Reviews from

Reflections For The New Day

Viewing comments for Chapter 48 "It's A New Day"

22 total reviews 
Comment from Diny
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am so happy you are in a happy positive space= Full of anticipation and wonderment/instead of fear and dread= WOW change is a good thing!- Write on- hugs-Diny

 Comment Written 14-Mar-2009

reply by the author on 15-Mar-2009
    Change is always a good thing, we just need to embrace it, don't we?
Comment from Loyd C. Taylor, Sr
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I hear music... so soft.... so free... so joyful!
Hey poet Jewell, another awesome and inspiring poem. I really liked that photo pic as well. Loyd

 Comment Written 14-Mar-2009

reply by the author on 15-Mar-2009
    Hey bro. Thanks so very much!
reply by Loyd C. Taylor, Sr on 15-Mar-2009
    You are very welcome and job well done! Have a good evening, Loyd
Comment from penelope
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What an inspiring message, Jewell. I love it. Let's hope it spreads all over the world. We could do with a bit of hope and vision for the future. Your artwork is spiritually uplifting too and goes very well with your well-chosen words. Penelope

 Comment Written 14-Mar-2009

reply by the author on 15-Mar-2009
    Penelope, it's always good to hear from you. Thanks so much for this encouraging review. I am happy it touched you.
Comment from Jean Lutz
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Delicate artwork depicting celestial notes. Your words remind us what can be if we let change begin within. Dawn is my favorite time of day, this would make a good meditation piece as the day begins.

 Comment Written 14-Mar-2009

reply by the author on 15-Mar-2009
    Hello Jean! Thank you my friend!
Comment from Wendyanne
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Jewell. I found yuor beautiful piece of poetry very uplifting and optimistic. "I see a new horizon A glowing morning" definitely

 Comment Written 14-Mar-2009

reply by the author on 14-Mar-2009
    Thanks girlfriend. How have you been?
reply by Wendyanne on 14-Mar-2009
    I'm fine Jewell. Thanks for asking. I keep popping in here occasionally when I have time to write or review. Are you ok?
Comment from Alexander E Poet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I know what you are feeling and I think more will be feeling ,it love again coming back to the world, beautifully worded, i like how it flow a good job and a remarkable piece of work. Great talent. There were no errors. No typo's and nothing to change as far as i can see. I look forward to your next one Alexander QQ...

 Comment Written 14-Mar-2009

reply by the author on 14-Mar-2009
    Thank you!
Comment from Fat man Says
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It's A New Day...Is a very well written poem...With dance...
singing...And music how could you go wrong...Also enjoyed your fine arkwork...Bob

 Comment Written 14-Mar-2009

reply by the author on 14-Mar-2009
    Thank you!
Comment from Judian James
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This just flowed from your pen. I'm completely taken aback at how our two posts could compliment one another in an anthology, don't you think? Lovely Jewell. I could quote the entire piece.

 Comment Written 14-Mar-2009

reply by the author on 14-Mar-2009
    Thank you for finding this one Jude! I felt the same way when I read your piece and could hardly wait till you saw the familiar message. Great minds think alike!
    Be sure to pass this along if you know someone who needs to heed the possitive message of encouragement!
Comment from BethShelby
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This poem contains a lot of good advice. If we could all live life in this way, we would all be happy, well-adjusted people. I love the way you have illustrated this poem.

 Comment Written 14-Mar-2009

reply by the author on 14-Mar-2009
    Thank you! You got it!
Comment from RADIO
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The visionary poet has wriiten
beautiful words of visionary
hope with the promise of new
and exciting dreams on the horizon.
Loved reading your words.

 Comment Written 14-Mar-2009

reply by the author on 14-Mar-2009
    Thank you! So glad you appreciated this.