Reviews from

Obsessed with the Moon

A man is obsessed with the moon

28 total reviews 
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Beautifully written, Pam! Thank you for sharing and giving us an update on your recovery from the back surgery. I especially liked:
"The city night's electric flow,
suppresses stars that want to glow.
As moon reflects on quiet swells,
she puts lost sailors under spells. "
Sailors always depend on the celestial bodies to get their bearings while on the sea.

 Comment Written 09-Sep-2024

Comment from jake cosmos aller
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Good luck on your recovery. I had 16 operations to repair my right heel I shattered in a freak jogging accident after I developed MDR staph infection that almost killed me and almost led to my leg being amputated. I later had two operations to correct hammer toes that developed as my gait and walking never fully recovered leading to a slight limp when I walk more than five miles.

 Comment Written 09-Sep-2024

Comment from Nicki.B
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Firstly Pam I'm very sorry to hear of your health troubles, I truly hope that you make a speedy recovery!
This is a gorgeous poem abou the moon. You really jave a wonderful way with words. My favourite line is, 'when dusks grey fingers.....they'll tuck the sunset into bed. Beautiful.
May I ask why you have commas after 'and' in stanza 1 and 6.
I don't have the best of grammar so not sure if its a typo or how it should be written.
Well done, hopefully you are up and about soon and sharing more of your very enjoyable pieces!

 Comment Written 09-Sep-2024

Comment from dragonpoet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Pam,
I hope you'll heal faster than expected. I am glad you posted this. It is a very good poem about sailor's view of the moon, dawn and the next day.+
Keep writing and get and stay in perfect health.
Have a good week.

 Comment Written 09-Sep-2024

Comment from nancyjam
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm so sorry to hear you had back surgery and your recovery is painful and slow. I will say a prayer to speed it up.
I loved this poem. The imager is lovely and rhyme and meter are well done.
Hurry back!

 Comment Written 09-Sep-2024

Comment from Mark D. R.
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hopefully your recovery after surgery will resolve your back issue!

Possibly the discomfort may impinge on your ability to pen poems. I would give it a try. I know endorsing do fight pain.

This post was a nice one. Glad you had it in reserve.


 Comment Written 09-Sep-2024

Comment from Janet Foor
This work has reached the exceptional level

So sorry to hear about your surgery Pam but happy that you had this poem written before. It is a lovely piece with lovely imagery throughout.
Hope you up and feeling better soon.


 Comment Written 09-Sep-2024

Comment from nomi338
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh my God, if only I had access to six stars. This is undoubtedly one of the best poems I have read in awhile. Your use of language is sublime. Each stanza is a delight to read. Anyone desiring to learn how to write great poetry, should print this poem out and refer to it as often as possible. It is truly that good.

 Comment Written 09-Sep-2024

Comment from patcelaw
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a very well written poem and you have presented it very well. It reads quite well when read aloud and I enjoyed it. I am sorry you had to have back surgery and that you are in pain, but I wish you a quick recovery. Patricia.

 Comment Written 09-Sep-2024

Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you for sharing this beautifully written poem with us. I keep checking to see if it's entered in the rhyming poem contest. It should be. I will continue to pray for your healing. I miss you.

 Comment Written 09-Sep-2024