Reviews from

Bible Stories in Rhyme

Viewing comments for Chapter 5 "Isaiah"
Poetry and Stories from the Bible

27 total reviews 
Comment from Ben Colder
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well done. Had I six stars they would be yours. The Word of God never returns void. Look for your blessings to come soon. Shalom my friend.

 Comment Written 12-Jun-2014

reply by the author on 12-Jun-2014
    Thank you Ben Colder, I am so blessed everyday, I wouldn't know what to do with more. :-) Just kidding. You are always so encouraging. I looked up the site you provided but haven't submitted anything yet. (Not sure where I would find the time to do another writing site) Have you ever submitted anything?
    :-) Carolyn
reply by Ben Colder on 13-Jun-2014
    No, not yet. I'm like you. Fan Story keeps me drained but I am thinking to pull away for awhile. However, for those member friends, I hang in here trying to encourage.
reply by the author on 13-Jun-2014
    I love your work and your reviews are so encouraging. When all is said and done, it is great to write 'here' but each of us should strive to be published, for others to read as well.
    Self publishing is very expensive, and no one has offered to do it otherwise, at this time. :-) Carolyn
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Isaiah is one of Bible books that isn't often read. You did a great job promoting it in well written poem. I enjoyed reading your poem.

 Comment Written 12-Jun-2014

reply by the author on 12-Jun-2014
    Thank you Barbara, I appreciate your comments. The Old Testament is often over looked but in the New Testament 2 Timothy 3:16 we are told it is all inspired of God and is for our learning. The Bible is my favorite collection of books. All 66 of them.
    Have a great week-end my friend,
    :-) Carolyn
Comment from aanneee
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

An interesting project that you have set yourself here. This is a a very fine read and you have me scurrying looking around for my Bible, which is collecting dust somewhere. I will fan you to keep up and to go back and read those I have missed.

The Bible was always way over my head and I am 74 now, but you have pushed me into a little wanting to read it - Thank you - Dinah

 Comment Written 12-Jun-2014

reply by the author on 12-Jun-2014
    Oh Dinah, that is the greatest feeling to know that someone is inspired to read more of God's word. I tell anyone that the Bible is my favorite collection of books, all 66 of them. Thank you for your fine comments and happy reading. If you ever have any questions just holler. I will help you look up scriptures, that is how I study. Just the Bible. :-) Carolyn
Comment from The Death
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi, Carolyn.

Nice narration of Isaiah's role in religious context. I like the explicitly expressed facts and notions here.

Good opening lines:

Isaiah was a prophet
who went throughout the land
He told so many years ago
about Jesus and His plan

Nice use of R,N consonance and O assonance.

Wonderful and counselor,
prince of peace was He
The one led to the slaughter
like a lamb He'd be

The first line sounds due to the used conjunction which doesn't fit in well in terms of flow and meaning, too.

You should either have:

A wonderful counselor

Or anything more appealing.

He would be counted with the wicked
and with them He would die
But when His death was over
in the grave of the rich He would lie

I didn't get your intent with 'death was over'. Don't know if it has something to do with the book. Will 'task was over' go well?

Isaiah told of many things
and how the world would be
When God asked
"who will go and spread my word"
He said,
"Here am I, send me."

Put a question mark after 'word'. Either have end-line punctuation throughout or drop the last period.

Good use of rhyming as well. Excellent presentation.

Nicely done!


 Comment Written 12-Jun-2014

reply by the author on 12-Jun-2014
    Hi there,
    What a through review this is. Wonderful and Counselor are names given to Jesus by the profit Isaiah, as well as Prince of Peace. I do need to capitalize and check the punctuation again.
    When His death was over, meaning his death on the cross was finished. He was crucified on a cross between two thieves, but was buried in a rich mans tomb.
    Thank you so much Anupam, I will take another look.
    :-) Carolyn
Comment from Benny Beeharry
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Carolyn, how are you and your family.

This is a very fascinating story. And there is a lot to learn.
But there is one thing which we need to learn fronm this and that:

We are all messengers of is our duty to spread his words.
And sometimes it is more glorious to choose ourself instead of waiting to be told.
We meed to be always ready .
Well done .
God bless

 Comment Written 12-Jun-2014

reply by the author on 12-Jun-2014
    Good morning dear friend,
    You are so right, readiness is almost a thing of the past. I feel certain that God is still well pleased with the,
    Here am I, send me, attitude.
    As you so aptly said, we need to always be ready.
    Have a great day,
    :-) Carolyn
Comment from misscookie
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I have no more stars to give,I like the artwork you choose for your poem.
It is a perfect match.
Your poem was a delight to read.

 Comment Written 12-Jun-2014

reply by the author on 12-Jun-2014
    You are sweet, any comment and rating is cherished when it comes from you misscookie. I am so glad you liked Isaiah.
    Love, Carolyn
Comment from Sanku
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is yet another story poem from bible .this is a greatly admirable task from you.I am learning about the bible stories.and i am sure many of the readers would do the same .very well written in a smoothly flowing manner with rhyme scheme and a free verse like last stanza.

 Comment Written 12-Jun-2014

reply by the author on 12-Jun-2014
    Good morning Sanku,
    I am delighted you are still following and enjoying this series. Yes, other readers seem to be refreshing their interest in the Bible as well.
    Have a great day,
    :-) Carolyn
Comment from Tomes Johnston
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is yet another fine poem about a Biblical story that the author has created with this piece of writing. I love the way that you tell these Biblical stories in poetic form. Well done.

 Comment Written 12-Jun-2014

reply by the author on 12-Jun-2014
    Hey there,
    Where have you been? I miss you.
    Thanks for your comments and generous rating on Isaiah. I am delighted you are still following along.
    Have a great day
reply by Tomes Johnston on 12-Jun-2014
    I have been snowed under with work lately, and I will be going on holiday soon, but I will keep in the game as much as I can.
    Take care,
Comment from Irish Rain
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I love how you've written these poems of biblical figures...I have only recently begun to read my bible I really enjoyed this...blessings tonight, Judy

 Comment Written 11-Jun-2014

reply by the author on 11-Jun-2014
    And to you as well Judy, I am so happy you are reading. :-) Carolyn
Comment from MizKat
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Carolyn,

This is another nice poem written about Isaiah from the Bible. You do an outstanding job in writing them and they're always a joy to read.


 Comment Written 11-Jun-2014

reply by the author on 11-Jun-2014
    Hi dear Kat,
    It's always good to hear from you. So glad you liked Isaiah.
    Love, Carolyn