Reviews from

It's My Birthday

A Gift For All Of You To Enjoy

37 total reviews 
Comment from Cindy Decker 3
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Happy birthday, Carol! I hope you have a blessed day!
Your positive attitude overwhelms your readers.
Your story is impeccably written. (This is how aspire to write prose).
Your descriptions are well-written.
I love the humor!
Best wishes, Carol.

 Comment Written 05-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 05-Sep-2024
    Hello again, Cindy!
    I just finished reading your review on God Bless America and sent a quick note. And then I discover you are ahead of me....Thank you so much for reading and enjoying my bit of fun. I appreciate all the kindness.
    Smiles and hugs, Carol
Comment from Carol Clark2
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was definitely a cute write! It made me laugh, too. I like the way you switched scenes each time. Very imaginative! I hope you had a very happy birthday. Thanks for sharing it with us. I'd like cake and ice cream, please! LOL. Carol

 Comment Written 05-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 05-Sep-2024
    thank you, Carol. I did have an enjoyable birthday. Most of it was spent with FanStory firends and all their kindness, but it was one of the best days I have had in a long time. I met a gentleman, Patrick Bernardy, who had only been on FanStory for 36 hours when he read my story - It.s My Birthday. He left me the most awesome review...such a birthday gift and a new friend. Thanks again, Carol.
    Smiles, Carol
reply by Carol Clark2 on 05-Sep-2024
    What could be better?! LOL. Glad you had a nice day. Wishing you many more.
Comment from Patrick Bernardy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


Barely 36 hours since I've met you, and I already feel the authenticity of your friendship. I can't imagine FanStory having a better ambassador than you, and if you can point me in the direction of who I can tell this to for your benefit, I will be more than happy to!

Now, I have to admit, I entered your birthday party with some apprehension of what I would find, but let me tell you, truly, that I was very pleasantly surprised with your cleverness and the skill with which you turn a phrase. Even more, the pacing and unorthodox style of your trick with the mirror was brilliant. I totally saw your ghost in the fog, the fedora, and especially the stetson shielding the innocent eyes of early television viewers (the "I Love Lucy" camera zoom) from your birthday kiss! My only disappointment was that you stopped before the kiss. Get your kiss, girl! Get ALL of it! It's your birthday!

What follows are a couple random thoughts:

---Not quite sure I know who Eleanor is, but it seems she has an eternity to introduce herself to me.

---"Instead, I sat up (on the first try)" Yes, I am acquanted with the pendulous roll we do when the second (third?) try is needed.

---"A gleaming revolver, tucked away just in case the mailman turned out to be a secret agent!" This was the first instance of your tale that lifted my left eyebrow: "Carol is not what she seems!" I said to myself.

--"looking for our Cowboy that my breath got a little heavy.)" I assume this is probably a female thing, but I still sensed its naughtiness.

---"clung to my curves (no snarky laughter, please)" Snarky? What's wrong with curves? Especially when something is clinging to them? I happen to like that kind of stuff, to be honest.

---"Miraculously, the dogs and I sang in the same key! Out of tune!" Clever, clever! And a hilarious image!

Okay, so let me try to explain how much fun it was attending your birthday party. Aside from all the mirror-fun and fantasy roles you portrayed, what rises above all that, is the intense positive energy that radiants from this work. It is palpable. Something like this COULD come off as corny or overly sentimental. But it is NONE of that. And I would say so if that is what I thought, by the way. As a big fan of positive energy, it is astounding to me that I could feel its warm refulgence all over me as I read this. Now, I, MYSELF, could certainly be accused of exorbitant sentimentality in this review, but only by those who bask in the cold glare of negative energy, whom I rebuke at every opportunity.

THE VERDICT: I hope I have delineated properly how much I liked this self-narrated birthday party/gothic sitcom/masquerade ball/"Casablanca" tribute/Farside comic panel (the knitting and the dogs made me think of this)/self-deprecating testimonial/music video/"Wish You We Here" postcard/community picnic.

What's more, it's The Beatles singing "All You Need is Love" and broadcasting it to a 400 million people on June, 25th, 1967. Yeah. It's that.

You sent out love. I feel it and appreciate it. Please accept my "Exceptional" rating, and allow me to coronate you my new Queen of Positive Energy. I look forward to enjoying my new community with you and all your loving friends, your majesty. *bows with a flourish*

Too much? Nah...


ADDENDUM: After I have proofread this review, I go to select my Six-Star rating from the special "dark chest of wonders" [Nightwish reference] and find it empty. As a newbie, I beg your forgiveness. I must now end with a question: can I change my rating once the Six-Star fairy replenishes my stock, or am I doomed to under score this beautiful piece of art for all of Eleanor's eternity? I mean, can we actually deficit spend our Six-Star ratings? Let me know, please...

 Comment Written 05-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 06-Sep-2024
    Good morning again, Patrick!
    I'd say this is an April Fool's joke, but my waning faculties tell me it's September. I finished writing you a very long and hopefully humorous reply filled with tons of thank yous and accolades when much to my surprise.... here you are again! It's not that your review isn't rerun worthy...because I will be reading it more times than you will ever know.... but I don't want you to think I didn't respond with the biggest thank you ever.

    Your gift of your friendship, your kindness and this review will be tucked away in my heart's vault for a very long time. I believe your joining FanStory just in time for the party was meant to be... a friendship planned by the muses in eternity. thank you so much for enjoying my efforts, for being so expressive with your thoughts, and for blessing me with the pleasure of meeting you.

    I so wish you had gotten the first one I wrote to you... it was much better...I appear to be a little sappy this go around, but I hope you will forgive me. As for the six stars, not to worry, the rising sun will cast it's glow on YOU, me and all our friends and that's more than any of us should ask for.

    Have a great day! Thank you again!
    Smiles and hugs forever,

    I'm going to try and write a worthy thank you again and hope that the chosen "carrier pigeon" can bring it to yur mailbox this time.

    First of all, there's not a thank you big enough to tell you how much your review and thoughtfulness meant to me. You walked into the "unknown" when you stopped by to celebrate with me, not knowing what you were getting into, and turned out to be the life of the party - making my day extra special.

    I forgot my manners so let me introduce you to a few guests you met. Eleanor is my grandmotherly ghost who works behind the scenes as a detective. She can be stern if necessary, but her heart is in the right place and always at the right time. she has appeared in two of my books and if my readers have anything to say about it...and of course they do...she will be around for another one.

    Garth, my lanky cowboy is an FBI Agent who has been in so many stories for a long time. I wasn't sure when I graduated him into the ghost stories but my lady readers chomp at the bit waiting for him. LOL Crazy, huh?

reply by Patrick Bernardy on 07-Sep-2024
    Hi Carol! So, I think it was last night, and I got a reply notification, but when I went to look for it, I could not find a new one anywhere! I am still trying to figure out this reply system. I am (and will always be) very careful to always reply to all my reviews and replies, but this system is a bit clunky when it comes to keeping track of what I need to do in that respect. ANYWAY, so when I got up this morning and I got your replies, I figured that that phantom reply MUST have been yours, and thus being the culprit of your explanation that your first reply was returned to sender? Oh well, I'm sorry that you lost all your work and had to do it all over again. As we move along, I am kind of sensing how things will play out in this community. Over time, we become friends and fans of an ever-growing group of writers and we read what they offer as often as we can. Having an audience for our work is so important to so many, including me. It is a big part of why I am here. In any event, I will quit for now and try to save some topics for the next time we talk. By the way, Eleanor sounds intriguing. When I get a chance, I will see if I can't track her down in your portfolio. Maybe a thin candle in one hand and some white sage in the other? Have a great weekend!
Comment from Carol Hillebrenner
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Happy Birthday and best wishes for a year blessed by good writing, good health, and good friends. I have two and a half years on you and refuse to believe I am old. My grandparents were old in their nineties before they passed on to the great reward. I enjoy your wonderful imagination, and I need to work on the seductive woman who has caught a cowboy's interest.

 Comment Written 04-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 06-Sep-2024
    Thank you, Carol, for stopping by and celebrating with me and all my other friends from FanStory. It's been a blast! Most of my family has passed, young and old, but I cling to the fact that my parents (thought no one else did) lived till they were 96 and 97.... I have a way to go if that's the case...Means more stories to write! LOL
    Smiles, Carol
Comment from prettybluebirds
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Happy Birthday, Carol. I do love your writing and your marvelous sense of humor. One must have a sense of humor to survive in this world today. I look forward to reading more of your excellent writing--way to go, girl.

 Comment Written 04-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 06-Sep-2024
    Thank you, April. I am thrilled you stopped by to celebrate my birthday and enjoy the party. Yes, humor and laughter are essential to staying afloat. Have a great day!
    Smiles and hugs, Carol
Comment from Julie Helms
This work has reached the exceptional level

Happy Birthday Carol!!!
What a delightful piece you've written here. Your creativity is off the charts!
I hope you and your pups enjoyed a good day along with hanging with your virtual FS family. :-)
May the Lord bless you and keep you close by his side for another year of writing and intrigue.
I'm glad I met you this year. :-)

 Comment Written 04-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 06-Sep-2024
    thank you, Julie! I am thrilled you stopped by to celebrate with me and for all the kindness you have offered me for my birthday and just because.... I too am happy that we are friends. Your glittery stars are lighting up my morning and will stay with me for a long time. Thank you!
    Smiles, Carol
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I read part of this this morning on Facebook, I don't read it much. But since the church ask me to post a weekly poem with s theme, I venture there more frequently, I really enjoyed this, and although I have a reasonably active public life, it is fanstory that nurtured the confidence to seek God more deeply, beautifully written, blessings Roy.

 Comment Written 04-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 06-Sep-2024
    I don't do Facebook much either except to check on what might be happening in my family's life. But m,y real family is here, on FanStory, where I find acceptance, love, friendship, and so much more. My heart warms each morning when I read your offerings...though sometimes I am not sure if I follow all your thoughts...I get what is important...God's love. thank you for all your blessings, Roy.
    Smiles and hugs, Carol
reply by royowen on 06-Sep-2024
    Well done Carol
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you for sharing this birthday tribute to yourself with us. I hope you know you're in my daily prayers. Sisterly Christian love and hugs!!!!

but I got so intent on looking for our Cowboy that my breath got a little heavy. (I know it did. LOL)

 Comment Written 04-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 04-Sep-2024
    It's funny because I thought of yu as I was writing that part! LOL thanks for enjoying the celebration and be sure and take a slice of the virtual cake with you.
    smiles and hugs, Carol
reply by barbara.wilkey on 04-Sep-2024
    Virtual cake as no carbs right??
Comment from patcelaw
This work has reached the exceptional level

Your birthday you're the one that's supposed to be getting gifts but you have chosen to give us a marvelous gift by writing this lovely story. I would suggest that you go to your coffee cup. Get you some whip cream put a couple dollars of whipped cream on top And then take out that piece of chocolate cake and enjoy every morsel of it. Happy birthday and may God bless you. Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Carol happy birthday to you and many more.

 Comment Written 04-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 04-Sep-2024
    How awesome, Patricia! I am thrilled you were able to attend the celebration and enjoy the fun. I hope you got a piece of cake too. Thank you for the song, thekind comments and for being such a good friend.
    Smiles, Carol
Comment from Sharon Elwell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a sweet way to celebrate your birthday with the rest of us! It was fun to read all the variations of what kind of old/elder/senior person you might be. Happy birthday!

 Comment Written 04-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 04-Sep-2024
    thank you for stopping by to celebrate with me and the rest of the gang. I hope you had a great time. I know I did! thanks again for the kind review.
    Smiles, Carol