Reviews from

Me Writer-You Jane

a seasonal Christmas salute

19 total reviews 
Comment from LIJ Red
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

We are paying customers on Fanstory. We pay well and people
like ourselves, all writers, award us with their opinions of
our expressions, and acceptable communication is labeled excellent.

 Comment Written 20-Dec-2014

reply by the author on 20-Dec-2014
    I honestly don't understand your comment. Of course you are a writer and I have paid as much or exceeded your investment in this site. My point is that a time comes when we start believing the press, accepting the support and good wishes from like-minded individuals and we tend to hide under that blanket.

    The person that picks up a paperback novel in the airport is not a signed in member of FS. We should know and accept the difference
Comment from rjpurdy
This work has reached the exceptional level

What a statement Ingrid! I love you for your confidence. Actually, it's more than confidence you exude. It is a knowing that leaves no doubt who you are. You said you are a writer, and I believe you. I have also had the good fortune to read a tad bit of your impressive body of work. You are a writer!

My journey is the same as yours, only different. My mountains look different than your mountains. But, the beauty of writing about them satisfies me thoroughly. I have not yet reached that plateau, or gathered the confidence to say, "I am a witer" but it's what I was born to do. Thank you for your resolution and your "knowing." It stiffens my own resolve to spread my wings and write like a man. A sensitive man, but a man no less. A brilliant essay my friend and I shall follow you on this world-wide web we call home.

~Peace & Grace~ Rod

 Comment Written 20-Dec-2014

reply by the author on 20-Dec-2014
    Some people confuse confidence with arrogance, but that's not me. I sit in a darkened room and let my finger dip and sway while dancing the tango alone. If you are not the reincarnate of my old friend Erik, then you should surely read the stories in the portfolio of Captain Jack. For you, I feel a connection through the electronic signals of screen, keyboard and style. Have a great Christmas and be kind to yourself and others. ingrid
Comment from michaelcahill
This work has reached the exceptional level

Yes, you are indeed a writer. Well written and challenging. Some of us like challenges and many do not. I'll be watching with excitement. I have no doubt you will be successful. This is a comfortable place and I'm a bit fearful to venture out next year, but I know I must. Looking forward to your new site. mikey

 Comment Written 20-Dec-2014

reply by the author on 20-Dec-2014
    You are the 'kid' I probably smacked before corporal punishment was disallowed. You have both infuriated me and delighted my acceptance that I DO recognize talent. You should be very proud of your accomplishments on FS. In a very short period of time, you went from sloppy, imaginative writing to proficiency and more importantly, you never lost the raw ingredient, the originality of your voice, tone and crowd-pleasing star quality.

    For every six we garner here in our puddle, there's an editor who will slap us down, but that doesn't mean we won't succeed. We were meant to--eventually--don't you think?
Comment from Nosha17
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You exude confidence in your writing and that is a good thing, we have to believe in ourselves if we wish others to believe in us. I am quite certain you will succeed. I personally believe with enough ambition anyone can succeed provided it is coupled with talent. I wish you much success with your website. Well expressed piece of writing and an enjoyable read. Faye

 Comment Written 20-Dec-2014

reply by the author on 20-Dec-2014
    My grandchildren are in 'boot camp.' It is a state of mind that I've dropped them into to ready them for Christmas, preparing them, ensuring that, we ALL have a good day. The two pre-requisites to achieving this goal are grace and charm. When I ponder on those two words, I totally accept the truth of employing language and accepting destination. I'm not BETTER than others, not by a long shot, but I am pointed in the correct direction and have enough grace to carve a path through a thick jungle of mediocrity.

    Thank you for your kindness.
Comment from reconciled
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What's up Tarzan...-smile-...I immediately noticed one name missing from your personal endorsement for candidacy's attention...Your starting to get on my nerves much so...I'm just about to challenge you hm hmm...that's right, thinking about crossing the mote you might want to raise the drawbridge and call for help...-smile-...we aint talking Barney fife this time...-wink-....fair warning, because of season, I only rubbed the button...I didn't push it. Merry Christmas....Big love Michael

 Comment Written 20-Dec-2014

reply by the author on 20-Dec-2014
    Darling, Sweetheart, Beloved Michael.. stay chilled. There are writers that I respond to and others I read, but ignore, believing they are talent, but have agendas I can't meet. You definitely have talent, but you went into some habitual response towards me and have difficulty reacting to pure business acumen. I'm still sorry you misunderstood my interest in your words . I absolutely read. I choose not to comment, ingrid
reply by reconciled on 20-Dec-2014
    well that settles it...I'm a push that button...-wink-
reply by the author on 20-Dec-2014
    Brig it on. I'll bet you get to enjoy the taste of mud.
reply by reconciled on 20-Dec-2014
    -smile-...I aint scared of you Ingrid. I know your good...even great....but I aint sure you don't want to open your Christmas gifts first...-headtilt-....careful...yolur about to
reply by the author on 20-Dec-2014
    Issue the challenge, puppy. I can play.
reply by reconciled on 20-Dec-2014
    you pick it...lets go to your playground....-smile-....that way there will no excuse when I spank you...-wink-...ahhh -smile-...this is fun already..Big love-
reply by the author on 20-Dec-2014
    Coward...where do you want to go...congress or emotion?
reply by reconciled on 20-Dec-2014
    I'll take it to the state supreame if I have way you win way-
reply by reconciled on 20-Dec-2014
    when I made that statement above was in the honored excpectation of fair play...shirts off, bare knuckle, short knife...NOT...."you go boy"......-headshake- do not trifle with me Ingrid........not a good idea...-fingershake-
reply by the author on 20-Dec-2014
    Tough haul, pit bull. I invested, now play. Fai? Give me a break! You chose cute. I chose a subject--and you bloody well thought I'd dip and dive. React or concede.
Comment from gypsycaravan
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

And yes, you are because you write. You don't even have to be ranked or read, in my opinion. You just have to write. Talking about being a writer or wishing you were a writer doesn't make you a writer, but putting that pen to paper or tapping those keyboard keys sure does. Congratulations on the website, Spiritual Echo. You are not only a writer, but a talented and brave writer.

 Comment Written 20-Dec-2014

reply by the author on 20-Dec-2014
    Some courage comes naturally and some is earned. We need to find our way through the maize to believe in ourselves. Be safe this Christmas. ingrid
Comment from Jay Squires
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I assume you will let us know when your web page is up and running?

Where I was is not where I'm at, and where I'm headed, [I don't like the "at" after "I'm". TO ME it sounds better "...where I am" but I'm not sure it's a grammatical violation. Just a suggestion.]

my trek across the dessert from the improbable to the absolute. I am a writer! [And you are a writer. A good writer! And like me you don't know the difference between the very dry place and the whipped cream that tops your shortcake--now with footprints on it. I can never keep it straight myself. There's something about, "As with any good dessert you go back for the SECOND-S". Doesn't make sense to me either, but it just lets me know there are two S's in dessert.

Good post though.

 Comment Written 20-Dec-2014

reply by the author on 20-Dec-2014
    I absolutely F***ing love you--don't leave me, Babe!
reply by Jay Squires on 20-Dec-2014
    With an endorsement like that, how could I ever?
Comment from emrpoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I admire your self confidence .
you know your self worth and you ought not to remain stagnant. hope you'll let us know when you start that website.
an interesting chapter as usual and I look forward to reading your next post
Happy Holidays

 Comment Written 20-Dec-2014

reply by the author on 20-Dec-2014
    And happy holidays to you. This is a post to encourage, bolster, and also to remind 'title' winners on FanStory how we started and reach out to other zealots who love writing. You are a star--and don't forget it!
Comment from Sasha
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yes, my dear, you are most definitely a writer. From the beginning I have loved your posts and always look forward to seeing a new one in my message box. Whether you write fiction or non-fiction, you never cease to capture my full attention and most important, you make me think. I wish you all the best in the success of your website and look forward to seeing you name in bright lights alongside Mark, Lee, Stan, Dean and Avril. As I said earlier, yes you are a writer, a terrific writer.

Opps, found a left out the 'p' in A Personal Christmas salute.

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 Comment Written 20-Dec-2014

reply by the author on 20-Dec-2014
    Perhaps I've never told you what my crystal ball predicts when I force Mexican co-ordinates into my omnipotent skill-set, but you are the new Dear Abby. The columns should have a sub-heading...been there done that--wish I hadn't.

    Dear Sasha;

    I've outgrown my relationships and need to move on to feel that I'm working up a sweat. What do you suggest? ingrid

reply by Sasha on 20-Dec-2014
    Love the title. Definitely not the Ms. Dr. Phill...LOL

    LI understand what you are saying completely. Starting your own website is a great first step. Also, continue to submit to local (and not so local) newspapers and I have no doubt you will develop a great following.