Odds and Ends
Viewing comments for Chapter 17 "Porgy and Bess"off the chart genuis
14 total reviews
Comment from l.raven
HI Michael, I love reading your poems...they always keep me on my toes...sounds like trouble on a slow train...gunpowder and acetylene torch patient...very well written sweetie as only you could do...and I mean that...you have a wonderful style of your own...special...love you poem...and love the song...never heard him until you started playing him...he's a great guitarist...and a great voice...well done you...love ya Linda xxoo sleep tight
reply by the author on 31-Jul-2015
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HI Michael, I love reading your poems...they always keep me on my toes...sounds like trouble on a slow train...gunpowder and acetylene torch patient...very well written sweetie as only you could do...and I mean that...you have a wonderful style of your own...special...love you poem...and love the song...never heard him until you started playing him...he's a great guitarist...and a great voice...well done you...love ya Linda xxoo sleep tight
Comment Written 31-Jul-2015
reply by the author on 31-Jul-2015
Hello Dafidil....-smile-...well...it seem the train has jumped track..and where it arrives is anybodys guess when your just a guest on a locomotive. -frown- You know i've been reading Ingrid...and want to start looking into diamonds....I'm sick of this shit....haha....ha. Alright Beautiful....I'm go stare at the ceiling now....love Michael
Hi Sweet Baby, LMAO...the diamond idea is not a bad idea...but it has to cost...sigh...hope YOU had fun staring at the ceiling... later you...love ya Linda xxoo
Comment from jlsavell
Good evening Michael,
Hummmmm, not sure what to think of this work. I can almost see how it relates to Porgy and Bess. One of the best screenplays adapted to an opera which was quite tragic and brilliant.
The poem is dark and caustic. Perhaps reflecting on past experiences and your reference points.
As for me upon the second reading, it brings up many hurtful and buried memories of eras gone by.
I will relay a story. For this reminds me of gunpowder and acetylene, and pearls swindled by swine.
My Motherr was unpredictable in her behavior, meaning her remarks. I use to do everything to please her, but she had what you call a passive aggressive behavior.
I never had any idea when and what would set her off. One evening, after a good day, we were all going to celebrate my birthday. Birthday's for this reason are no big deal to me. I don't celebrate them and never care too, but I will go to the ends of the earth to make sure someone I love has a good one. However, I don't care to acknowledge mine, mostly because I feel unworthy.
Anyway, we, my mother and I, are sitting next to each other. She asked me a question of which I tried earnestly to answer, but I failed. I didn't know what she really want. Under her breath, but loud enough to hear, she mutter a phrase that had one of two word. It was either, " You are useless
and or worthless" This was not the first time she said it, for she was notorious at blurting things out to deliberately hurt me. It was then I would get really quiet, because I believed her. The funny thing is, she had just told me she loved me just minutes before. I tried very hard to show my love for her, but when I realized she truly did not love me, it was like you stated in the poem about swine and pearls. Ironically, she couldn't understand why I shut down and shut off from her and the world. She was quite notorious at blaming me for her saying that. And you know she never apologized or recognized the immense hurt and demolition of self worth she reaped on me. I would rather have been beaten to a pulp than to have endured those words. On top of that, she looked at me with such contempt in her eyes and told me to get out of her sight. I ask you, Michael, who does that? What kind of person who one side of their mouth declares they love you and then the other side tells you you are useless or worthless? What would you do?
Through my life, I have only heard this come from another's lips. Why? I don't know. Because I couldn't give him the answers to his question. I simply couldn't. I hadn't been in his life too long. Ironically, it was the same scenario, a de je vu, so to speak. He muttered under his breath I was useless and or worthless and believed he did nothing wrong. Of course, that has been many moons ago, and I have actually forgiven him, but we still don't talk.
You know the last few years of my Mother's life, I actually distanced myself from her for my own survivals sake.
Chaperoned cold explosion... catchy phrase, well worth remembering. Perhaps,I am cold, but you beat dog long enough and who knows. They do go away. That's what I did with my mom.
Revenge gets you no where, certainly when it comes to such relationships. Even a handful of revenge serves no purpose for it cannot bring bach the destroyed self worth, nor the admiration and loyalty once felt till the words murdered.
Yep, Joe Bonanassamo, Slow Train, you know it's coming and the collision is inevitable.
Well you take care.
Love you.
Sorry to spill on you but this poem evoked these feelings in me. So I suppose it's a great poem, if it can do that.
reply by the author on 30-Jul-2015
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Good evening Michael,
Hummmmm, not sure what to think of this work. I can almost see how it relates to Porgy and Bess. One of the best screenplays adapted to an opera which was quite tragic and brilliant.
The poem is dark and caustic. Perhaps reflecting on past experiences and your reference points.
As for me upon the second reading, it brings up many hurtful and buried memories of eras gone by.
I will relay a story. For this reminds me of gunpowder and acetylene, and pearls swindled by swine.
My Motherr was unpredictable in her behavior, meaning her remarks. I use to do everything to please her, but she had what you call a passive aggressive behavior.
I never had any idea when and what would set her off. One evening, after a good day, we were all going to celebrate my birthday. Birthday's for this reason are no big deal to me. I don't celebrate them and never care too, but I will go to the ends of the earth to make sure someone I love has a good one. However, I don't care to acknowledge mine, mostly because I feel unworthy.
Anyway, we, my mother and I, are sitting next to each other. She asked me a question of which I tried earnestly to answer, but I failed. I didn't know what she really want. Under her breath, but loud enough to hear, she mutter a phrase that had one of two word. It was either, " You are useless
and or worthless" This was not the first time she said it, for she was notorious at blurting things out to deliberately hurt me. It was then I would get really quiet, because I believed her. The funny thing is, she had just told me she loved me just minutes before. I tried very hard to show my love for her, but when I realized she truly did not love me, it was like you stated in the poem about swine and pearls. Ironically, she couldn't understand why I shut down and shut off from her and the world. She was quite notorious at blaming me for her saying that. And you know she never apologized or recognized the immense hurt and demolition of self worth she reaped on me. I would rather have been beaten to a pulp than to have endured those words. On top of that, she looked at me with such contempt in her eyes and told me to get out of her sight. I ask you, Michael, who does that? What kind of person who one side of their mouth declares they love you and then the other side tells you you are useless or worthless? What would you do?
Through my life, I have only heard this come from another's lips. Why? I don't know. Because I couldn't give him the answers to his question. I simply couldn't. I hadn't been in his life too long. Ironically, it was the same scenario, a de je vu, so to speak. He muttered under his breath I was useless and or worthless and believed he did nothing wrong. Of course, that has been many moons ago, and I have actually forgiven him, but we still don't talk.
You know the last few years of my Mother's life, I actually distanced myself from her for my own survivals sake.
Chaperoned cold explosion... catchy phrase, well worth remembering. Perhaps,I am cold, but you beat dog long enough and who knows. They do go away. That's what I did with my mom.
Revenge gets you no where, certainly when it comes to such relationships. Even a handful of revenge serves no purpose for it cannot bring bach the destroyed self worth, nor the admiration and loyalty once felt till the words murdered.
Yep, Joe Bonanassamo, Slow Train, you know it's coming and the collision is inevitable.
Well you take care.
Love you.
Sorry to spill on you but this poem evoked these feelings in me. So I suppose it's a great poem, if it can do that.
Comment Written 30-Jul-2015
reply by the author on 30-Jul-2015
I see...well being a life long member of the humane socity, i sympothize and shake my head in understanding. Perhaps it was for the best. You know Jimi...not all we read is inspired by us. Please dont do this again or I'm gonna get mad. love Michael
Don't do what again? Tell me. Tell you what happened to me? Sorry you got mad over a review. Yyikes.
Obviously you did not understand. Wow.
No, can you imgaine someone who had just told you they loved you tell you , you were useless. Do you think my Mother should have done that?
Perhaps for the best? Do you think she really said that because she hated me and wanted to get rid of me? Perhaps, she should have just said, I don't love you, fuck off." Don't you think that would have been better
I do not know the dynamics of yours and yours Mothers relationship, nor do I care to discuss it in open forum press conference. I will ask you again, to please control your emotions or I will be forced to call security. Thanks again-
Well then so be it. Please do call. This is not a fucking open forum. This was a review and reviewers state or usually state how they rekate to another work. 911, where are you?
Real sympathy Michael, yep you so sympothize...
Well now that that is settled, I hope your train gets back on track. Love you baby . Let's stare at the ceiling together like we always do. Love love love you.
Comment from poetadeu
You spin a story of train robbers with such
ease and unique phases that I, personally,
have to read thoroughly to hold my thoughts
together. Well done as always and for me
another challenge as a reviewer. Thank you.
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reply by the author on 30-Jul-2015
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
You spin a story of train robbers with such
ease and unique phases that I, personally,
have to read thoroughly to hold my thoughts
together. Well done as always and for me
another challenge as a reviewer. Thank you.
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Comment Written 30-Jul-2015
reply by the author on 30-Jul-2015
ha....amazing that was what I was searching for...a picture like that. ah maybe the straight jackets too much...how much is it anyway...? lol...thank you....love Michael
If you have to ask it is too much!
Haha! ::}Joyce
oh...hey....I forgot your new name...-smile- good to see you Dear....love-
I am going to try to renew mysterypoet.
Plan is for Monday. For now I am just
loving my time writing reviews. Smile...
back at ya kid! ::}Joyce
good to hear...-smile-...
Thank you dear!
Comment from Michael Ludwinder
Another interesting poem! I enjoy puzzling your poems together. This was interesting with a wonderful lines such as justice sets the sun slow motion at last - wow. Great job again. Very enjoyable.
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reply by the author on 30-Jul-2015
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Another interesting poem! I enjoy puzzling your poems together. This was interesting with a wonderful lines such as justice sets the sun slow motion at last - wow. Great job again. Very enjoyable.
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Comment Written 30-Jul-2015
reply by the author on 30-Jul-2015
ah just been a long day Mike...was almost killed twice in traffic, had problems communicating with the new kid at paint store...evidently he didn't know me...-headtilt-...and I've noticed my dog is getting old , all she does is lay around now...thought I share...lol...love michael