Comment from
Are the women in your family other than you certifiably crazy????? I'm sorry to speak harshly about your mother and sister, but women who allow their children to be molested not once but multiple times because they continue to put them in the line of fire are simply, to me, either totally mentally ill or sad excuses for mothers whose children should be removed from them as quickly as humanly possible. I cannot even believe Teresa repeated your mother's inexcusable behavior and did this to her children. This chapter has me just shaking with anger. Again, your writing is excellent. Brooke
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Comment Written 07-Mar-2009
reply by the author on 07-Mar-2009
I thank you for your astute, and accurate depiction of the women in my family. I am not trying to be funny. Yes, they are all certifiably crazy. Denial is a cruel and weak frame of mind that allows terrible things to occur while you simply turn your back so you don't have to hear about it, deal with it, or even admit it is true. I was shaking with anger durig the episode and again while writing about it. Thank you for you high review.