Reviews from

Peacock Blue

Minute poem

20 total reviews 
Comment from juliaSjames
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I love minute poems and this one is creative and entertaining. Adore "boho bard"! Although the poem is ostensibly about a colorful life style, I also see it as a call to enjoy the vibrancy of life in whatever form appeals.

Smiled at the peacock theme. Brought memories of college days in Jamaica where peacocks strutted around in the gardens of the University Chapel. My friends and I were terrified of them. LOL

Thanks for sharing

Blessings, Julia/ Marilyn

 Comment Written 15-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 15-Jun-2024
    Hello Marilyn. Thank you sweet lady for your delightful review. I often use the Minute form to re-energize my writing. It gets my mind back on iambic meter and end rhymes. So appreciate your thoughts on it. Glad it brought back your memories of Jamaica. :)

reply by the author on 15-Jun-2024
    Hello Marilyn. Thank you sweet lady for your delightful review. I often use the Minute form to re-energize my writing. It gets my mind back on iambic meter and end rhymes. So appreciate your thoughts on it. Glad it brought back your memories of Jamaica. :)

Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Lol. I have known people like that but usually after those teen and 20's years, and certainly after middle age, the radness wears off. But some still remain colorful! Good to see you back, Melissa!

 Comment Written 15-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 15-Jun-2024
    Hi Helen. Hope you are doing well!! I often use the Minute form to re-energize my writing. It gets my mind back on iambic meter and end rhymes. It was the first poem I wrote using Iambic meter... I had to look it up to find out what it meant LOL... I tied for first place in a Minute Contest with Michael Cahill... I was so encouraged at the time. Great memories. Also, Jim and I have been sending emails back and forth and I must say he isn't interested in writing at this time. I think he is depressed... I have a theory in my mind that he was interested in a FS lady and it turned sour. Well.. just wanted you to know. Hugs!!

reply by the author on 15-Jun-2024
    Hi Helen. Hope you are doing well!! I often use the Minute form to re-energize my writing. It gets my mind back on iambic meter and end rhymes. It was the first poem I wrote using Iambic meter... I had to look it up to find out what it meant LOL... I tied for first place in a Minute Contest with Michael Cahill... I was so encouraged at the time. Great memories. Also, Jim and I have been sending emails back and forth and I must say he isn't interested in writing at this time. I think he is depressed... I have a theory in my mind that he was interested in a FS lady and it turned sour. Well.. just wanted you to know. Hugs!!

reply by lyenochka on 16-Jun-2024
    Oh, thank you for letting me know.
Comment from Tom Horonzy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Where have you been my FanStory Friend. Prior to today it's been a month and a half since I read you here.
I, too, have been slow to write. Time to catch up, I guess for the two of us.
I love the artwork posted here.

 Comment Written 15-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 15-Jun-2024
    Thank you Tom. Hopefully, I will continue to post more often. Hugs!

Comment from BethShelby
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This minute poem must be inspired by the picture. The lady in the pictuce fits very nicely with this well-rhymed poem. IT was fun to read. I especially enjoyed phrases like "I'm avant garde, a Boho bard".

 Comment Written 15-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 15-Jun-2024
    Thanks Beth. I loved the concept of living in a colorful world. So glad you liked this Minute form. It is one of my favorite styles. Hugs.

Comment from dragonpoet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Melissa,
This is a well done minute poem about her choice of fashion and life.
The artwork shows a woman that fits the avant-garde description well.
He facial and neck decorations seem uncomfortable and a bit more green than blue.
Keep writing and stay healthy
Enjoy your weekend.

 Comment Written 15-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 15-Jun-2024
    Thanks Joan. I loved the concept of living in a colorful world. So glad you liked this Minute form. It is one of my favorite styles. I agree that that neck piece looks highly uncomfortable, but she seems to handle it well. Hugs.

Comment from patcelaw
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a very well written minute poem, and it was a pleasure to listen to. I wish you the very best with all of your riding and I wish for you wonderful day. Patricia .

 Comment Written 15-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 15-Jun-2024
    Hello Patricia. Thank you for your lovely comments. The Minute form is an all-time fave of mine and it helps me reconnect to writing in meter. I use it often for inspiration. Much appreciated!

Comment from phill doran
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

...and this too, Melissa.
A consistency of vocabulary, and all with a similar tone.
This form is not easy. You have used it well.
I wish you well with your continued writing.

 Comment Written 15-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 15-Jun-2024
    Thank you Phill. I always reach for the Minute form to reenergize my writing and turn my mind to writing in meter and end rhymes. It is really a good tool for me. My first poem written in meter was a Minute form for a contest and I tied with Michael Cahill which was a real boost to my confidence at the time. I had to research writing in iambic to even enter the contest... such a newbie. :). Thanks my friend.

reply by the author on 15-Jun-2024
    Thank you Phill. I always reach for the Minute form to reenergize my writing and turn my mind to writing in meter and end rhymes. It is really a good tool for me. My first poem written in meter was a Minute form for a contest and I tied with Michael Cahill which was a real boost to my confidence at the time. I had to research writing in iambic to even enter the contest... such a newbie. :). Thanks my friend.

Comment from Jesse James Doty
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow, this is unlike you--a rad appeal. You offer a different approach to seeing you. And the artwork turns me off, to tell you the truth.
Otherwise, the minute poem is excellent in execution. Keep working on it.

 Comment Written 15-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 15-Jun-2024
    Haha, thanks Jesse. I am so NOT avant-garde that I creak, but it was fun to let my imagination go with the flow. I really enjoy writing the Minute form. It helps me get my mind back into writing in meter and end rhymes. I use it often to gather momentum. Thanks again, my friend.


reply by the author on 15-Jun-2024
    Haha, thanks Jesse. I am so NOT avant-garde that I creak, but it was fun to let my imagination go with the flow. I really enjoy writing the Minute form. It helps me get my mind back into writing in meter and end rhymes. I use it often to gather momentum. Thanks again, my friend.


reply by Jesse James Doty on 15-Jun-2024
    That's what I figured.
    Take care, Melissa.
Comment from RodG
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I truly enjoyed this minute poem describing a young lady who certainly is "avant-garde" and "trendy."
Some great rhymes and adjectives chosen.
A fun read!

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 Comment Written 15-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 15-Jun-2024
    Hey there! I love seeing the pics of young people who are stretching the limits in a good way. I found the pic after I wrote it and was grateful that it also expressed those feelings. I love to write Minute poetry... it helps me in my metered work. :). Thank you, Rod.

reply by RodG on 15-Jun-2024
    Minute poems and tankas. You appear to have mastered both forms, Melissa.
Comment from Rachelle Allen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oooh, this one is very cool. I love the uneven gait of the meter; it's unusual and intriguing. And the picture you found seals the deal of cool vibe, too. Really outstanding job, Melissa. It's so nice to see your work on here again. I've been missing it. xoxox

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 Comment Written 15-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 15-Jun-2024
    Thank you Rachelle. I am feeling freer these days and those old stirrings in my heart to write and be expressive are rising again :). I appreciate your lovely review, my friend.

reply by Rachelle Allen on 15-Jun-2024
    Always my pleasure, Melissa! Welcome home! xoxo