Reviews from

The Golden Years

Getting Old Is Not Much Fun

40 total reviews 
Comment from G. Eleck
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

In two months I am to celebrate my 30th birthday. Although you may think that sounds young it send fear in me that rocks my very core... I was asked the other day what my plans were for that day I said that I plan on locking my door and pretending that I'm not home hehehe... Only kidding. I have a grandmother and she is 98 and says the same things as you are saying in your poem... Well done and thanks for the great read...
Thanks G :)

 Comment Written 05-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 06-Nov-2010
    Thank you G for your time and review. Don't worry about growing old, just enjoy your youth and have fun. You're only 29, I have socks that's older than that. Ha Ha. Have a great weekend.
Comment from clsandau
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I enjoyed your humorous look at getting old - much of it very true. However, we also have a lot of wisdom, don't we - only who wants to listen. The rhyming was good. Looking at the photo, there are still some good aspects to getting older. Thank you.

 Comment Written 05-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 05-Nov-2010
    Thank you for your review and yes I've always heard that the older you get, the smarter you get. That's not true in my case.
    Have a great weekend.
Comment from Magics02
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a wonderful piece of work Cedar. My eyes had to adjust to the neon green but I stayed with it and admired this one. A lot of humor in it and great flow and meter throughout.

 Comment Written 05-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 05-Nov-2010
    Thanks Magics for your review. The neon green makes it easier for all of us old people to see it better. Have a great weekend.
reply by Magics02 on 05-Nov-2010
    LOL I loved it just the same:)
Comment from Patricia0129
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I love it... made me crack smiles all the way. Yes it is funny but not funny !!!! Great job. Oh my what we have to look forward to... I pray I do it gracefully. Thanks for sharing

 Comment Written 05-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 05-Nov-2010
    Thanks for your review Patricia. I'm glad it made you laugh. But please don't worry about growing old. Some of my friends
    are in their 70's and 80's and still doing what they did when they were young. Have a great weekend.
Comment from dportwood
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


Congratulations! Obiously a well deserved win with these rhyming quatrains. Originality, humor, and a measure of truth in these lines. Well done.


 Comment Written 05-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 05-Nov-2010
    Thanks my friend. It's easy to write about some things that
    you actually experience. Have a great week-end.
Comment from MizKat
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I got a big bang out of your poem. I can certainly relate to a lot of it. I haven't seen anything golden about the golden years yet. LOL Kat

 Comment Written 05-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 05-Nov-2010
    Thanks Kat and I agree, there sure isn't any gold around here.
    I ache 24/7 and it gets worse the older I get. Thanks Kat and have a great week-end.
reply by MizKat on 05-Nov-2010
    I'm with you on the aching part. I too, ache 24/7. It's been such a long time I wonder what it would feel like with no pain? Kat
Comment from ImJLAD
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very nicely done!
Each of the stanzas flow to the next perfectly and all come together to tell - a funny but not so funny - story.
Great job at this contest and best of luck!

 Comment Written 05-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 05-Nov-2010
    Thank you for your review and have a great week-end.
Comment from Jess Burris
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Great picture to go along with this piece. This is a awesome piece for it's humor. I do be leave I am getting old if I was to go along with this piece. :) That is ok though cause I will enjoy the peace.

 Comment Written 04-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 05-Nov-2010
    Thanks Jess, I'm glad you liked it. However, old age catches up with us all "sooner" or later. Thanks and have a great week-end.
Comment from JSway
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I really liked this work. Getting old is a part of life, and we have to take it in stride. You share your reflections about what it means to age, and how it's just the sunset years of life. Yes, it comes for us all.

 Comment Written 04-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 05-Nov-2010
    Thanks for your review and yes it does come for us all, it catches us all and then beats most of us up. Just like being in the ring with Muhammed Ali!!! Have a great week-end.
reply by JSway on 05-Nov-2010
    *LOL* You're welcome. You have a great weekend too.
Comment from owarfield
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Liked it a lot and have to admit I can identify with some of it. The poem went perfectly with the theme. It was funny but we all know getting old can be a very sad thing. Sounds like the writer is taking it in stride though. Keep up the good work.

 Comment Written 04-Nov-2010

reply by the author on 04-Nov-2010
    Thanks for your review, I really do appreciate it.