Reviews from

The ID-10-T Caller

Parolees calling the DOC for directions.

19 total reviews 
Comment from Dean Kuch
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yeah, people are going to find this extremely funny, and it is, when you're reading about it. However, if you are receiving this type of call, one that every question you ask requires extensive dental work (like pulling teeth) to get a straight answer, ain't too funny then.

I've dealt with callers just like this. Getting them the help they need can take hours when it should take but a few minutes.

It really goes a long way in restoring your faith concerning mankind and our future as a species, doesn't it?

Good stuff, Quoiky...~Dean

 Comment Written 20-Mar-2015

reply by the author on 21-Mar-2015
    Thanks for reviewing my work.

    I don't know about restoring my faith in mankind, but it restored my own concerns about getting some anger management classes.
reply by Dean Kuch on 21-Mar-2015

    You're right about that, Quoiky, and you are more than welcome.

Comment from Cajungirl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

hahaha, great story! I knew it had to be non-fiction. I worked at a technical college for 30 years. For the reasons you stated in your notes, everyone knew better than to ask me to man the phones.

 Comment Written 20-Mar-2015

reply by the author on 21-Mar-2015
    Thank you for reviewing my work.

    There are some people who can handle the phones beautifully... and then there's me...and you.
reply by Cajungirl on 21-Mar-2015
    LOL, you are so correct about that.
Comment from janalma
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Funny, and I can hardly believe there are people who are so clueless. Haha. Yet, I know there are and your little story is a good example. This one made me grin. I wouldn't want the job, tho. Could drive you crazy. Lol. Good one.

 Comment Written 19-Mar-2015

reply by the author on 19-Mar-2015
    Yes, there are people extremely clueless in the DOC. It just blows my mind when they commit a crime, and swear their innocence. I wonder if they even know what crime they committed.
Comment from acerisestory
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ha ha! This is very funny Quoiky! I believe the true stories are the funniest.

Your conversation is well written and very clear (in a manner of speaking :)

"Me: Where are you coming from?
Caller: From my house!
Me: Where do you live?
Caller: I lives wiff my momma."

Thanks for sharing a part of your day with us on FanStory! Take care. Alana

 Comment Written 19-Mar-2015

reply by the author on 19-Mar-2015
    Thanks for reviewing my work, and thanks for the stars.
reply by the author on 19-Mar-2015
    Thanks for reviewing my work, and thanks for the stars.
Comment from Gloria ....
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well in all honesty Quoiky the guy did answer the questions correctly, but they just didn't happen to be of any help to the DOC receptionist.

This is terrific humour and it works perfectly throughout the entire conversation. LOL.

Very good, indeed, even though I'm still lost as how to get T'ords your office. ;-)


 Comment Written 19-Mar-2015

reply by the author on 19-Mar-2015
    Call me, I'll give you directions.

    Thanks for reviewing my work.
reply by the author on 19-Mar-2015
    Call me, I'll give you directions.

    Thanks for reviewing my work.
Comment from patcelaw
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a funny conversation. Must be fun taking those kind of calls. May you have a wonder filled weekend and no calls like this one, Patricia

 Comment Written 19-Mar-2015

reply by the author on 19-Mar-2015
    Thanks for your review.

    It was funny the first 50 times, but when the calls seemed to never stop, I just wanted to scream.
Comment from Selina Stambi
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Quioky,

You had me grinning widely all the way through. Was this a child, by any chance? Please don't say it was an adult!

Hope you've had a good week.


 Comment Written 19-Mar-2015

reply by the author on 19-Mar-2015
    Unfortunately, it was a grown man. My week is getting better, thanks for asking.

    Hope your week is going well, too.
reply by Selina Stambi on 19-Mar-2015
    Yikes! It's a good thing you were not permanently on that job. I'd have gone nuts!
Comment from scd41
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Reading your humorous story, I emphathised with the staff of Parole/Probation office for the challenging situations they face in dealing with teens who can easily drive you crazy. Your conclusion is an euphemism for madness.:)-

 Comment Written 19-Mar-2015

reply by the author on 19-Mar-2015
    Thanks for reviewing my work. And, yes...talking with the offenders at the DOC was quite a challenge, especially for me.

    I really wondered sometimes if they actually knew when they were committing a crime.
Comment from adewpearl
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I need to fine out where - find out
now I see that a child is speaking, so that mistake is probably on purpose :-)
I like how much this sounds like a little kid ;-)
the back and forth conversation sounds realistic
I can feel the operator's frustration as the child is of very little help :-) Brooke

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 Comment Written 19-Mar-2015

reply by the author on 19-Mar-2015
    Thanks for reviewing my work. Sad to say, this was NOT a child calling. It was a 45 year old man. And, yes, he was very little help. I was about ready to just go pick him up myself. Maybe that was his plan.