Reviews from

Tiny Tales of Terror

Viewing comments for Chapter 41 "Darkly Through the Glass"
Multi-authored book of flash/micro horror fiction

67 total reviews 
Comment from DALLAS01
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I was wondering where this was going when there were no prints in the snow. A fine job of building suspense in such a short piece of work. Thanks for reminding the readers that t doesn't take a lot of unnecessary modifiers to make it interesting.

 Comment Written 09-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 09-Jul-2015
    That's what these stories are all about, my friend. Short, scary, and to the point...hopefully.
    I appreciate you reviewing my work. ~Dean :)
Comment from Curly Girly
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well, this certainly is a tiny tale of terror. It is well written and it reads like a nightmare. I am sure people have dreamed this sort of thing before. An enjoyable, chilling read, Dean.

 Comment Written 09-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 09-Jul-2015
    Thanks, Curly Girly. I appreciate you reading and reviewing it for me. Glad you liked it.
    ~Dean :)
Comment from JM
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is a great thriller. I didn't expect the intruder to be inside the house. Really sneaky and clever of you. I am SO enjoying these mini horror tales.

 Comment Written 09-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 09-Jul-2015
    Great, JM! I am very happy you've taken an interest in this series of tiny, twisted terror tales. Thanks again for the sixer, and for your encouraging comments as it pertains to the series. I hope we're able to keep it gong awhile.
    Much obliged, my friend. ~Dean :)
Comment from Ridley Williams
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi, Dean,

Damn, I hate when that happens!

"Abracadabra, I'll reach out and grab ya'..."

It's always a good idea to identify which side of the door your perp is on before you lock yourself in, eh?

I loved when Jeanie saw no footprints in the snow, but as with a good haiku, you presented an "Ah-ha" moment that brought cold chills! Nice!

A good read, my friend...another solid chapter for the book.

Well, it's time to go mining!
Later, bud,

 Comment Written 09-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 09-Jul-2015
    Ah yes...the Electric Light Orchestra, more commonly known quite simply as ELO. They were one of my favorite bands growing up, Bill.
    Micro and flash fiction are the haiku of prose. You have so little to play with and still get the message across to your readers. But if you can work that Ah-ha! moment in at just the right spot, then you've already won half the battle.

    Thanks for the six stars and great feedback, Bill. I'm really happy to know that this one worked for you!
    ~Dean :)
Comment from Margaret Snowdon
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh, I've come to like these
short, sharp little horror
stories. Poor Jenny - died
with fright in the night.
so creepy - you're a master, Dean.


 Comment Written 09-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 09-Jul-2015
    Thanks, Margaret. I'm so glad you're enjoying these. I sincerely appreciate you kind comments, my friend.
    ~Dean :)
Comment from dmt1967
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is the best scenario. I nearly yelled he's behind you lol. The tale griped my heart tight and I could feel the beats getting faster. This is a well written poem and thank you for sharing.

 Comment Written 09-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 09-Jul-2015
    Thanks for reading and reviewing the story for me, dmt. I sincerely appreciate your comments.
    ~Dean :}
Comment from Just2Write
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

like a malignant, oily fog (excellent metaphor)

Poor Jeanie. It sucks to be her. I wasn't sure why she was unable to hit the send key on her phone, but perhaps when you're filling your shorts your mind kinda stops focusing.

Another great chapter in your Tiny Tales of Terror.

Speaking of which -
Your chapter numbering sequence is out - Is says that this is chapter 10031 - I know you've been busy, but...


 Comment Written 09-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 09-Jul-2015
    Well, it all began with Mr. Dark's (Sara) entry just before mine, Rose. I caught it, then changed mine to reflect Chapter 42 on my title page, but it must not have taken. I'll try to see what I can do.
    Thanks so much again for your continued interest in these short snippets of horror. I sincerely appreciate it!
Comment from Treischel
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You always are amazing in your grasp of the macabre. Here is another gripping tale of horror. You build the drama with several compendiums: the news story, the vision, the 911 attempt, the close up realization. Then the twist of choking on her own food. You are the master.

 Comment Written 09-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 09-Jul-2015
    Oh, you're far too kind, Tom. However, I truly appreciate the fact that you feel this way, my friend.
    I'm very happy you enjoyed reading this Tiny Tale of Terror. Thank you for your complimentary and thoughtful review, my friend.
Comment from Alan K Pease
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Man of her screams - clever, clever. I hope he is only a spirit who might only scare her. No meat clevers etc etc. Good story.

 Comment Written 09-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 09-Jul-2015
    Thanks so much for reading and reviewing the story, Alan. As always, I sincerely appreciate your feedback.
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am getting so fed up with telling some amazing authors on here that I've run out of 6s. I am sorry, Dean, this is another of your extremely brilliant stories. This one is so good. It was the, 'no footsteps in the snow', that made me frown, and then the ending, and everything became frighteningly clear. Is this book going to be published? I could just see a lot of brilliant, Hitchcock's Half Hour, type series made out of them. They are all extremely good. I reviewed a spiritual one of yours earlier, you certainly like to have it both ways, LOL! xsx Sandra

 Comment Written 09-Jul-2015

reply by the author on 09-Jul-2015
    A-w-w-w, you're far too kind, Sandra. I really don't do what I do for the six star ratings, my friend, although it's great to receive them when I do. I do it to entertain (and hopefully scare the bejeezus out of) anyone who cares enough to read what I've written. That is reward enough for me.
    Thanks for the wonderfully thoughtful comments, and for taking an interest in these stories as well. I know I speak for all of the gracious fellow Fanstorian authors and horror aficionados who have contributed selflessly of their time and efforts to this book that it is sincerely appreciated.
    Thanks again!
reply by Sandra Stoner-Mitchell on 09-Jul-2015
    You certainly entertain, my friend, I can't understand why you haven't been spotted by an agent, let alone a publisher. Your stories compare more than favorably with some of the 'famous' authors out there. xx
reply by the author on 09-Jul-2015
    I did strike a publishing deal with a small publishing house in Cincinnati named Samhain Press, Sandra. My book, "Screams from a Darkened Room: and other tales of terror" is due to come out sometime this fall. It was initially slated for a late summer release, but I pushed for October, near Halloween.

    Here is a link to the website in case you're interested:

    Samhain Press Horror.
reply by Sandra Stoner-Mitchell on 09-Jul-2015
    I am more than interested, I will buy it when it comes out. I keep telling my friends about FanStory's Steven King, now at last he is making a name for himself! Let me know when it's out.Congratulations, my friend. :) xx
reply by the author on 09-Jul-2015
    I'll do that, Sandra, and thanks again. Keep spreading the word, heh-heh.

    ~Dean :}