled to the bone. Then, he would change them and put them back to sleep. What a Daddy! Sweet memories.
    All my best,
    Sal :+))
reply by WalkerMan on 09-May-2019
    You are most welcome, Sal. Yes, you are indeed blessed to have a husband so caring and willing to do such things. Sweet memories, to be sure. Your kids were fortunate to have been raised in your family. -- Mike
reply by the author on 09-May-2019
    And, your girls, too. You and your wife were and are such loving parents. You seemed very involved in their lives with Girl Scouts.
reply by WalkerMan on 10-May-2019
    Thank you, Sal.

    My wife chose not to drive because of peripheral vision issues, so I drove the kids to all of their appointments, lessons, school events, and, specifically with the youngest, her girl scout activities and parent meetings. Her troop raised money in a variety of ways for a year in order to send twenty-one girls and three leaders to Alaska for eleven days, which included my daughter's first flight, first ferry ride, and first train ride. She had a wonderful time.

    My wife made ALL of their clothes, from dresses their classmates envied to even their bathing suits, as well as gorgeous hand-sewn and embroidered quilts for their beds. When I drove her to quilt shows she wanted to see, I saw nothing there -- even the winners -- anywhere near the creativity and stitching quality of hers. She could have won show after show, and sold her quilts at good prices too; but she made them strictly for home use and gifts to relatives. They all are now cherished heirlooms.

    Together, we played Scrabble, Monopoly, and other games with them, took them to movies such as the original three Star Wars films, and took them for walks in local parks. I worked long hours, but was able to adjust them and arrange vacation time to be present for all family activities.

    Less than two weeks from today is the eighteenth anniversary of her untimely passing at age fifty-five. It's hard to believe it's been that long. "Midnight Moonrise 2" (early in my Portfolio) is relevant. -- Mike
Comment from Mastery
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Good Nonet here, Sal. It says so much about you and your motherhood. I'll bet you are a good one. I lost one boy to a freak accident when he was 14. I lost my mother when she was just 40 yeas old and I was only 11.
I am familiar with loss and commend you for seeing your way forward with the help of God. Bless you and happy Mother's day. Your friend, Bob

ps. In my folio, from about ten years ago read "Top of the Mountain" for an inspirational lift. Bob

 Comment Written 09-May-2019

reply by the author on 09-May-2019
    Thank you, Bob. I appreciated the excellent review and heartfelt comments. I read Falling Up The Stairs and remember the shared details of your mother?s ill health and early death. I am so sorry for this rocks ones world in profound ways. My husband lost his mother at four months old to pneumonia. I will check out your portfolio and read your article. Please wish Lyn a Happy Mother?s Day From me.
    All my best,
    Sal ,+)
reply by Mastery on 09-May-2019
    I will pass along your wishes, but you can hold off looking up that post. I am just going to post it as a revived today. Thanks, Sal. Bless you, Bob
reply by the author on 09-May-2019
    Yes, it was at the top of the FanStory page. I recognized the picture right away.
reply by Mastery on 09-May-2019
    Thank you, Sal. Bob