Reviews from

Curious Events in Wilkesboro

A small town in North Carolina makes national news

17 total reviews 
Comment from Wayne Fowler
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very interesting. Well told.
It's far more plausible to believe that Pauline, the maid knew where the murder site and the grave were because she was the murderer. - The maid should be separated by commas. (appositive comma)
Best wishes.

 Comment Written 20-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 20-Sep-2024
    Thanks, Wayne. The story took on added significance for me when I found out it happened just 50 miles from where I ended up living. I think that's what inspired me to write about it.

    Thanks for the tip about the commas.
Comment from Carol Clark2
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You told this complex story very well. I like the vocabulary you used to do so. I'm familiar with the song, but never knew the story behind it. It sounds like your conclusion about the murder is correct. Carol

 Comment Written 20-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 20-Sep-2024
    Thanks very much, Carol. It was a challenge to keep the characters straight, hence the repeated use of descriptive names for them. I always liked this song, even as a kid back in New York. And now I ended up living just 50 miles from where it took place over 150 years ago.
reply by Carol Clark2 on 20-Sep-2024
    I like the name clues. They helped me focus on the characters and keep the women straight.
Comment from Tom Horonzy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

and thus from out of the blue, and as the wheel turns, Julie and Brian must be on vacation, or why else would big Jim leave his readers in the breech with a tale of the past.
by the way, I fell in love with a girl from N Wilkesboro, daughter of a Methodist Preacher whose name was Christie. Sound familiar?

 Comment Written 20-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 20-Sep-2024
    No, I don't think I've met Christie from N Wilkesboro. I've driven through it many times on the way to the mountains, but only ever stopped there once. That was for an apple festival one fall, the year before Covid hit. Heard a good bluegrass band playing there, which was the inspiration for including it in Duel with the Devil.
Comment from gangreen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Absolutely fascinating story.Well written and easy to read ,well researched as well,thanks for you tube link. I think this may be counted in the tradition of the murder ballad.I feel I have learned something of the history of a part of the world I knew little about before reading and I thank you for that.

 Comment Written 20-Sep-2024

Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

My dad used to sing the chorus of "Tom Dooley." Not sure why, anyway I am very familiar with the song, but never knew the story behind it. Thank you for filling me in. I enjoyed reading.

 Comment Written 20-Sep-2024

Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I had your video playing all the way through your post and thoroughly enjoyed this story (which I hadn't heard before although I knew the song). I was also very grateful that you kept reminding who's who (I've a very short memory span when it comes to plot characters!) I think I'd give Tom the benefit of the doubt and place the blame squarely on Pauline. Tom was indirectly responsible because of his promiscuity but I don't think that would stand up in court. Lovely post, Jim. Thanks for sharing. Debbie

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 Comment Written 20-Sep-2024

Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This sounds like a complicated story or deceit, treachery and murder. Dula denied being the murderer but still felt he needed to be punished, and this was probably because he caused all this with his promiscuous behaviour. This is a fascinating tale that has been passed down the generations, thank you for sharing this with us Jim, I was entertained, love Dolly x x x

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 Comment Written 20-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 20-Sep-2024
    Thanks so much, Dolly. Just curious: Had you ever heard the song before?
reply by Dolly'sPoems on 20-Sep-2024
    Yes I have heard of the song, but I did not make the connection or thought it was about a real person, you enlightened me here x x x