Reviews from

haiku (each petal pressed)

bouquet haiku 4-9-3

27 total reviews 
Comment from Jannypan (Jan)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Nice presentation. Good job with the syllable count. Your poem fits the criteria well.

I see no changes. Good job.

Good luck in the contest.

 Comment Written 09-May-2015

Comment from tfawcus
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wonderfully worded and immaculately presented. Old scrapbooks are such a treasure, pressed flowers and all. Such care went into them. If this doesn't win the contest, perhaps it will win the heart of a mother!

 Comment Written 09-May-2015

Comment from lakeport
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Each pedal pressed, indeed that's a very lovely Haiku poem, I enjoyed reading it. Good luck at the contest. God bless you. Lakeport.

 Comment Written 09-May-2015

Comment from Tatarka2
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I loved this. Just one tiny suggestion: what if the second line read "makes a bouquet of memories?" It seems it might flow just a little better. Still, you're the expert on this difficult form, not me, and I so admire your attempting this. Lovely poem, especially for Mother's Day.

 Comment Written 09-May-2015

Comment from Nosha17
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I love pressed flowers, they are always reminders of lovely times, deserving of a scrapbook memory. Well chosen words and imagery. Good luck in the contest. Faye

 Comment Written 09-May-2015

Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

That is so lovely, Mikey! What beautiful words to describe pressed flowers. I think you have mastered the Haiku poems now. This is perfect for this Haiku contest. Well done and good luck! xsx Sandra

 Comment Written 09-May-2015

Comment from flylikeaneagle
This work has reached the exceptional level

Michael: I run the race, with the best of you guys! With Dean, I am learning awareness even if it shocks them. With mfowler, I am learning history and different perspectives. With you, dear Michael, (tell your wife), you are a gentleman and have a heart. Your mom's scrapbook is tender if mom's makes the scrapbook for her children or the family makes this for mom. Mom's would press the roses and teach the kids to do the same. Treasure your memories and your family!

Monica is graduating today!!!! A BS in psychology. She will be going to NEW YORK for a teaching conference. Then, she goes to Chicago for the same with the professors. Monica wants to help people with depression, mental illness and focus on brain research at universities or hospital research in DENVER. She is spreading her wings. She has to write papers and be published in journals. OK, yes, mom is bragging. This is what you would want for your daughter or son. From suicidual to victory and helping others. Her professors put Monica under their wings as John and I did. Yes, I will be making a scrapbook too!!!!

OK, got to make breakfast. Enjoy the contest! I'm good for a tie! I think you have a big fan club. I thought this information would be interesting to you since you are in the field of helping people. God bless! Have a blessed weekend! flylikeaneagle - nancy

 Comment Written 09-May-2015

Comment from krys123
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

+ A fantastically written haiku my friend. The picture is very relative and appropriate and mostly complementary to the poem or haiku.
+ The first two lines of very interconnected in the imagery is so descriptive and definitively and demonstratively expressive.
+ The third line or satori gives the poem the aha moment that it needs and summarizes the haiku very well and puts the context and concept of the poem altogether.
+ Good use of enjambment which is the running on of a thought and concepts from one stanza to the next without a syntactical break.
+ Good use of juxtaposition technique of association or relativity where it is the use of two distinct images within one poem and in years you use the association
of "memories" and the word "scrapbook".
+ Good luck in the contest Mikey and may the good Lord be with you always my friend.

 Comment Written 09-May-2015

Comment from justafan
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am no expert in this medium Mikey,but I love this and the tenderness you show here! When I grow up ( haha),I want to be like Mikey!! Very well done hon..



 Comment Written 08-May-2015

Comment from Phyllis Stewart
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

each petal pressed
to make a bouquet of memories
mom's scrapbook

Lovely! We have special memories of our moms, but they, too, have special memories of us. Good that you pointed that out. :)

 Comment Written 08-May-2015