Reviews from

What Must the World Be Thinking?

Politics of fear and hate

97 total reviews 
Comment from humpwhistle
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Funny thing about America, people are free to be buffoons on any stage they can attain. I think the world ought to take note of that and admire us. I don't like Trump's spew, but he doesn't embarrass me. Should the American people elect him, then I'll be embarrassed. But I don't see that happening. Americans are more pragmatic than that. In the meantime, let other snicker--but how many of them boast a Democracy strong enough to weather a Trump?

Peace, Lee

 Comment Written 15-Dec-2015

reply by the author on 15-Dec-2015
    Thanks, Hump, true, I guess I never thought about it like that, and I think (and hope) you're right about him not winning, at least I hope there's enough sane people left in America who still deal in reason not emotion. But you'd be hard pressed to tell by the cable news stations!
reply by humpwhistle on 15-Dec-2015
    Trump makes good Theater of the Absurd.
    We ought to be grateful Trump is so clumsy.
    If he were smoother, less of a loose cannon,
    he'd scare me. L
reply by the author on 15-Dec-2015
    Yeah, I know I should be glad, but it scares me he has the support of so many. Are there REALLY that many ignorant people out there? Apparently so!
Comment from flylikeaneagle
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Mike: we need to be one nation under God praying on our knees. Trump says he is a Presbyterian... but Brooke was an elder and I'm a deacon. We try to reach out and help others in love...not the attitude that I'm better than you. Maybe, he knows trade people and is a star in his eyes. But, God sees our hearts. What would Putin do if Trump insulted him on air? The missles can go overseas. Our three ring circus is a raising up a bully. The end times are here, we need to seek truth and love. Great poem and congrats on awards! May Jesus raise up the leader who trust in Him and Christ finished works. flylikeaneagle

 Comment Written 15-Dec-2015

reply by the author on 15-Dec-2015
    Thanks, FLAE, and that's what worries me, I just can't see an egotistical jerk like him being president, he represents the absolute worst of what America can be, and I hope we have more sense than electing him president!
reply by flylikeaneagle on 15-Dec-2015
    Mike: you can watch the debates tonight or the Voice music show. I will be at the high school serving food. Let's pray! flylikeaneagle
reply by flylikeaneagle on 15-Dec-2015
    Mike: take two.... my daughters and guy friends drove 3 hours each way to Waterloo, Iowa from Southern Minnesota. They went to see the Democratic candidate and his policies ideas. He wants to give the college students a break with free school. They will be voting in the next election. Why can't this extra PR money be used to help people? Good poem and brings us to think. flylikeaneagle
reply by the author on 15-Dec-2015
    Thank you much, again, FLAE!
Comment from ellie6
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A chilling summing up of all the dangers that mindless following will result in. We want a leader, not a personality cult motivated by power and greed.

 Comment Written 15-Dec-2015

reply by the author on 15-Dec-2015
    Thanks, Ellie, and that's exactly what he is, a cult of personality, never mind that his personality is that of an egomaniac opportunist!
Comment from Reedblitzerman
This work has reached the exceptional level

Thank you Mike Stevens. I couldn't have said it better myself. I am so ashamed that that individual is an American and represents even a fraction of the electorate. Those are not American values. We are better. And I'll bet our neighbors do ask. The poor misguided Americans.

 Comment Written 15-Dec-2015

reply by the author on 15-Dec-2015
    Thank you, Reed-Man, and I'm glad to know there ARE smart, intelligent people out there. If you believe the cable news channels, you'd never guess that, and thank you for the six rating, much appreciated!
Comment from MacMhuirich
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

As a Scotsman I cannot comment on the leadership of your country. But since you've mentioned the Trump card I hope the UK government do ban him from landing on our shores again. The man caused mayhem in Scotland with his posh golf course and his manipulation. It is still a very interesting read.
Bless you

 Comment Written 15-Dec-2015

reply by the author on 15-Dec-2015
    Thank you, and the man represents THE worst part of being an American--I wish we could ban him from OUR shores, but I suppose that's too much to hope for!
Comment from misscookie
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh how I can relate to your write.
It's to the point my computer is my friend
because for more years than I can remember TV is to me dead.
Thank you for sharing.

 Comment Written 15-Dec-2015

reply by the author on 15-Dec-2015
    Thank you, and believe me, the dead have arisen in the form of cable news channels, and now the zombie walks the Earth, terrorizing small children, big children, and adult children/viewers!
reply by misscookie on 15-Dec-2015
    It is so true there is more hate, lies mistrust pain and death then on earth instead of TV.
reply by the author on 15-Dec-2015
    Too true!
reply by misscookie on 15-Dec-2015
    Until next time.
Comment from Delahay
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Some of the ignorant crap that comes out of the mouths of the politicians in this country is just unbelievable. Then their poll ratings go up when they say it! What is wrong with this picture?

 Comment Written 15-Dec-2015

reply by the author on 15-Dec-2015
    Thanks, Delahay, and isn't it unbelievable to watch?
reply by Delahay on 15-Dec-2015
    Sometimes it's sickening to watch.
reply by the author on 15-Dec-2015
    Totally agree!
Comment from Barb Hensongispsaca
This work has reached the exceptional level

Ah excellently spoken and with the bravery and determination of a person wild on the stupidity of morons.
I wish I could have your permission to have this put in the paper along with the laughing stock articles that Hillery and Doofis has mad of it all.
Very good

 Comment Written 15-Dec-2015

reply by the author on 15-Dec-2015
    Thanks, Barb, and the three-ring clown show keeps getting worse. Thanks for the 6 rating, much appreciated!
Comment from omerta16
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very necessary piece of poetry, a kind of counter to that vehement voice of the man you're referring to. The ugly politics of this country seem to only have one good offspring; the clamorous outcry against it's ugliness, in the form of art. I couldn't find anything particularly wrong with this piece, maybe it could have had a little more poetic imagery or other subtleties, but none the less it was perfectly what it was meant to be. Thank you for sharing you work with all of us.

 Comment Written 15-Dec-2015

reply by the author on 15-Dec-2015
    Thank you, and that's just my writing style, I guess. I don't do 'subtle' or 'poetic imagery' very well,. No, it's straight to the point!
Comment from rhymelord
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Dear Mike,
The metre is off here and there, but the rhymes are strong and the message unequivocal. As a non-American, I shy from commenting on the mores and morals that pervade the land, but I will say that the person of whom you write is certainly not my choice for any form of leadership. I have faith, though, that come November of next year, he will get his comeuppance at the hands of the voters (should he even get that far).

 Comment Written 15-Dec-2015

reply by the author on 15-Dec-2015
    Thanks, Rhymelord, and I guess I'm not a true poet, I just voice my opinion, sometimes in the guise of a poem, and sometimes in story form and I hope that last bit is true--I believe you're correct, but I can't believe he's made it this far, so anything might happen!