Reviews from

Poor Prose Writers, You Still Here?

A Rambling Essay or Something Like That

100 total reviews 
Comment from c_lucas
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You named it at the beginning of your well written essay: Quality Writing. This is very well written with a smooth flow of words, making for a good read.

 Comment Written 27-Jul-2014

Comment from Liandra
This work has reached the exceptional level

I spend hours writing one chapter, from rough draft to final edit and yes, I also review poetry, short stories and book chapters.

Time is the essence for all writers. I balance out as time allows and enjoy reading in between writing. Of course, when I'm completing a chapter, I fall behind with reviewing.

I guess if prose was rewarded more dollars, then I would definitely benefit and certainly not compare when I review poetry and receive less.

There needs to be a balance and that's what is lacking here.

Not much help to you, who knows someone may come up with the answer.

Thanks for bringing this alive, it could bring results. As you say, we pay real money to place our work on the front page, we don't have to, but it gets attention.

:) Liandra

 Comment Written 27-Jul-2014

Comment from amahra
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It is a problem. I feel shame sometimes because I can't get all of my fanstory prose reading done. When I first came to this site, I was a poet, so I only wrote and read poetry. Now four years later, I'm helping my son with his book, have a finished manuscript and working with an editor, have to write my own blurb for my back book cover and trying to finish another manuscript with an uncompleted novel still lurking om fanstory. Sometimes we members bite off more than we can chew. But I promise to do better. Thanks for posting.

 Comment Written 27-Jul-2014

Comment from Cin
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Michael,

I think you have really highlighted a problematic area for anyone who does write prose and is also trying to review. Sadly, I have no answers. I try and split my time between poetry and stories when I'm reviewing. I'm falling behind on both accounts now that I'm back at work. I'd been interested to know if there is a solution to be had - I think it would benefit everyone :-)

 Comment Written 27-Jul-2014

Comment from Sallyo
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Well ranted, rambled and I do agree with you. Another problem is that I prefer to read novels in a few sittings rather than one chapter every week, month or whenever, but the way the certs run there's no incentive to do this. Book balloons... ha! Might get one or two more reviews. Maybe.
I think the only way to make prose more enticing to review is to make it pay better... but of course that would upset the poets. Maybe we could have two different memberships and treat prose and poetry as separate listings. Maybe we could allow the bookcase to preserve certs until we read and review. Maybe... Maybe the Toms could restore the original idea of having three guaranteed reviews.
I don't think this is going to happen though. You lay out the problem clearly without rambling (despite what you say at the beginning) and I found it entertaining to read.

 Comment Written 26-Jul-2014

Comment from Halfree
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well,someone has said it and said it well. Agree with all you say. I review poems and find it pretty much as you have stated. I write short stories that somehow turn into chapters for books. I will have a big review for a chapter/story if I get five reviews. I reviewed a writer who is a work the crowd Christian and when I pointed out that most of his article was a string of quotations taken directly from the Christian Bible., he took issue. He did not like the four stars I gave him and requested that I not review his postings. Not a hard decision for me. In truth, he had not written anything, just quotes.

I have also noticed that many writers are fanding large numbers of writers. I do not see how I can revue 167 writers and have time to write my stories.

I came on FS to join other writers and grow as a writer through the interaction with others who like to tell a good story. Have found a small group that think as I, a review from them really counts; well to me anyway.

The answer, stay with a small group of people who think stars and FS ratings are Ok but not the final word. I have discovered that the number of fans, ratings and placement on a list do nor really tell "the story,"
Just write the best you can, find a group who will review your work and give the work an honest review and if it is a 3 star in their opinion, they will say so.

 Comment Written 26-Jul-2014

Comment from w.j.debi
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well done, Mikey. I admit that I do the same thing--read and review the poetry because it takes less time. I also don't post much prose because it gets so few reviews in comparison to poetry. I do have a few novels that I am following, but I often get behind and end up reviewing them for 2 cents just because I like the story/writing. That means I post less because I don't have the virtual money to post, and I have less time to garner the $. Oh, well, I don't know the solution either. Have it cost the same to post the prose but have it pay three or four times as much to the reader? I'm not sure even that would help. Maybe someone out there has the perfect solution.
I enjoyed your well written essay on the issue. Debi

 Comment Written 26-Jul-2014

Comment from dreamin'
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I believe you will find an overwhelming number of writers who will agree with everything you said. I have read more than once that people are doing fake reviews, and I don't understand why.

I have read many poems and stories that I chose not to review for whatever reason, but it would never occur to me to fake review something just for the $$. I realize my passing it by does nothing for the writer, but a review without substance and/or truth is worse.

Having said all of that, I, too, have wondered about the inequity of being rewarded the same for reviewing a 6 line poem as well as a 2000 word story.

Maybe another branch (like Fan Art) could be set up: Fan Poetry. Since Fan Story is already established, it could be for stories and novels only. A different promotion and reward system could then be established for the two sites.

"Yes, I realize it is fake money."
I disagree. It is only fake until you don't have enough, and have to purchase it in order to promote your work.

And consider this: if you spent over a hundred bucks for nine reviews, even if it was "fake" money, think about how much time you invested to read and review in order to earn that much.

Good essay, and time for it.


 Comment Written 26-Jul-2014

Comment from pbroussard209
This work has reached the exceptional level

I think when you venture over to the prose and Novel side you need to scale back on your expectations of how many reviews you get.

Being a novel writer myself, I no longer worry about how many reviews I get, I have a great group of other novelist, who write similar genre. I have learned that it is not about the quantity but rather the quality of the review that matters. It was frustrating in the beginning, when I first started to post on this site. I thought no one liked my work. But over the last couple of years I have found my clique, most of whom are brutally honest, which I love.

You are correct in how much longer it takes to read chapters and short's, I often find whole days passing with nothing getting done but reading. I try to split my day into two; mornings I write, evenings I read. This is easy for me as I don't work, when I was working I found it hard to keep up with everything, I also have a family, I try to fit them in somewhere during my day,:).

Be happy with the reviewers that have something meaningful to say, ignore all the rest.

We are all guilty of a empty review now and again, and I am guilty of reading a bunch of poems from the front page when I need a few quick bucks. I also find a lot of interesting writers on the other side of that page.

It was fun reading your rant, I wish I could help you in your endeavor to get more people reading the longer works, but I think in the end it is our own mindset that has to change, not the site. The masses will always want quick and simple, the easiest way to get from point A to B.

Good luck with your future writing.

 Comment Written 26-Jul-2014

Comment from Goodauthor
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I love your prose, really, and I did read the whole thing. I understand completely about generic warm fuzzes. I write novels and short stories both in prose, and I live the occasional reviewer who tells me that h/she read the first five paragraphs of a chapter and realized that going on wasn't worth his time and effort. I am new to FS at this time, but I was for a year, before my old com pad said no more please, and gave up the ghost. As an editor, I do enjoy well-written prose, so I tend to gravitate in the direction of Short Stories and novels that are set either in the past as Speculative Fiction, and real-time stories and novels with controversial subjects and plots. Good rant.

 Comment Written 26-Jul-2014