Reviews from

The Morning Before Sentencing

Daily Life Taken by Injustice

30 total reviews 
Comment from stormwolf2
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I can feel the anger, pain and your emotions running through your words. So powerful, so well written.
I see that you did not go to jail, thank God! This is really worrying, how people can be tried on jumped up charges. Very scary.

Glad you are okay. Good imagery and flow.

Best wishes,

 Comment Written 21-Jan-2010

reply by the author on 21-Jan-2010
    That was the third time the police tried to make it happen. The first two they succeeded in throwing me in jail. Thanks for the good review.
reply by stormwolf2 on 21-Jan-2010
    Like I said, scary!!!! Let's hope it is the end of it!
reply by the author on 21-Jan-2010
    I knew what the consequences would be when I published an article internationally about their corruption, racism, and complicity in murdering a youth, but I had to do the right thing.
reply by stormwolf2 on 21-Jan-2010
    You always have to do what your heart tells you is right. I admire you.
reply by the author on 21-Jan-2010
    Don't. I don't think I have any choice in the matter; I know what is right.
reply by stormwolf2 on 21-Jan-2010
    Good for you!
reply by the author on 23-Jan-2010
    I drew a decent judge and received no jail time after this was written.
Comment from MyYiaYia
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh my goodness this was powerful. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Since it is biographical, what was the outcome? Please, you must share. Nicely done and without any faults. Thanks

 Comment Written 21-Jan-2010

reply by the author on 21-Jan-2010
    I drew a different judge who gave me no jail time. Thank God. Thanks for a good review.
Comment from Kaladore
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

That's a terrible story to hear and shows how corruption in America has spread. Best of luck in court, knock the bastards dead. The poem is very well written with a smooth flow and a good message. Good job.

 Comment Written 21-Jan-2010

reply by the author on 21-Jan-2010
    Luckily, that morning I drew a different judge who gave me no jail time. Thanks for your concern and for your excellent review.
Comment from jayesnb
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Man Alvin I wish the best for you..
I too have been a victim of this system for no reason whatsoever (for the most part) but am glad that I havent had to go to court in a while...
I used to go every frickin month..

This poem expressed this perfectly... I have felt this exact way on many an occasion..
Great job and good luck..

 Comment Written 21-Jan-2010

reply by the author on 21-Jan-2010
    Thanks. Luckily, the next morning I drew another judge and he gave me no jail time. Thanks for a great review.
Comment from Poetry Beginnings
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow i hope that works out for you. Not related to the poem, but still good luck.
With regards to poem, it is very fatalistic and i like it very much. And too "I hope he had a good breakfast.", found a good parking spot, not being yelled at and so on.

 Comment Written 21-Jan-2010

reply by the author on 21-Jan-2010
    Thanks. Luckily, the next morning I drew another judge and he gave me no jail time. Thanks for a great review.
Comment from joan marie
This work has reached the exceptional level

The artwork was very powerful and complimented this write wonderfully. I could picture you standing and thinking these things. I am so glad they did not come to pass. joan marie

 Comment Written 23-Nov-2009

reply by the author on 23-Nov-2009
    So am I. It was touch and go, but I made it through, thanks be to God. Thanks for a very good review. Thanks for the exceptional rating of six stars.
reply by the author on 23-Jan-2010
    I drew a different judge and received no jail time.
Comment from Veronica Grace
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Loved the poem. Lots of emotion and visuals. Good luck! Gert led me here and I am holding you up for all good today. It just goes to show how far corruption takes some people. Please keep us posted. Veronica Grace

 Comment Written 23-Nov-2009

reply by the author on 23-Nov-2009
    I drew a good judge who gave me community serivce, AA meetings, a fine, and informal probation. I learned from the bailiff that he asked the baiiff many questions about me, as he was vacillating between jail time and this. Thanks be to God, the judge decided on this. Thanks for a good review of my poem.
reply by the author on 24-Nov-2009
    I mean bailiff , of course
Comment from tteach
This work has reached the exceptional level

I see my bag by the door
Which will never be taken to the gym
My dirty clothes
Which will never be washed
My ironing

I love the simplicity of the lines. The actions that will no longer happen. the things to be left undone. Objects in their place.

Beautifully written.

 Comment Written 22-Nov-2009

reply by the author on 22-Nov-2009
    Thanks. You understood exactly the message I wanted to convey. Thank for a good review.
reply by the author on 23-Jan-2010
    I drew a different judge and received no jail time.
Comment from fionageorge
This work has reached the exceptional level

You've got me really and truly this time. What a wonderful, but sad, free verse poem. The picture you paint with words are so powerful, so true, and so emotive.
Good luck my friend, I hope the judge is kind to you.
Warmest Regards

 Comment Written 22-Nov-2009

reply by the author on 22-Nov-2009
    He won't be. But thank you for your thoughts. Just keep me in your prayers. Maybe he will have a change of heart. Thanks for a good review.
reply by the author on 23-Jan-2010
    I drew a different judge and recevied no jail time. Thank God.
Comment from babylonia
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

i am still hoping for the best but i know you have already said it can only be the worst. i do like the way you have made this free verse. that feeling of hopeless helplessness we've all felt at times. very overpowering.

 Comment Written 22-Nov-2009

reply by the author on 22-Nov-2009
    Thanks for those last two words; that is exactly the emotion I wanted to convey. Thanks also for the whole good review.
reply by babylonia on 22-Nov-2009
    it's been my emotion of the day. glad it's gone but man it is hell when it's here. sigh.
reply by the author on 23-Jan-2010
    I drew a different judge and received no jail time.
reply by babylonia on 23-Jan-2010
    thank god