Reviews from

Flowery Lullaby

Quatrains using flower names

80 total reviews 
Comment from Gaye Hemsley
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Brooke I accept you taking poetic license, your poem has a lovely flow to it and rhyming is perfect. What a lovely lullaby, it could almost be put to music. Try it to 'Sleep my Little one Sleep' LOL Gaye

 Comment Written 04-Jul-2009

reply by the author on 04-Jul-2009
    Thank you, Gaye, I am so glad it sounds like a real lullaby to you. I appreciate your comments and your kindness. Brooke :-)
Comment from raimie
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I love the way you wove these flowers into a lullaby. my family is big on singing to children and I have been remembering some songs my grandmother made up and sang to us, in preperation of the baby!

 Comment Written 03-Jul-2009

reply by the author on 03-Jul-2009
    Raimie - thank you. That is so sweet that you can remember your grandmother's songs. I never had a grandmother - they've always seemed mythic to me. :-) Brooke
reply by raimie on 04-Jul-2009
    My favorite was very short

    throw me a bannana
    toss me a peanut
    I'll come swinging like a monkey from a tree

    throw me a bannana
    toss me a peanut
    you sure made a monkey out of me

    and there used to be one I can only remeber a snippit of

    My daddie's anme was ferdin
    My momma's name was Liza
    so between the two of them they named me ferda-Liza

    She had a very long one about finding a peanut- long story short once you get through the stanza's it goes basically like this
    found a peanut
    cracked it open
    it was wrotten
    ate it anyway
    made me sick

    Of course there was billy boy, mockingbird, and all the classics!

    Grandma's should always be held as mythical. After all they are our soft place to fall :)

Comment from DecrepitOldBag
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I read this, then I sang it aloud to the tune of 'hush little baby don't you cry'. It is absolutely beautiful. Several of the flower names are unfamiliar to me, but I do know 'baby's breath' - one of my all time favourites.
You ahve such a talent, Brooke. I really do hope you gather all your flower poems into a book, I certainly would buy it and treasure it.
Warmest wishes

 Comment Written 03-Jul-2009

reply by the author on 03-Jul-2009
    Kat, I know I need to figure out a way to do the flower book :-) Thank you!! Brooke :-)
Comment from Peter@Poole
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well, I think you've invested your passion for babies and flowers with lovely rhyme and alliteration, Brooke. It really is pleasing how much peace and joy you've sown within these lines. Peter

 Comment Written 03-Jul-2009

reply by the author on 03-Jul-2009
    Babies and flowers - what else is better in this life?? Thank you, Peter, and good morning - or afternoon as the case would be in Bath :-) Brooke
Comment from Fleedleflump
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This actually made me feel calm, and combined with the heat here in London (and my inevitable sitting very still) I'm starting to feel very sleepy! Hence, your flower quatrains are a beautiful and effective lullaby. (I particularly love "for night has come to end day's play")


 Comment Written 03-Jul-2009

reply by the author on 03-Jul-2009
    Thank you, Mike - I hope I'm not going to cause you to fall asleep at your desk at work and thus lose your job! LOL Brooke
Comment from Nescher Pyscher
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Pinwheels of pink will spin all night,
so close those eyes, no need for fright.
(Okay. I was singing the Hush Little Baby song with this poem under my breath while reading this, and it worked perfectly until riiiiiiiiiiight about here - Make calm your baby's breath, don't sigh, as mama sings her lullaby. - and then the meter goes all to pieces. Not a big deal, I don't guess but kinda surprising given that it's you and you're usually just perfect with a meter.)

Great piece, Brooke. Didn't make me cry, but it was close.


 Comment Written 03-Jul-2009

reply by the author on 03-Jul-2009
    Nescher, close to making you cry - I'll settle for that. And I'll do my best to get back on the meter track. LOL Thanks, my friend. Brooke :-)
Comment from Crusty
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow. This was fantastic Brooke. But, then I saw in your notes. You incorporated the names of flowers. How did you do that? Just amazing my dear friend. Thank you for your lovely poems Brooke. They are such a joy to read. Bravo!


 Comment Written 03-Jul-2009

reply by the author on 03-Jul-2009
    Brad, thank you - the flower names really inspire me - whoever named them in the first place had such a great sense of whimsy. Brooke :-)
Comment from Kentucky Sweet Pea
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

And this, my Brooke, is a liberty your pen can take. Feel free. You're not only a prolific poet but a brilliant one as well.


 Comment Written 03-Jul-2009

reply by the author on 03-Jul-2009
    Penny, thank you!! Good morning, too :-) Brooke
Comment from zydecosal
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I love the idea of the flower names in your poem. They fit so well and your rhyming was excellent. Great job and the picture of the baby is also so sweet.

 Comment Written 03-Jul-2009

reply by the author on 03-Jul-2009
    thank you, Sally - and good morning!! Glad you enjoyed. Brooke :-)
Comment from Sue_Angel
This work has reached the exceptional level

You did an amazing job of weaving flower names into a very beautiful poem! I'm very impressed with this piece. I have to give it 6 stars because it is simply outstanding. The meter and rhyming patterns are also perfect, as is the artwork you selected.


 Comment Written 02-Jul-2009

reply by the author on 03-Jul-2009
    Sue, thank you so much for this wonderfully generous review- and good morning!! You've started my day off right :-) Brooke