Reviews from

The Pen

Eternal flames and those still in between - God bless!

18 total reviews 
Comment from Dawn Munro
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow, this is simply gorgeous, Mystic - what a way to describe writing! Romance, pure and perfect. I loved this, and the very heart of it for me is this: "Provides a living legacy..." Whether wise or not, beautiful or not, the words scribed are a reflection of the poet's soul and live on beyond the brief span of his or her life.

 Comment Written 04-Oct-2014

reply by the author on 05-Oct-2014
    Thank you so much, Dawn! You hit it spot on as it does not matter what we write as long as we are sending out a piece of ourselves into the universe for that act of sharing will live on forever. I am very grateful for such kind and encouraging support.
reply by Dawn Munro on 05-Oct-2014
    It was very much my pleasure. :)
Comment from rod007
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A thought provoking poem of the writer's last words as the pen becomes empty, the words left to posterity. I suppose a lot of writers think of the eternity of their creation. Will it wilt or flourish? I believe whether it flourishes or not, it leaves a mark that is in itself invaluable. Well done.

 Comment Written 04-Oct-2014

reply by the author on 05-Oct-2014
    Thank you so much, Rod! I agree with you since all forms of art are a transference of personal energy and energy always leaves its imprint on the universe.
Comment from Dawny53
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What fun! Well, I mean it certainly sounds like it could be fun.. I admire your ambition.. there's no doubt in my mind that you will pull it off. You're certainly talented enough!

 Comment Written 04-Oct-2014

reply by the author on 04-Oct-2014
    Thank you so much! You should only do what brings you joy because it is when we are having fun that the best part of our divine spark truly shines. I am happy you enjoyed this and very grateful for the kind and encouraging support.
Comment from Veeb
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I really enjoyed reading this. Great rhythm and flow. Wonderful use of words and a lot of thoughtful imagery.
I especially liked the 'death chimes of ticking clocks - very descriptive. Lovely work. Very well done, poet!

 Comment Written 04-Oct-2014

reply by the author on 04-Oct-2014
    Thank you so much! Your kind encouragement is greatly appreciated as this is a different style for me and has lots of rules to follow - something I do not deal well with LOL. I am very grateful for such lovely support.
Comment from gypsycaravan
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This ignorant reviewer of poetry thinks the pen is a metaphor for our own life or shell, as it were. I even like the comparison of blocks along the way. My own pen's been close to empty many times now that I'm older but I keep refilling at the ink stand to keep this old girl going as long as i can. Ha. The poem is lovely, Angel, with lots of meaning. Artwork is spectacular. Thanks for writing this and sharing it with us.

 Comment Written 04-Oct-2014

reply by the author on 04-Oct-2014
    Thank you so much, sweet lady! Your take on it is a good one and that is what I love about poetry - the same words can mean many different things to different people. For me, I think we take the gift of writing for granted when we are young, then as we grow older and appreciate it the anxiety about not getting it all out messes with us, and finally at the end we can only be proud that we left a little bit of who we are behind us. I am SUCH a goodie two shoes LOL. I am happy you enjoyed this and very grateful for the lovely encouragement.
Comment from mommerry
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I should apologize first for even trying to critique poetry of this type. All know is your verse tells the story of "writer's block" and "sudden inspiration" that every writer can relate to, even those of us who do not know how to write poetry. Great job in my unprofessional eyes.

 Comment Written 04-Oct-2014

reply by the author on 04-Oct-2014
    Thank you so much! Your eyes have a keen sense of perception and have affirmed that I can handle this style and still get a message across. I am very grateful for such kind encouragement and support.
Comment from onebrit
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I really dont understand the different poetical styles and Im ok with that, what i loved was the way you wrote this as a progression through life ( at least that was the meaning I took away) I Or, a poem as analogous to life....heady stuff. Loved it.

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 Comment Written 04-Oct-2014

reply by the author on 04-Oct-2014
    Thank you so much, sweet soul! You got it spot on and that makes me so happy since it means I might have done this style some credit LOL. I hate rules personally so I do these as a lesson in humility and discipline. I am so happy ou liked this and very grateful for such kind encouragement.
Comment from misscookie
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It sound like you have a tough task in front of you working with this form of poetry. Good lock.
I love the artwork that you choose for your poem
I think it is awesome.
You captured my attention from the start. Remember the pen is mightier than a sword.
Thank you for sharing.

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 Comment Written 04-Oct-2014

reply by the author on 04-Oct-2014
    Thank you so much, Miss Cookie! I hear words in my head and sometimes trying to make them fit to a particular style is a challenge. I am happy you like this attempt though and very grateful for such generous kindness.
reply by misscookie on 04-Oct-2014
    You're very welcome, I will not give up. nor shall you.
    Nothing beats a failure but a try.
reply by the author on 04-Oct-2014
    LOL ... AMEN!
reply by misscookie on 05-Oct-2014
    Have a safe week-end, until next time.