Reviews from

Glowing Moon

A man gets fixated on the moon

40 total reviews 
Comment from Patty Mazzurco
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I found this poem deeply moving. It beautifully captures the serene escape of a moonlit night, with vivid imagery of the ocean and the moon. I could really feel the tranquility you described and how the moon serves as a comforting guide. The way you end with the protagonist taking that peaceful feeling home resonated with me. It's a lovely reminder of how moments of calm can stay with us and bring solace long after they've passed.

 Comment Written 21-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 26-Jul-2024
    Thank you for your wonderful comments and a great review
Comment from Boogienights
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

They say that the moon can influence and affect your mood. I truly believe that, as well as the beauty it gives to all of us. Your poem is perfect, l enjoyed reading it.

 Comment Written 21-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 26-Jul-2024
    Thank you for your wonderful comments and a great review
Comment from June Sargent
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This seems like a nice obsession. Moonlight is soothing and calming. After a difficult day, I would enjoy a walk in the evening to find some peace and tranquility beneath the soft glow of the moon.

 Comment Written 21-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 26-Jul-2024
    Thank you for your wonderful comments and a great review
Comment from Steve Foreman
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is a beautiful well-worded and well thought out poem that really captures the essence of a tropical moonlit night and the moods it can bring on.
Stanza 2 line 2 should be 'ears' (plural)?

 Comment Written 21-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 26-Jul-2024
    Thank you, Steve for the fix

    Thank you for your wonderful comments and a great review

    Especially for those six shiny stars. It made my day.
Comment from rspoet
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hello Pamusart,
Ah, the moon is the inspiration of many a poet,
but your verse stands out for its beautiful imagery,
smooth meter and excellent rhymes.
You've created a mood that is consistent throughout
and brings the poem to a soft, glowing conclusion.
Perfect art word to match.
Nicely done.
Best wishes.

 Comment Written 20-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 26-Jul-2024
    Thank you, Robert for your wonderful comments and a great review

    Thank you also for the shiny stars. Made my day.
Comment from Pearl Edwards
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You set this scene beautifully with your descrptions through this poem Pam. I felt I too could see him as he walked home, alone while the moon had his back. A lovely read and a great photo. Nice one Pam.


 Comment Written 20-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 26-Jul-2024
    Thank you for your wonderful comments and a great review
Comment from Michele Harber
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I was so glad you ended the poem with the line, "Soft glow from the moonlight has followed him home," because I wasn't sure, until then, if I were reading a happy or a sad poem.

You include idyllic images like, "The calm of the twilight," and "This beauty is breathless; no words can compare." Yet you throw in counterpoint like describing the sun's fading as its being "deceased," and pointing out that, "drunks come outside to start sipping their beers."

You subtly indicate that your main character is having a problem, suggesting that the moonlight's glow "should bring him some peace," and including lines like, "Alone with the ocean, the moon and his mind," and "He hopes that the moonlight will help him be strong." It made me wonder which way the poem--and the character--would head. I was afraid he might walk into the water, or join the drunks sipping beer. That's why his heading home in the moonlight's soft glow is such a relief. It's a credit to your writing that you set up and sustained that suspense, and never even needed to tell us the problem for the reader to support the character.

 Comment Written 20-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 26-Jul-2024
    hi, Michelle. I just changed that line about the drunks to something else. Here it is drumroll

    The lights of cabanas expose the dark piers
    The rush of the ocean is spraying his ears

    Somebody thought that drunks were too mundane to intrude on that scene

    Thank you for your exceptional review. Hugs.

    The lights of cabanas expose the dark piers
    The rush of the ocean is spraying his ears
Comment from estory
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is pretty much a solid classic romantic poem, with all these images of the moonlight glittering on the sea, the whispers of waves, the tropical fragrance that all seems to wash away the cavorting of a busy vacation day. The one thing I would change is this line about the drunks wandering out of the bars. It is a bit glaring, maybe jarring, in the middle of all these more romantic images. Who wants to watch them staggering home? We want the moonlight, the tropical breeze. estory

 Comment Written 20-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 26-Jul-2024
    Yeah I changed that like

    Thank you for your wonderful comments and a great review
Comment from Madeleine Mardis
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Pamusart, what a beautiful poem! I love the flow of it, it's a lunar-ific rhyme! And just in time for the Full Buck Moon tomorrow! Super dreamy and creative! Maddy

 Comment Written 20-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 26-Jul-2024
    Thank you for your wonderful comments and a great review
Comment from Gunner Lil
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A job well done. A very easy read about a man and his moon.
This poem has a great pace and a smooth flow. The rhyming is fantastic.
The picture used is also very good.
Thank you for sharing.

 Comment Written 20-Jul-2024

reply by the author on 26-Jul-2024
    Thank you for your wonderful comments and a great review