Reviews from

ABC's of My Life

A random, quick look at my life as it is near ending.

61 total reviews 
Comment from steevie
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You made a wonderful job of this poem, Lynda. I'm not really a big fan of the ABC poem thingies, but you made a great job of it, explaining your journey through life in just 26 letters of the alphabet.

We're thinking about, Lynda ... don't you worry!

all the best


 Comment Written 14-Oct-2013

reply by the author on 14-Oct-2013
    Thank you, Steve! You are a warm and wonderful person. . .Linda
Comment from Matoshka
This work has reached the exceptional level

How beautiful and endearing. Great words of wisdom I found, no regrets, fences mended and living each moment in beauty with family who loves you so. I pray you will always have this peace and the love of God, that surrounds you. I am glad the winds of life have been gentle. May God Bless you richly and good luck in the contest. Blessings

 Comment Written 14-Oct-2013

reply by the author on 14-Oct-2013
    Thank you so much, Matoshka. Just one error. . ."thewinds of life" were often not gentle at all but I toughed them out. livelylinda
reply by Matoshka on 14-Oct-2013
    You are so welcome, Linda, the winds sometimes are tough, but your heart is gentle. Sending you hugs and blessings
Comment from Princesseunice
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You have seen long years with the funs and all.
This is a good poem flipping through the pages of years.
It is good you can tell it all in just few words.

 Comment Written 14-Oct-2013

reply by the author on 14-Oct-2013
    Thank you. livelylinda
Comment from Dean Kuch
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Famous I shall never be, and,
Grand ideas fell apart, you see,

Never say never, it comes back to bite

You contradict yourself here, with the above lines, Linda. Nonetheless, this is a great poem proclaiming your love of life, despite your illness.

I, too, suffer from coronary disease. I had a defibrillator implanted in 2010, and am monitored 24/7, round the clock. My feet, ankles and legs swell's unsettling and you do get a bit discouraged, at times. Ah, but, we have our writing, don't we? For what it's worth...

Nicely done...

 Comment Written 14-Oct-2013

reply by the author on 14-Oct-2013
    It is not a contradiction, I am correcting myself as I write. But, anyway, thanks for reading. I'm in congestive heart failure now. When I lie down, I have chest pains, am tired much of the time and have the swelling legs and ankles. We are a mess, aren't we? And, yes, it helps to have our writing. Linda
reply by Dean Kuch on 14-Oct-2013
    Hah, yes, we certainly are, and it is a good thing to have at least that!

    You're very welcome...
Comment from eafournier
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

"ABCs of My Life" sounds like a very honest poem. It's quite difficult to write a abecedarian poem but you have done it very well.

 Comment Written 14-Oct-2013

reply by the author on 14-Oct-2013
    Thank you. livelylinda
Comment from zanya
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is an abecdarian filled with life and love and action, with a lot more to come, it seems. A life story well told with a very interesting pic to complement it.

 Comment Written 14-Oct-2013

reply by the author on 14-Oct-2013
    Thank you. livelylinda
Comment from Phyllis Stewart
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Bravo! Well done!

Mended all fences from long ago fights,
Very wise, sadly most folks take grudges to their graves.

Never say never, it comes back to bite;
How very true!

Obviously is never obvious.
Verrrry profound statement!

Loved this one. Worth the effort it must have taken!

 Comment Written 14-Oct-2013

reply by the author on 14-Oct-2013
    Wrote this in an hour. Thanks for reading and commenting, Phyllis. Linda
Comment from Janet Foor
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I enjoyed reading your heartfelt poem in abc form. You told a story in a easy to read tone that was direct and wise. I enjoyed the matter-of-fact manner, good alliteration and occasional rhyme. Nicely done Linda.


 Comment Written 13-Oct-2013

reply by the author on 14-Oct-2013
    Thank you, Janet. Linda
Comment from sunnilicious
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Powerful artwork. So mysterious and deep. Just like this poem. You are kind and so loving to bare your soul so openly in a poem. Creative and emotional. It came out great. Good luck in the contest.

Note: In E.... 'know there' should be 'knew they'

 Comment Written 13-Oct-2013

reply by the author on 13-Oct-2013
    No, "knew they" would make no sense. . .I "know that there are mistakes". Thanks for reading. livelylinda
reply by sunnilicious on 13-Oct-2013
    Okay... whatever works best is fine :)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A look at my past;
Being from the days of the dinosaurs,
Citing my words of collective wisdom,
Daring to find any mistakes made
Even when I know there were a couple;
Famous I shall never be, and,
Grand ideas fell apart, you see, but I'm
High on life, love the trees.
Ill from coronary heart disease, A great line
Jarring my life into new directions, but, LOVE 'jarring'
Keeping my sense of humor through it all;
Love my children, grands and great, 'g' allits
Mended all fences from long ago fights, 'f; allits
Never say never, it comes back to bite;
Obviously is never obvious.
Partied like it was "1999" in 1999 but
Quit that when the heart tried to quit, Double ending rhyme
Rest became my initiative and
Surgeries and procedures for years, 's' allits
(Tears on my pillow)from fears; Song title?
Understanding new routine of life.
Vanishing breed. I have overcome strife,
Weathering the storms of hurricane winds,
Xylophone music in my head; Love this line
Youthful as I try to be, my body is really 83!

Zippy, I have another wonderful day! FUUUNNNY!!!


 Comment Written 13-Oct-2013

reply by the author on 13-Oct-2013
    Thanks for reading, I think. . .livelylinda
reply by STEPHEN A CARTER on 14-Oct-2013
    Dear Linda: Well deserved. Just posted #31/32

    XX Steve C