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Viewing comments for Chapter 7 "Quiz #7 - Robyn Corum"A book of Quizzes!
25 total reviews
Comment from Ulla
Hi Robyn, not only do I love this quiz you're doing, but the questions are really good this time round. They go more into depth and I like that. I loved your answers and I do feel I know a bit more about you. I remember about the telephone poles from somewhere else in your writing and I do admire you for that. I'm adding to this later today. Thanks for doing this!!! Ulla:)))
reply by the author on 28-Feb-2019
Hi Robyn, not only do I love this quiz you're doing, but the questions are really good this time round. They go more into depth and I like that. I loved your answers and I do feel I know a bit more about you. I remember about the telephone poles from somewhere else in your writing and I do admire you for that. I'm adding to this later today. Thanks for doing this!!! Ulla:)))
Comment Written 28-Feb-2019
reply by the author on 28-Feb-2019
YAY! Yes, picking out the questions is sometimes a bit hard. You want qs that people will take the time to answer, that can get into some 'meat', but not get TOO personal that people won't participate - and you also want that measure of fun.
I am open to suggestions for questions, too.... ?? Thanks, dear one!
Comment from Dawn Munro
Well, Robyn, I am impressed with your courage in becoming a phone installer and climbing poles. Not me, uh-uh, no way, thank you very much. :) Okay, maybe when I was young and foolish... (LOL)
I also have a story about unexplained happenings that is very similar to yours. I didn't mention it in my answers because it'snot my story to tell -- it was my mother's. But I did mention it in one of my bio pieces some time ago anyway.
I loved reading yours!!! These quizzes are wonderful, my friend!
reply by the author on 28-Feb-2019
Well, Robyn, I am impressed with your courage in becoming a phone installer and climbing poles. Not me, uh-uh, no way, thank you very much. :) Okay, maybe when I was young and foolish... (LOL)
I also have a story about unexplained happenings that is very similar to yours. I didn't mention it in my answers because it'snot my story to tell -- it was my mother's. But I did mention it in one of my bio pieces some time ago anyway.
I loved reading yours!!! These quizzes are wonderful, my friend!
Comment Written 28-Feb-2019
reply by the author on 28-Feb-2019
RATS! I forgot to mention you in my notes in this quiz. I was just going to send you a 'salute' of sorts, saying something like 'here it is, Dawn,' or some such, since I know you've been wanting another one. haha! Well, it's the thought that counts. It's the silly brain that fails!
BTW, I'm always open to question suggestions. Thanks!
PS - you'll notice I just sent you a thumb - it's the last day of the month and I wanted to be sure to use mine all up. You are always such a big help. Thanks!
OH! Okay. I'll do the same then -- great ! :)) Thank you!
Can't send you one -- already did this month. Won't let us send two.
Thanks anyway!!
That's ok. There's always tomorrow. :)
Comment from Louise Michelle
Oh, God, do you really want to hear the story about my pen name? Well, you asked for it.
After my divorce, I legally took my middle name as my last name because it was always my pen name. When I re-married, I got my new hubby's last name, but also retained my old last name. I have a credit card under Louise Michelle but also one under Hubby's last name. It gets exhausting sometimes.
I'm glad you use your real name. I don't mind people using fake ones as long as they're easy to remember.
I have lived in many different states due to the ex's work. That's how I landed from Jersey to Texas.
I love the section on being psychic because I'm really into metaphysics. Like you, I've had minor psychic moments. Love that story about Grandma and Grandpa.
OMG! No, I have never done anything heroic.
I've had a bunch of stuff published through the years. Most recently, my humor poems have appeared in e-zines.
reply by the author on 28-Feb-2019
Oh, God, do you really want to hear the story about my pen name? Well, you asked for it.
After my divorce, I legally took my middle name as my last name because it was always my pen name. When I re-married, I got my new hubby's last name, but also retained my old last name. I have a credit card under Louise Michelle but also one under Hubby's last name. It gets exhausting sometimes.
I'm glad you use your real name. I don't mind people using fake ones as long as they're easy to remember.
I have lived in many different states due to the ex's work. That's how I landed from Jersey to Texas.
I love the section on being psychic because I'm really into metaphysics. Like you, I've had minor psychic moments. Love that story about Grandma and Grandpa.
OMG! No, I have never done anything heroic.
I've had a bunch of stuff published through the years. Most recently, my humor poems have appeared in e-zines.
Comment Written 28-Feb-2019
reply by the author on 28-Feb-2019
Well, I'm so glad you've told me this - but what about the other folks?? Are you gonna fill out a quiz or not????? Come on -- play with us..... Come ooonnnn?...
I'm not really keen to make lists of favorite movies, books, deodorants or whatever else they require. Yours was fun cause I felt like I was just talkin. Know what I mean?
absolutely! Thank you!
Comment from nancyjam
Enjoyed reading this Robyn. You have lived a very interesting life.
Congratulations on having your book published. That really is an achievement! and pole climbing! much harder than pole dancing I imagine. Good for you.
Enjoyed getting to know you a little more.
reply by the author on 23-Mar-2019
Enjoyed reading this Robyn. You have lived a very interesting life.
Congratulations on having your book published. That really is an achievement! and pole climbing! much harder than pole dancing I imagine. Good for you.
Enjoyed getting to know you a little more.
Comment Written 27-Feb-2019
reply by the author on 23-Mar-2019
hahahaha! Well... I couldn't say, personally. hahaha!
Comment from 24chas
It feels funny to rate someone's answers this way, but you deserve the five stars. Especially after reading about climbing those poles. I could never do that, but I guess you see things differently up there. Good job.
reply by the author on 23-Mar-2019
It feels funny to rate someone's answers this way, but you deserve the five stars. Especially after reading about climbing those poles. I could never do that, but I guess you see things differently up there. Good job.
Comment Written 27-Feb-2019
reply by the author on 23-Mar-2019
hahaha! Yep. Thank you!
Comment from judiverse
This is quite interesting. I was especially fascinated by your experience with the "pole climbing school." Did you actually work as an outside installer? You can certainly be proud of having your book published and I hope you'll add to your credits your story of the Bender family. "Melinda" was a great achievement and I have the book on my Kindle. Great quiz, and it's inspired me to write my answers. judi
reply by the author on 23-Mar-2019
This is quite interesting. I was especially fascinated by your experience with the "pole climbing school." Did you actually work as an outside installer? You can certainly be proud of having your book published and I hope you'll add to your credits your story of the Bender family. "Melinda" was a great achievement and I have the book on my Kindle. Great quiz, and it's inspired me to write my answers. judi
Comment Written 27-Feb-2019
reply by the author on 23-Mar-2019
Yes, I worked outside for two years. I didn't love it, but I learned a LOT. And actually missed it a little when I quit. Weird, huh? I am so proud of Melinda and am eagerly awaiting my Critter series. I'm so close. Already had the proto-type delivered to my house! HUZZAH! And, yes. I intend to finish Kate AND Ama and so many more that I have in my pocket. AND Joy Graham and I have one we plan to do together. So many -- I need to get into a better routine. But my grandgirls don't care ANYTHING about my routines. I promise you that. hahaha
So glad work one your Critter book and the Bender novel are progressing. Best of luck with their publication. judi
Comment from barbara.wilkey
I always enjoy reading these. Maybe over spring break I will try to answer this one. I maybe able to beat your houses. My husband did 23 years in the military. Thank you for sharing.
reply by the author on 23-Mar-2019
I always enjoy reading these. Maybe over spring break I will try to answer this one. I maybe able to beat your houses. My husband did 23 years in the military. Thank you for sharing.
Comment Written 27-Feb-2019
reply by the author on 23-Mar-2019
Oh, wow! Have you filled one out, yet????
Comment from BeasPeas
Hi Robyn. I enjoyed all of the answers to your quiz. We learn more about each other as time goes on. I particularly enjoyed "pole-climbing school." (Not to be confused with pole-dancing school which is a whole other talent). Marilyn
reply by the author on 23-Mar-2019
Hi Robyn. I enjoyed all of the answers to your quiz. We learn more about each other as time goes on. I particularly enjoyed "pole-climbing school." (Not to be confused with pole-dancing school which is a whole other talent). Marilyn
Comment Written 27-Feb-2019
reply by the author on 23-Mar-2019
Ohhh... you are soooo right. I have never tried that talent. Not sure I would graduate THAT school. hahaha!
Comment from ExperiencingLiphe
I tend to have pregnancy dreams when something good is about to happen. Usually, only when big things happen. I had them when I moved to Virginia and when I stopped hating Christmas. Now whenever I get a pregnancy dream I always get excited. I read in a dream book that pregnancy dreams mean a new beginning. I was relieved to find out it didn't mean pregnancy. lol. I think that's as close to psychic as I can get though. And I couldn't do the telephone pole stuff. I helped a girl get into a treatment center for her anorexia. She always tells me I saved her life, but she did all the work. I just gave her the number to the treatment center. If you ask her she'd say that was probably my heroic moment. I don't look at it as one though, I mean she did do all the work. It's always funny how we always tell each other to chase their dreams but when they haven't done them they seem so far away. Writing my book and holding it was probably my greatest achievement too. It's like that that's all I ever wanted and I did it. I love these. Hopefully I'll get enough money to post mine soon!
reply by the author on 23-Mar-2019
I tend to have pregnancy dreams when something good is about to happen. Usually, only when big things happen. I had them when I moved to Virginia and when I stopped hating Christmas. Now whenever I get a pregnancy dream I always get excited. I read in a dream book that pregnancy dreams mean a new beginning. I was relieved to find out it didn't mean pregnancy. lol. I think that's as close to psychic as I can get though. And I couldn't do the telephone pole stuff. I helped a girl get into a treatment center for her anorexia. She always tells me I saved her life, but she did all the work. I just gave her the number to the treatment center. If you ask her she'd say that was probably my heroic moment. I don't look at it as one though, I mean she did do all the work. It's always funny how we always tell each other to chase their dreams but when they haven't done them they seem so far away. Writing my book and holding it was probably my greatest achievement too. It's like that that's all I ever wanted and I did it. I love these. Hopefully I'll get enough money to post mine soon!
Comment Written 27-Feb-2019
reply by the author on 23-Mar-2019
Awesome! Did you get yours posted? I can't remember - I'm so very late responding!! hahaha --
Yes I did. :)
Comment from kiwijenny
Robyn what is your book Melinda Heads West about?
Im so glad you got published . This is cool. I liked that Mama Hill tale.
Your grandfather must have been very special. I've lived all over the place. NZ Alabama Georgia Kentucky
God bless
reply by the author on 23-Mar-2019
Robyn what is your book Melinda Heads West about?
Im so glad you got published . This is cool. I liked that Mama Hill tale.
Your grandfather must have been very special. I've lived all over the place. NZ Alabama Georgia Kentucky
God bless
Comment Written 27-Feb-2019
reply by the author on 23-Mar-2019
Hi, Jenny. Melinda is about a youngish gal who is headed west to pick up a family deed and what happens to her on the way. It's a western and has lots of killing and shooting and stuff like that. (It seems that all my novels end up out west.) hahaha I'm really proud of it. Thank you!
There is a reason we hanker for certain regions. My husband was fascinated about Norway as a kid, made a Norwegian flag ...after my daughter got her DNA results that showed a Norwegian percentage, he knew nothing about line is clearer I know it?s not from