Many More Birthdays, Jake
For Jake Cosmos Aller39 total reviews
Comment from Aussie
Wow! Happy Birthday Jake. What a colorful life you have lived. The man whom God needs. You have kept your eyes on the prize and lived. Even tho' at times you have suffered, you have survived because you are loved. Many more birthdays come your way, live as you have always lived, with God's blessings and protection. Kace xx
reply by the author on 01-Nov-2024
Wow! Happy Birthday Jake. What a colorful life you have lived. The man whom God needs. You have kept your eyes on the prize and lived. Even tho' at times you have suffered, you have survived because you are loved. Many more birthdays come your way, live as you have always lived, with God's blessings and protection. Kace xx
Comment Written 31-Oct-2024
reply by the author on 01-Nov-2024
Thanks sweetie, for this very kind message for Jake. I am glad that you took such an interest in him. I think Jake could benefit from someone like you.
He is a nice man but he is not a Christian and I have prayed for him many times, so I hope you have some luck with him. Maybe you could turn him around towards the Lord. Thanks so much, Kace. Love, Debi
I'm not a book-read Christian. Don't go to Church. In my culture, we worship God's handiwork, like hug a tree and always thank an animal for taking it's life. My race is ancient. Our God is Bahamie. Aboriginal name. No matter what we call Him, he is still God. My garden is my cathedral. Nature can teach us so much. If you are interested, I have written book chapters on The Dreamtime. Love, Kace. PS: my people have owned this Great Southern Land for 58,000 years until the British arrived! And yes, I love Jesus.
Comment from Heather Knight
To me at least it's obvious you aren't making fun of anyone, Debi.
I enjoyed reading this very much not only because you make life easier for us when we are going through a bad patch.
I think there are a couple of typos:
- six weeks' time
BTW, nurses are incredible sometimes.
Thanks for sharing.
reply by the author on 31-Oct-2024
To me at least it's obvious you aren't making fun of anyone, Debi.
I enjoyed reading this very much not only because you make life easier for us when we are going through a bad patch.
I think there are a couple of typos:
- six weeks' time
BTW, nurses are incredible sometimes.
Thanks for sharing.
Comment Written 31-Oct-2024
reply by the author on 31-Oct-2024
Hahaha, you nut, you!! LOL.. yes, nurses are incredible. But obviously this one wasn't. I tried to train to be one and went thru the whole course and kept passing out in the doctor's arms during surgery and after two times we figured it wasn't for me.
So later went on to be a title one teacher. So with that being said look who just corrected my typos. LOL.. but you know I have lately gotten away from using punctuation in my poetry so I have to be aware of some needed. I do always get my commas and parenthesis.
Things like that, but I hate using periods since I was shamed horribly when I first got here for using them.
Anyway, thank you, Sweetie for all the little gifts you brought me. Especially the gift of you. I miss you, the little typos corrections and the generous six stars. You are a gem. Thank you so very much!!!
Lotsa love, Debi
You never know who to listen to when it comes to poetry.
Now I'm not using capitals at the beginning of lines (same reason as you with punctuation), but I guess we always have to take advice with a pinch of salt, because many of the great use capitals in their poems.
For me it's very difficult to point out a typo or a mistake, but I'm making an effort to write meaningful reviews because I think sometimes we just go through the motions till we have the right number of letters.
Sandra Cisneros once said that, after attending lots of Writing courses, she came to the conclusion that she'd never write properly till she found her own voice.
BTW, what is a title one teacher?
Lots of us here are or have been teachers. Funny!
P.S I love Cisneros' little novella The House on Mango Street.
The main rule of poetry is to be yourself and express it how you feel comfortable.
I'm sure that is how some of the greats made up their structures and formats.
About correcting, I know it is important, but what's more important is to look at what they are doing first. For instance, so many will give me advice to add an article or word, and I tell them that grammar is not as important to me as keeping my syllable count and meter. I will try every way possible to make it sound right, but it is always easy to understand. Otherwise I make people stumble and I try to keep it smooth. Does that make sense? LOL. It works for me tho and that is who I am here to please. Hugs.
A title one teacher is Chapter One. Are you familiar with them?
Gosh, Hon, I didn't mean that to sound like a lecture.
I was just expressing some of my feelings and what they say on the internet about writing poetry.
It didn't sound like a lecture at all! Maybe my answer did? x
You're so right, but we are all so different.
I used to hate obscure poems and now most of the ones I write are like that. No idea why.
I don't know what Chapter One is in that context. As I have always taught EFL, I have lots of problems to remember the age of the kids in the different years in Spain, the UK and the States.
Even when my kids were still at school, I had to make an effort because the system here changes very often: one system when my mum studied, another one for my husband who's only five years older than me, and then a different one for the kids.
They drive us crazy.
And then in some areas in England they call high schools college and some private schools academies...
But this is mainly an excuse for my ignorance in this topic, same as with politics, geography...
Chapter and Title One education is much like special ed, only we don't do physical. We only work on helping with learning disabilities.
Wow! That suits you to perfection. Special Ed has to be vocational. I'd need several lives to have time to do everything I like. That's one of them.
BTW, is Helen okay?
I haven't seen anything written by her in the last few days. Not that I'm around myself a lot.
I've already followed Cecilia and reviewed her lates poem
You are so awesome, Ms Maria Josie Heather Knight!
And you didn't answer my questions about the poem. Did you want it as a general poem just that talks about the two of you, or did you want it to be as you saying the things I write for your poem??
Helen is fine, but had some stuff going on at Church for a while. She has a post out right now. Check to see if you are in it. Everyone else is. LOL
Comment from Neonewman
Happy Birthday, Jake. Great music choices. Debi, once again you helped someone celebrate their birthday with your brilliant talent. I know Jake is enjoying all the comments as well as we all have in the past. I will go and visit his work soon.
God bless,
Happy Birthday, Jake. Great music choices. Debi, once again you helped someone celebrate their birthday with your brilliant talent. I know Jake is enjoying all the comments as well as we all have in the past. I will go and visit his work soon.
God bless,
Comment Written 31-Oct-2024
Comment from davisr (Rhonda)
Hi Debi,
I really enjoyed this poem. I don't know Jake well, or didn't before the poem, but the lighthearted way you told his story, even though ripe with disaster, we so engaging it drew me in and helped me to know him better.
Happy Birthday, Jake,
reply by the author on 01-Nov-2024
Hi Debi,
I really enjoyed this poem. I don't know Jake well, or didn't before the poem, but the lighthearted way you told his story, even though ripe with disaster, we so engaging it drew me in and helped me to know him better.
Happy Birthday, Jake,
Comment Written 31-Oct-2024
reply by the author on 01-Nov-2024
Hi Sweetie, and thank you for that lovely six stars for Jake's poem. I hope he is looking at these reviews and seeing what he could share in.
Thanks for all the kind comments too. Love., Debi
Comment from lyenochka
Hmm. Let me guess, Jake is a Frank Zappa fan? I liked the Tower of Power songs better. Lol. I know you covered many of Jake's interesting biographical points before. Thanks for keeping up this birthday tradition!
reply by the author on 31-Oct-2024
Hmm. Let me guess, Jake is a Frank Zappa fan? I liked the Tower of Power songs better. Lol. I know you covered many of Jake's interesting biographical points before. Thanks for keeping up this birthday tradition!
Comment Written 31-Oct-2024
reply by the author on 31-Oct-2024
Yes, I did.cover some of this a year ago but he asked me for another poem. I am afraid I didn't add some of the info that he wanted me to.
Thanks Helen, love ya. Debi
Comment from gansach
You birthday poems always tell us so much about our fellow FanStorians, all the interesting little tidbits of which we may not have been aware. Jake has lived (thankfully) a very interesting and full life and I wish him the very best on his special day. Thanks, Debi, for another great poem!
reply by the author on 31-Oct-2024
You birthday poems always tell us so much about our fellow FanStorians, all the interesting little tidbits of which we may not have been aware. Jake has lived (thankfully) a very interesting and full life and I wish him the very best on his special day. Thanks, Debi, for another great poem!
Comment Written 31-Oct-2024
reply by the author on 31-Oct-2024
Thanks Gail, you are a sweetheart and I do appreciate your kindness. Always!! So thanks again, my dear friend. Love, Debi
Comment from DonandVicki
Another well composed birthday tribute, the media additions are excellent as always. "Frank Zappa" Is one of my favorites from back in the day "Janis Joplin" is sitting at the top. Well done as always Debi.
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2024
Another well composed birthday tribute, the media additions are excellent as always. "Frank Zappa" Is one of my favorites from back in the day "Janis Joplin" is sitting at the top. Well done as always Debi.
Comment Written 30-Oct-2024
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2024
Hi you guys, I love Janis Joplin too. I loved Mercedes Bend, but I am afraid to admit that I used to party and when the song Piece of my Heart would come on, I would get up on the table and lip sync to it. And of course you won't tell anyone, right?? LOL
Of course I haven't done that since I found Jesus, but I do have to admit it was a fun time.
I thank you so very much for all the kind comments for Jake and his poem. I appreciate it very much. I know Jake will as well. Thanks again, my dear friend. Love,' Debi
I will not tell, promise.
LOL, I was just teasing as my life is an open book. Love that you loved Janis too.
Comment from Carol Clark2
This is an interesting birthday poem for Jake, with many good facts about his life. Wow, a foreign diplomat! No wonder he's visited so many countries. It sounds like he's fortunate to still be with us. That's a few too many brushes with death. Thanks for sharing. Carol
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2024
This is an interesting birthday poem for Jake, with many good facts about his life. Wow, a foreign diplomat! No wonder he's visited so many countries. It sounds like he's fortunate to still be with us. That's a few too many brushes with death. Thanks for sharing. Carol
Comment Written 30-Oct-2024
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2024
Hi Sweeitie, I thank you so very much for all the kind comments for Jake and his poem. I appreciate it very much. I know Jake will as well. Thanks again, my dear friend. Love,' Debi
Comment from royowen
I love this poem, this must be about Jake Cosmos, wha actually presented some of my poetry on His webpage, but he's a fascinating character, and as always you use gracious words and that natural, god given love you have fo mankind, well done, beautifully written Debi, blessings Roy
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2024
I love this poem, this must be about Jake Cosmos, wha actually presented some of my poetry on His webpage, but he's a fascinating character, and as always you use gracious words and that natural, god given love you have fo mankind, well done, beautifully written Debi, blessings Roy
Comment Written 30-Oct-2024
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2024
Yes, Roy, it is Jake Cosmos and you can always tell as I put the pen name in the description box next to the title.
I have thought about doing that too on his blog as he asks me all the time and I just haven't found the time to do it yet. But I am so glad that you do.
I love your comment about loving my poem for him. Everyone is loving it so I hope Jake knows that and is following to see how much people love the poem.
I thank you so very much for all the kind comments for Jake and his poem. I appreciate it very much. I know Jake will as well. Thanks again, my dear friend. Love,' Debi
Welcome Debi
Comment from Brenda Strauser
Wow, Jake does sound interesting. I don't really know him. But you provided a well detailed description of him. I enjoyed the poem. And the videos. Great job. Debi. Love, Brenda
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2024
Wow, Jake does sound interesting. I don't really know him. But you provided a well detailed description of him. I enjoyed the poem. And the videos. Great job. Debi. Love, Brenda
Comment Written 30-Oct-2024
reply by the author on 30-Oct-2024
Hi Brenda, I thank you so very much for all the kind comments for Jake and his poem. I appreciate it very much. I know Jake will as well. Thanks again, my dear friend. Love,' Debi