Letter to the President
tired of the radical Leftists' hatred ....32 total reviews
Comment from Earl Corp
If I had a six star rating left this story would have earned it. Everything you said was spot on. The media is so against Trump that if he had the cure for cancer the headlines would read "Trump puts thousands of doctors out of work." This post won't make you very many friends bu I'm one. Nice job.
reply by the author on 25-Nov-2018
If I had a six star rating left this story would have earned it. Everything you said was spot on. The media is so against Trump that if he had the cure for cancer the headlines would read "Trump puts thousands of doctors out of work." This post won't make you very many friends bu I'm one. Nice job.
Comment Written 24-Nov-2018
reply by the author on 25-Nov-2018
Thanks a lot for appreciating my work. Thanks too for the virtual six stars. I am deeply honored. God bless you.
Comment from Bill Schott
This is a phenomenal letter that captures every event and persons involved that are followed by the media in response to the actions of the current administration and the peoples' divided responses. It leans, of course, hard to the right, and is a terrific representation of the hard-core American ideal of a strong government to represent the heart and soul of the traditional view of the United States.
I think differently,but cannot fault this well-researched and beautifully expressed testimony. I look forward to reading the rest.
reply by the author on 11-Jul-2018
This is a phenomenal letter that captures every event and persons involved that are followed by the media in response to the actions of the current administration and the peoples' divided responses. It leans, of course, hard to the right, and is a terrific representation of the hard-core American ideal of a strong government to represent the heart and soul of the traditional view of the United States.
I think differently,but cannot fault this well-researched and beautifully expressed testimony. I look forward to reading the rest.
Comment Written 11-Jul-2018
reply by the author on 11-Jul-2018
Thanks a lot Bill for being so considerate. I have received a lot of flak from the Liberal folks in this site. One reviewer even wanted me to go back to my native country and leave America. I have indicated a warning for language so I believe the readers are forewarned of the language I used in my personal rants. Thanks for making me feel that I was not wrong in chasing my American dream and waiting patiently in line for two years, for the issuance of my US immigrant visa. I am only six months old here since I got my green card as a permanent US resident legally. I chose to follow the rules rather than break them by jumping over the US borders illegally. Thanks too for the six stars, I am deeply humbled. God bless, all the best. Susan
Comment from Y. M. Roger
So wonderfully penned! It is good to see such strong thoughts that many of us share put to such lovely shape and form! We are the more silent majority....and probably always will be. The vote speaks loudest and we must continue to speak....
Thank you again for your words of reflection!
reply by the author on 11-Jul-2018
So wonderfully penned! It is good to see such strong thoughts that many of us share put to such lovely shape and form! We are the more silent majority....and probably always will be. The vote speaks loudest and we must continue to speak....
Thank you again for your words of reflection!
Comment Written 09-Jul-2018
reply by the author on 11-Jul-2018
Yes, I guess that's the problem with most Republicans, they are happy with just being the silent majority, too fearful of what the Leftist might do in retaliation. But please convince all Trump supporters to vote all the Republican candidates this mid-term election, the survival of the American society is at stake in this coming election. I cannot vote because I am just a new green card holder. God bless. Susan
Comment from Alexander Vasa
Hello Nassus, I may not be the best reviewer for this commentary, but it was well written and interesting even though I'm not your target audience. I can't comment for lack of info, obviously as I'm an Aussie, but you guys seem to be going through a lot over there lately, and if poets are the psyche of a nation, then your nationals are asking a lot of questions and the anger, disillusionment, and skepticism is rife. But that can be good if it ends in a better government with more dialogue, I love getting around the table, especially a round one. It matches my mythical slant, LOL
Good writing Nassus, and thanks for sharing your opinions. Ana.
reply by the author on 09-Jul-2018
Hello Nassus, I may not be the best reviewer for this commentary, but it was well written and interesting even though I'm not your target audience. I can't comment for lack of info, obviously as I'm an Aussie, but you guys seem to be going through a lot over there lately, and if poets are the psyche of a nation, then your nationals are asking a lot of questions and the anger, disillusionment, and skepticism is rife. But that can be good if it ends in a better government with more dialogue, I love getting around the table, especially a round one. It matches my mythical slant, LOL
Good writing Nassus, and thanks for sharing your opinions. Ana.
Comment Written 09-Jul-2018
reply by the author on 09-Jul-2018
Thanks Ana for this positive review of my rants against the violence of the Socialist inspired hate groups in America. I do hope the political climate in Australia is nt as lethal here. LOL. Take care. Susan
Comment from Winslow
Dear Nassus,
I like to think of myself as a liberal and open minded. Your letter is a reminder of how polarized we have become. Trading insults and accusing the other side of foul play does nothing but fan the flames of distrust, hysteria, and hatred. It is like two bullies engaged in a brawl where anything goes including eye gouging, kidney punching, and ball busting. President Trump, through his rhetoric, encourages this. Yes, some of the people on the left are intolerant just as some people on the right are, but somewhere in both groups there are people who want to work together to solve our problems.
I don't understand the current xenophobia that is occurring. I have researched immigration and found it has always had a positive effect on our country. It seems to me that a lot of politicians on both sides forget we are a land of Immigrants and are hypocritical in their policies. American can adsorb a lot more immigrants and we should not continue to exclude them. Did you know that most immigrants from Central America have NO OPTION to enter our country legally? What would you do in their shoes?
I couldn't rate your letter any higher since it isn't written objectively and is a rant.
reply by the author on 08-Jul-2018
Dear Nassus,
I like to think of myself as a liberal and open minded. Your letter is a reminder of how polarized we have become. Trading insults and accusing the other side of foul play does nothing but fan the flames of distrust, hysteria, and hatred. It is like two bullies engaged in a brawl where anything goes including eye gouging, kidney punching, and ball busting. President Trump, through his rhetoric, encourages this. Yes, some of the people on the left are intolerant just as some people on the right are, but somewhere in both groups there are people who want to work together to solve our problems.
I don't understand the current xenophobia that is occurring. I have researched immigration and found it has always had a positive effect on our country. It seems to me that a lot of politicians on both sides forget we are a land of Immigrants and are hypocritical in their policies. American can adsorb a lot more immigrants and we should not continue to exclude them. Did you know that most immigrants from Central America have NO OPTION to enter our country legally? What would you do in their shoes?
I couldn't rate your letter any higher since it isn't written objectively and is a rant.
Comment Written 08-Jul-2018
reply by the author on 08-Jul-2018
My dear friend it is a rant really, which I emphasized in my notes and the language warning was on. Just ignore my rants. I won't be offended. God bless my friend. All the best, Susan
When you write a rant you open yourself up to criticism. It isn't a well written rant. I have no problem with a rant and if this had been well written and objective l could have rated it much higher Trading insults doesn't cut it.
Comment from BeasPeas
Hi Nassus. Kudos to you for speaking out about what conservatives have been experiencing for far too long--that is the hatred and violence thrust upon us by the liberal left whose mantra is tolerance. Trump won the presidency because rank and file Americans, not the elite leftists and Hollywood crowd, went underground and voted for their values and their conscience. Great job. Marilyn
reply by the author on 09-Jul-2018
Hi Nassus. Kudos to you for speaking out about what conservatives have been experiencing for far too long--that is the hatred and violence thrust upon us by the liberal left whose mantra is tolerance. Trump won the presidency because rank and file Americans, not the elite leftists and Hollywood crowd, went underground and voted for their values and their conscience. Great job. Marilyn
Comment Written 08-Jul-2018
reply by the author on 09-Jul-2018
Thanks Marilyn for sharing your take of how the liberal Left had undermined and polluted the conservative ideals of America with Socialist ideology. With more people like you, America will continue to be great. Take care. Susan
Hopefully there are enough "silent majority" common sense people keeping their cards close to their vest to counteract the anarchy the left is promoting.
Comment from Frank De layna
This would be Trump's reply to your letter: Thank you for your support. I am relying on people like you and some of the Mexicans and Blacks to re-elect me. Stupidity and ignorance like you possess will help me win. And by the way, you aren't white nor well off and my policies, like my current ones, will eliminate people like you. America is for the white people, not the likes of you. Keep supporting me and don't come to America, we don't support immigration.
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reply by the author on 08-Jul-2018
This would be Trump's reply to your letter: Thank you for your support. I am relying on people like you and some of the Mexicans and Blacks to re-elect me. Stupidity and ignorance like you possess will help me win. And by the way, you aren't white nor well off and my policies, like my current ones, will eliminate people like you. America is for the white people, not the likes of you. Keep supporting me and don't come to America, we don't support immigration.
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Comment Written 08-Jul-2018
reply by the author on 08-Jul-2018
Dear Frank,
This letter was meant in defense of the white people, perhaps you misunderstood the content. I was actually speaking for the white race being mistreated as in the example I mentioned in Evergreen College included in Part 2 of my Letter to the President. Please do care to read Part 2 . I emphasized that we should celebrate together whether black, white, brown or yellow as free Americans, irrespective of the pigment of our skin. God bless, all the best. nassus
Thank you
Comment from Swampfox1
Thank you so very much for writing this Letter to the President. You hit the proverbial nail right on its head when you wrote that the socialists democrats are wanting to bring in more illegals to turn this nation into a socialist' nation. An overthrow of the American government is what began with Barrack Obama and that is why that he, the self--proclaimed great Obama is still in the background putting down President Trump at his every single move. Once again, thanks, have a blessed week.
reply by the author on 09-Jul-2018
Thank you so very much for writing this Letter to the President. You hit the proverbial nail right on its head when you wrote that the socialists democrats are wanting to bring in more illegals to turn this nation into a socialist' nation. An overthrow of the American government is what began with Barrack Obama and that is why that he, the self--proclaimed great Obama is still in the background putting down President Trump at his every single move. Once again, thanks, have a blessed week.
Comment Written 08-Jul-2018
reply by the author on 09-Jul-2018
I agree my friend, in fact , Obama is travelling around the globe convincing Left-leaning countries to oppose the policies of President trump. Please continue to love America, I cannot contribute much, because I cannot even vote during election. I am just a legal US permanent resident, a green card holder, and not an American citizen yet. Take care. Susan
Love hearing from you. You too, take care
Comment from WalkerMan
You prove your courage by standing up to state this -- backing it up with many examples known to anyone paying attention to reality too often distorted or even totally omitted by the biased media many people have (or choose to have) as their sole information source daily -- while knowing that some who disagree may be nasty about it. I commend you for that.
In the process, you demonstrate that YOU are exactly the kind of LEGAL immigrant this country has always needed and should cherish. You came here because you had researched the truth of our country's founding principles in advance, and agreed with them. You brought with you a fine, well-educated mind, as well as fluency in our English language, thus making you an immediate asset rather than a handout-seeker with few prospects and (too often) no intent to assimilate. If I did not know you were a recent arrival, I would not have guessed, even from your picture, as there are plenty of Americans born here who have Asian ancestry. I hope the current national ills you mention don't make you sorry you came here.
President Trump, having grown up and conducted business in the metropolitan New York and New Jersey area, plus overseas, had to acquire a tough manner to survive and thrive as well as he did. It is a credit to his character that his employees, who come from a great diversity of backgrounds (racial, ethnic, and religious), are known to be loyal and appreciative of him (though the biased news media choose to hide such facts). Indeed, he gets along with anyone who is truthful, honest, and works hard -- regardless of surface factors. Part of his success is that he does not take abuse without response in kind. Those who are stupid enough to threaten him (and/or those he cares about) with violence may ultimately wish they hadn't, as the law certainly is on his side as our duly elected president (despite sore-loser HC's endless rants).
You are correct that the (once at least somewhat loyal) Democrat Party has been progressively (pun intended) overrun by more and more radical leftists, even full Marxists and disciples of Saul Alinsky, who will use ANY means to achieve their goals -- including tearing down our culture and society, no matter how violently. And chaos-monger George Soros is delighted to fund any group willing to aid that effort, regardless of tactics and without remorse for anyone harmed.
Historically, the Democrats were the party determined to maintain slavery, thus becoming the party of secession that led to the Civil War. They were the party that opposed the Thirteenth Amendment freeing the slaves, and the Fourteenth Amendment that extended voting rights to all, including the freed slaves. Furthermore, they were the party of the Ku Klux Klan, Jim Crow, lynchings, segregation, and other forms of bigotry (including Franklin Roosevelt's Unconstitutional herding of Japanese Americans into internment camps during World War II).
Democrat Lyndon Johnson was a known bigot who signed the Civil Rights Bill ONLY because, in his words (paraphrased for civility), Blacks would vote Democrat ever after (which many were thus duped into doing, though they are now waking up to the truth that all the Democrats' promises to improve their lives have never made a particle of difference, and the Democrat-pushed welfare programs -- mostly for young black women with children -- broke up their once-solid families by replacing working men as the primary income source).
Meanwhile, increasingly leftist Democrat control over teachers' unions and (first public, but now also private) school administrations (including colleges), as well as increasingly left-biased textbooks and curricula, are turning out less and less educated "graduates" ill equipped to think clearly or succeed in the real world. That is intentional to render them both dependent on government and easier to influence and control.
Of course, the globalist "elites" wanting to eliminate freedom from the world foster all this through their control over the major news media and what is or is not reported. That is why some reviewers living outside the U.S. will disagree with you, for the truth is kept from them by the news sources they have access to. (You must have been more diligent in pursuit of the truth than others, else you would not be as aware as you are.)
This post is too important for me to pick at minor SPAG issues, so I won't. What I will do is read your other posts in this series. Superb.
reply by the author on 09-Jul-2018
You prove your courage by standing up to state this -- backing it up with many examples known to anyone paying attention to reality too often distorted or even totally omitted by the biased media many people have (or choose to have) as their sole information source daily -- while knowing that some who disagree may be nasty about it. I commend you for that.
In the process, you demonstrate that YOU are exactly the kind of LEGAL immigrant this country has always needed and should cherish. You came here because you had researched the truth of our country's founding principles in advance, and agreed with them. You brought with you a fine, well-educated mind, as well as fluency in our English language, thus making you an immediate asset rather than a handout-seeker with few prospects and (too often) no intent to assimilate. If I did not know you were a recent arrival, I would not have guessed, even from your picture, as there are plenty of Americans born here who have Asian ancestry. I hope the current national ills you mention don't make you sorry you came here.
President Trump, having grown up and conducted business in the metropolitan New York and New Jersey area, plus overseas, had to acquire a tough manner to survive and thrive as well as he did. It is a credit to his character that his employees, who come from a great diversity of backgrounds (racial, ethnic, and religious), are known to be loyal and appreciative of him (though the biased news media choose to hide such facts). Indeed, he gets along with anyone who is truthful, honest, and works hard -- regardless of surface factors. Part of his success is that he does not take abuse without response in kind. Those who are stupid enough to threaten him (and/or those he cares about) with violence may ultimately wish they hadn't, as the law certainly is on his side as our duly elected president (despite sore-loser HC's endless rants).
You are correct that the (once at least somewhat loyal) Democrat Party has been progressively (pun intended) overrun by more and more radical leftists, even full Marxists and disciples of Saul Alinsky, who will use ANY means to achieve their goals -- including tearing down our culture and society, no matter how violently. And chaos-monger George Soros is delighted to fund any group willing to aid that effort, regardless of tactics and without remorse for anyone harmed.
Historically, the Democrats were the party determined to maintain slavery, thus becoming the party of secession that led to the Civil War. They were the party that opposed the Thirteenth Amendment freeing the slaves, and the Fourteenth Amendment that extended voting rights to all, including the freed slaves. Furthermore, they were the party of the Ku Klux Klan, Jim Crow, lynchings, segregation, and other forms of bigotry (including Franklin Roosevelt's Unconstitutional herding of Japanese Americans into internment camps during World War II).
Democrat Lyndon Johnson was a known bigot who signed the Civil Rights Bill ONLY because, in his words (paraphrased for civility), Blacks would vote Democrat ever after (which many were thus duped into doing, though they are now waking up to the truth that all the Democrats' promises to improve their lives have never made a particle of difference, and the Democrat-pushed welfare programs -- mostly for young black women with children -- broke up their once-solid families by replacing working men as the primary income source).
Meanwhile, increasingly leftist Democrat control over teachers' unions and (first public, but now also private) school administrations (including colleges), as well as increasingly left-biased textbooks and curricula, are turning out less and less educated "graduates" ill equipped to think clearly or succeed in the real world. That is intentional to render them both dependent on government and easier to influence and control.
Of course, the globalist "elites" wanting to eliminate freedom from the world foster all this through their control over the major news media and what is or is not reported. That is why some reviewers living outside the U.S. will disagree with you, for the truth is kept from them by the news sources they have access to. (You must have been more diligent in pursuit of the truth than others, else you would not be as aware as you are.)
This post is too important for me to pick at minor SPAG issues, so I won't. What I will do is read your other posts in this series. Superb.
Comment Written 08-Jul-2018
reply by the author on 09-Jul-2018
I think I am beginning to sound like a broken record, giving my thanks again and again and again. LOL. Anyway, thanks for being a friend and so supportive. God bless. Susan
You are most welcome, Susan. A lot of people, whether citizens or recent legal immigrants, may THINK what you have said, but are afraid to speak out because of fear of leftist retaliation. YOU chose to speak anyway, knowing you'd get at least some pushback (and you did). Again I commend you for your courage in expressing your principles. THAT is certainly worthy of support. -- Mike
Comment from misscookie
Wow you said a mouthful that's for sure
I knew this would be a strong write which is you F/S right
Everyone has their opinion and the right to speak their mind This is what i truly calla food for though write
thank you for sharting
reply by the author on 09-Jul-2018
Wow you said a mouthful that's for sure
I knew this would be a strong write which is you F/S right
Everyone has their opinion and the right to speak their mind This is what i truly calla food for though write
thank you for sharting
Comment Written 08-Jul-2018
reply by the author on 09-Jul-2018
Thanks a lot Cookie, you are a kind and gentle friend here in this site. You reviewed my personal rants with much open mind without being mad at me. Thank you very much, America's freedom will be alive with more people like you. God bless. Susan
Why would I get mad at you
As for those who did, I wonder if they would tell you to your face as the saying goes the truth hurts after alll we all have tie right to voice our option
have a nice day and thank you for those kind words