Reviews from

See Ya'll Soon

Stepping Back a Bit

21 total reviews 
Comment from Joanna S. Blue
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a charming way to share your good news and plans. I am glad you will still be posting some. I always look forward to what you share. Enjoy the gardens!

 Comment Written 02-Mar-2019

reply by the author on 02-Mar-2019
    Thanks for your lovely review and comments, Joanna.

Comment from Mrs. KT
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Melissa!
Happy Spring and Happy Gardening!
I understand your position completely as I, too, love to garden. In fact, it consumes my life! However, here in northern Michigan, we don't even see our gardens until the end of March!
Be well!
Keep in touch!

 Comment Written 02-Mar-2019

reply by the author on 02-Mar-2019
    Hello, Diane. I thank you for your comments. I have a lot to do and just need to spend more time outdoors. It is springtime here. I will continue to post, but at a more leisurely pace. Thanks.

Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A jaunty rhyming poem Melissa and you have green fingers? I love gardens and I only have a few flower pots on my driveway, the parks in England are my garden pleasure. Fanstory is a great pursuit during the winter months, but there is so much to do when the spring comes, especially in the garden. I wish you well whatever you do, it has been a pleasure to read your poetry and hope to see you on here from time to time, best wishes, love Dolly x

 Comment Written 02-Mar-2019

reply by the author on 02-Mar-2019
    Thank you, Dolly. I will be posting, just not as often. It is taking too much time, and I want to spend more time outdoors. I will check back in before long and will probably do reviewing without posting... We will see.... Thanks a bunch.

Comment from Ulla
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I know, Melissa you did tell me about it, but here is your official message. I just hope you won't go away all together as I do love to read your work. Good luck with the garden shows. All best. Ulla:)))

 Comment Written 02-Mar-2019

reply by the author on 02-Mar-2019
    Hi, Ulla. I will be posting often, just need to spend time doing other things. Thanks for the lovely compliment. See you soon.

Comment from BeasPeas
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Melissa. I do hope you're okay and just in time for the gardening season. Yes, I agree that we're torn with our commitments. I find myself in the same boat. Balance is the key. I didn't know that you were recuperating from surgery. I'm almost "there" with recuperation from my eye surgery and do plan to go out for the first time by myself tomorrow. Hopefully--no more snow. Marilyn

 Comment Written 02-Mar-2019

reply by the author on 02-Mar-2019
    Hi, Marilyn. Yes, I am fine, just need to step back because I am so busy. I had foot surgery for a bad tendon and other things. I was in the bed for two months and spent my time on FanStory. It has been fun. Now, I am better and have the itch to garden. Thank you very much!

reply by BeasPeas on 02-Mar-2019
    Oh I know what you're going through. I had foot surgery in fall of 2017 and in a cast for three months. It was awful. I couldn't wait to get around again.
Comment from Mustang Patty
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi, Melissa,

Okay. Go ahead and have your life that doesn't involve writing and US.

I will miss you, but I'm glad you are returning to something you love, and will still try to drop by once in a while.


 Comment Written 02-Mar-2019

reply by the author on 02-Mar-2019
    Hey, Patty. I am not gone, just backing off a bit.. I will post often. Thanks. By the way, congrats on your Reviewer of the Month!!

Comment from Kathleen Washnis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Awe! I don't know what I'll do without my daily dose of 'sugar' (ray) Melissa! No worries, you take care of business and whenever you can, throw us a poem or two. Did you really have a surgery recently or was that just a poetic twist you threw in there?

 Comment Written 02-Mar-2019

reply by the author on 02-Mar-2019
    Hey, Kathleen. Thanks for popping by and reviewing. Yes, I had foot surgery on Nov 2 and was in bed for six weeks. I still have to keep it propped up a lot, but I am getting around better. I will be posting often, just not as much! Hugs.

reply by Kathleen Washnis on 02-Mar-2019
    Thanks for getting back to me Melissa. No worries, you post plenty and deserve some rest and relaxation though you are a busy lady! Hope your foot heals fast! Did you have a bunion? Only reason I ask is that I do and haven't set the time aside to be off my feet for six weeks!
Comment from Heather Knight
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh! I will be missing your posts, Melissa. I really enjoy reading your poems about nature.
You say you've been operated on? Glad to hear you are okay now.
See you around.

 Comment Written 02-Mar-2019

reply by the author on 02-Mar-2019
    Hey, Maria. Thanks for popping by and reviewing. Yes, I had foot surgery on Nov 2 and was in bed for six weeks. I still have to keep it propped up a lot, but I am getting around better. I will be posting often, just not as much! Hugs.

Comment from June Sargent
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'll keep my eye out for your posts! Glad you're feeling better. Life beckons and you must respond. But don't be a stranger! Your poems are special.

 Comment Written 02-Mar-2019

reply by the author on 02-Mar-2019
    Thank you, June. I plan to post often... when I am able. Thanks!!

Comment from Debbie Pope
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

From your title, I was afraid that you might be leaving us for awhile for a sad reason. I love that you have a full life and that you are feeling well enough to enjoy all your hobbies again. All of your activities should give you more to write about. We will see you soon indeed.

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 Comment Written 02-Mar-2019

reply by the author on 02-Mar-2019
    Hey, thanks, Debbie... I plan to post often, when I am able. Thanks so much.
