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Viewing comments for Chapter 10057 "Quiz #5:judiverse"A book of Quizzes!
17 total reviews
Comment from royowen
"To kill a mockingbird" was a movie replay on our TV, during last week, very memorable movie indeed. Loved your answers, you are a very self affecing person, I don't answer these with straight answers anyway, but yours are very witty, just loved them. Well dine, blessings, Roy
reply by the author on 28-Jun-2018
"To kill a mockingbird" was a movie replay on our TV, during last week, very memorable movie indeed. Loved your answers, you are a very self affecing person, I don't answer these with straight answers anyway, but yours are very witty, just loved them. Well dine, blessings, Roy
Comment Written 28-Jun-2018
reply by the author on 28-Jun-2018
Thanks so much for your review and comments. After reading several responses to the quiz, I thought I'd get in on the action. I watch "To Kill a Mockingbird" every time it comes up on TV. The local community theater presented their stage version last season. judi
A great film, I've always liked Gregory Peck
Gregory Peck was absolutely great as Atticus. judi
He was
Love that name Atticus Finch.
Apparently it means "the Roman." He was considered the first publisher. Atticus Finch was named after him, I believe. A man of knowledge. judi
I originally thought his name was "Abicus' heh heh
Comment from Thomas Bowling
I agree with your movie choices. To Kill a Mockingbird was the only book ever written by Harper Lee. Some people claim the Truman Capote actually wrote the book, but he denies it. Of course being Capote he had to take some credit. He said he proofed it and made suggestions.
reply by the author on 28-Jun-2018
I agree with your movie choices. To Kill a Mockingbird was the only book ever written by Harper Lee. Some people claim the Truman Capote actually wrote the book, but he denies it. Of course being Capote he had to take some credit. He said he proofed it and made suggestions.
Comment Written 28-Jun-2018
reply by the author on 28-Jun-2018
HI, Thomas. Thanks for your review and comments. I didn't put much stock in Truman Capote writing the book. I was sorry to see the attempt to re-introduce Harper Lee with "Comes a Watchman." Not even close to "Mockingbird." judi
Comment from The Death
Hi Judi,
This is a fun way to know more about the fellow writers. I chuckled on reading your comments about the cows and Superman. It reminded me that I tried to milk a cow once, but she wasn't in her best mood and I didn't want to get kicked.
Are you working on your own book too? I'd love to publish a book of poems one day, but it's gonna take years. Talking about the movies, I'm a big fan of thrillers a sell. Do you remember I mention Sharp Objects to you once? It will premiere on HBO July 8 onwards. You might find it interesting.
reply by the author on 28-Jun-2018
Hi Judi,
This is a fun way to know more about the fellow writers. I chuckled on reading your comments about the cows and Superman. It reminded me that I tried to milk a cow once, but she wasn't in her best mood and I didn't want to get kicked.
Are you working on your own book too? I'd love to publish a book of poems one day, but it's gonna take years. Talking about the movies, I'm a big fan of thrillers a sell. Do you remember I mention Sharp Objects to you once? It will premiere on HBO July 8 onwards. You might find it interesting.
Comment Written 28-Jun-2018
reply by the author on 28-Jun-2018
You'll have to write your own responses to the quiz. I read several and then decided I'd have to try it myself. Dad's cows were pretty much free-thinkers, not like those in the large dairy herds that must walk in lock step. I don't recall Sharp Objects. I'll see what I can find about it. Thanks for your review and comments. judi
You're welcome! I don't think Putin will be happy with you. Beware!
Don't tell anyone, but I'm working on a deal with him, too. You should put together a collection of your poems. A university press would love them. judi
I did send a few poems to Boston University Press a year ago. They didn't accept it back then. I'll have to keep trying, I guess. A deal with Putin sounds interesting!
There are other places you could try. And you've done more since you submitted them. judi
Comment from Insignificant Weed
This is too much! I am totally impressed that you were instrumental in the conference between Kim Jong Un and President Trump! You go, girl! With the rest of them you are just too honest - but I love the cheating one - kind of got turned around. Super clever. Thanks so much for sharing. The Insignificant Weed rates this entry five stars for its blatant honesty and meaningful responses.
reply by the author on 28-Jun-2018
This is too much! I am totally impressed that you were instrumental in the conference between Kim Jong Un and President Trump! You go, girl! With the rest of them you are just too honest - but I love the cheating one - kind of got turned around. Super clever. Thanks so much for sharing. The Insignificant Weed rates this entry five stars for its blatant honesty and meaningful responses.
Comment Written 28-Jun-2018
reply by the author on 28-Jun-2018
Hi, Insignificant Weed. Thanks so much for the review and comments. Fun to write. I'd seen so many FS members writing their responses, I had to chime in. Give it a try. judi
Comment from apky
Hello Judi,
Sorry I'm taking time off so this is to let you know I won't be reviewing for a bit.
This one was browed over and found to be a lot of fun. I noticed somwhere that you wrote "miled" instead of "milked".
Sorry, in a tearing hurry.
reply by the author on 28-Jun-2018
Hello Judi,
Sorry I'm taking time off so this is to let you know I won't be reviewing for a bit.
This one was browed over and found to be a lot of fun. I noticed somwhere that you wrote "miled" instead of "milked".
Sorry, in a tearing hurry.
Comment Written 28-Jun-2018
reply by the author on 28-Jun-2018
Hi, apky. I thought I had changed to milked but will check again. Good luck with your time off. I hope this means more work on your novel. Thanks for your review and comments. judi
Comment from Mustang Patty
Hi, Judi,
Thank you so much for sharing your answers to the quiz questions. I think it is a great way for us to get to know one another - even if it is to see how silly we can be in our answers.
I found it especially interesting that you orchestrated the meeting between the Donald and Kim Jung Un. How much did the Chinese pay you?
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reply by the author on 28-Jun-2018
Hi, Judi,
Thank you so much for sharing your answers to the quiz questions. I think it is a great way for us to get to know one another - even if it is to see how silly we can be in our answers.
I found it especially interesting that you orchestrated the meeting between the Donald and Kim Jung Un. How much did the Chinese pay you?
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Comment Written 28-Jun-2018
reply by the author on 28-Jun-2018
Thanks for your review and comments, patty. I read so many interesting quizzes that I just had to get in on the action. I have pledged not to reveal my diplomatic secrets. judi
Comment from Artasylum
Hey Judi:
A complete winner here... a quick fix... "I miled" milked
"When my brothers and I played Carrom with my mother, we always let her win. That's the only way we could get her to make doughnuts.:
And shame on you and your siblings agenda... Mom all proud and all. your, diana
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reply by the author on 28-Jun-2018
Hey Judi:
A complete winner here... a quick fix... "I miled" milked
"When my brothers and I played Carrom with my mother, we always let her win. That's the only way we could get her to make doughnuts.:
And shame on you and your siblings agenda... Mom all proud and all. your, diana
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Comment Written 28-Jun-2018
reply by the author on 28-Jun-2018
Thanks so much for your review and comments, Artasylum. I read many of these to the point where I had to jump in with my responses. judi