Comment from
I am Cat
Well, this is beautiful... and I see Sir 'M"... so Valiant in his stead... and yet, so sad.
I lay my sword upon the battlefield--
my blood and theirs congealed upon the ground.
With pride did we all vow to never yield,
and now we reap the peace that we have found.
(reap the peace... yes, but at what price?)
The grandest cause escapes my mind just now,
whatever fought for silenced by these moans.
'Twas "just to win" my thoughts then would allow,
without the truth that consequence atones.
(ah, yes, I bet this is how it is too... after the lovin... and then what?)
I'm Hero, sung to grandsons by the fire--
though nothing but blind fortune saved my day.
The've not my mem'ry of a funeral pyre;
as friend and foe burned brightly whilst I prayed.
(down through the ages... yet no one stops to question... but why?)
Now, those who live bray tributes through the night.
While ghostly whispers hiss, "Who fought the fight?"
(ah... see? as I suspected... just who was fighting who? beautifully written... by this poetic soul... so well done)
Good luck in this contest... not ten minutes after the moment I was handed those golden stars... and one of them... whisked away
Ah... but tit for tat, eh? ;)
Comment Written 25-Oct-2015