Reviews from

Comedic Timing - Or Heresy

Do it in the name of Heaven; you can justify it in the end.

38 total reviews 
Comment from GoWiSt
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

"Do it in the name of Heaven; you can justify it in the end." Ha! How the oppressors justify themselves.
"Comedic Timing - Or Heresy" I'll take 20-1 on heresy.
Well, talk about hypocrisy. Muting someone in apparent dislike, as you write of kindness?? Oh, the irony.

 Comment Written 11-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 11-Jun-2024
    Yep!! You completely get it, GoWist! Thanks for the validating review. xo
Comment from Debra White
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Rachelle :)
I enjoyed reading your 5-7-5.
It's funny (and most probably true!)
Love the contrast of the bright presentation and the dark irony of your words.
Best wishes as always, Debra x

 Comment Written 11-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 11-Jun-2024
    Thanks, Debra! So great to hear from you again! How's life been going?
Comment from tfawcus
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I take it that this is a fictional offering, bringing one of the great Biblical precepts down to a local level to give it a bit more punch. Even here on FanStory there may be people who do not practice what they preach. Heaven forbid!

 Comment Written 11-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 11-Jun-2024
    I know! Heaven (extra emphasis there) forbid.
Comment from gansach
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is an excellent poem about not practicing what you preach. It's all well and good to be vocal about behavior, but you must also be an example of the words you say. The presentation is beautifully colorful and eye catching, the message is well conveyed. Very good!

 Comment Written 10-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 11-Jun-2024
    Exactly. Thanks for "getting it" and for the nice review. Very much appreciated. xo
Comment from Michele Harber
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I recognized the opening phrase immediately, as I'm a big fan of "One Tin Soldier."

Interesting contrast in your poem, and I like the title.

I'm sure you know people are going to ask you whom you're talking about. (I'd rather not know, in case It's someone I know and actually like.) You'll definitely get questions, though.

 Comment Written 10-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 10-Jun-2024
    Ohhh, believe me, I got a lot more than just questions!! For example, I received my first one-star review, Michele!!

    Did you ever see the Billy Jack movie that launched that song? I didn't see it when it played originally, but rather, at least a decade later. By then, it had SOOOO not withstood the test of time. It was archaic and hokey and downright laughable. But I still to this day love the One Tin Soldier song.

    Thanks for the review. (And you know me; I'm a vault. I wouldn't have told you even if you'd asked.) xoxo
reply by Michele Harber on 11-Jun-2024
    Gee, the lowest I've ever gotten is a 3-star rating. How come you always have to outdo me???

    My sister got me into the Billy Jack movies, and I actually liked the first one. I like the Billy Jack character. Of course, I haven't seen the movie in years, so I don't know how I'd feel now. I get the idea Billy Jack was the model for things like the Chuck Norris, "Walker, Texas Ranger" persona.
reply by the author on 11-Jun-2024
    Haha. In this case, it's more like an out-don't me. (Stop rolling your eyes, Michele. You know you want to laugh...)

    I used to watch that Texas Ranger show. Sometimes hokey is just the kind of entertainment you need. Not a steady diet of it, but every so often.
reply by Michele Harber on 11-Jun-2024
    I'd never laugh at a puny pun like that. And that wasn't a chuckle you heard. I was just clearing my throat!
reply by the author on 11-Jun-2024
reply by the author on 11-Jun-2024
Comment from dragonpoet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Rachelle,
I think a lot of people might agree and live by the quote from that song. I have it on my playlist. It reminds us how greed and war ruin the world for no good reasons, sometimes. Writing a poem to mute someone else is not a good thing. But to be kind is what everyone should try to do.
Keep writing and stay healthy.
Have a great rest of the day.

 Comment Written 10-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 10-Jun-2024
    Thanks, Joan, for your wise and cogent reply. Very much appreciated today and always. xoxox
reply by dragonpoet on 10-Jun-2024
    You are most welcome, Rachelle
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

If you're muting somebody you are not showing kindness. Thank you for sharing this poem with us. I had forgotten about "The Legend of Billy Jack." I do remember it now. If everybody showed kindness, I do believe we'd live in a much better world.

 Comment Written 10-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 10-Jun-2024
    I totally appreciate this, Barbara. Thank you!! xoxo
Comment from Sally Law
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is awful, Rachelle, truly, it is. At first I thought you were just an ordinary bully, but now I see you for what you truly are: a bitter, envious, woman with a Machiavellian personality.

A small sampling of the damage you leave in your wake.

Birthday Poem Writer by Terry Broxson
Comment from Rachelle Allen

I don't know, Terry. Maybe if you weren't someone who just admitted to not knowing anything about poetry styles, meter counts, and poem types your suggestion would have more merit...

Thankfully, the committee that's doing the judging knows very well about all these facets of good writing and nominates accordingly.

�?� Comment Written 11-Nov-2023

reply by the author on 11-Nov-2023
* Yeah, you're right. I don't know squat. I'm like my buddy, Ric. I only know what I like.
* Dolly will be the #1 ranked poet, and Debi, #2. I love Diane's poetry. I miss RG Star's poetry.
* I don't know how they determine the Writer of the Year. Jay Squires won it last year, but he left last month. Humpwhistle has won several times, but he left a few months back. I'm sure they will find someone good, and I'm also dang sure, they will not ask me. Terry.
reply by Rachelle Allen on 11-Nov-2023
* Just for the record, YOU're the one who said you didn't know squat!
* Dolly's poems, like Diane's flow like music. The rhymes are never-but-never forced, the meters are always flawless. I have nothing but the utmost respect and admiration for their talent. Plus, they both abide by the rules at all times. No vote-fishing, no giving away their identities in blind contests. They're like Hershey's kisses. (I got this from a six-year-old piano student of mine. "Know why I like Hershey's kisses? Because you can count on them." Ditto for Dolly and Mrs. KT.) xo
reply by the author on 11-Nov-2023
* Yep! We agree on what I said.

I can understand why my friend muted you, she's protecting herself. I have muted you and your "operatives" too. Today's poem is bolder and more pointed, but just as damaging as you'd hoped. How's that feel, Rachelle? Are you happy?

This rating does not count towards story rating or author rank.
The highest and the lowest rating are not included in calculations.

 Comment Written 10-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 10-Jun-2024
    Thank you, Sally; must be you've just un-muted me? Because even though I never-but-never review your work, you still felt it necessary to mute me earlier this week. So strange.

    I do believe, though, that the rating system for these reviews is for the purpose of helping us improve our writing prowess. So I seem to have missed the paragraph about how you want me to change this haiku to meet your obviously lofty standards.

    I also am pretty sure that Revenge reviews are not in compliance with site rules. I say "revenge" review because of your emphatic 'How's that feel, Rachelle? Are you happy?' It has kind of a bitter, vengeful edge to it, I think, right?

    It's okay, though. I don't mind getting a 1 from you. I'm not on here for ratings, just for feedback from excellent writers who know what they're talking about, and I've received that in mass quantities today and throughout all the previous years, as well. So, no harm, no foul.

    I appreciate all the time this diatribe had to have taken you, Sally. You're the best. (I trust you'll be muting me again now that you've said your peace? Asking for a friend.)

    PS - Did you mean to write "Operatives?" That has a different spelling than what you typed.
Comment from Mark D. R.
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


I know I muted someone once because of the reviewer's rants. Now as a fan, I just choose not to review their posts. Be kind to others is a good motto to follow when reviewing FS posts.


 Comment Written 10-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 10-Jun-2024
    "Be kind to others" is definitely a good motto, but it's one you have to also practice if you're going to preach it. You do both, and that is laudable!

    Thanks for the nice review. xoxo
reply by Mark D. R. on 10-Jun-2024

    Agreed! Practice makes perfect. Actions always speak louder than words.

    As a music teacher, you know that to get better or improve, you need to work at your craft consistently.

    Undoubtedly, you encourage those that do.

reply by the author on 10-Jun-2024
    That I do. And on Recital Day, a week ago Saturday, I was sooo happy sharing everyone's accomplishments with their family and friends. They all did SOO totally great. It was a perfect day.

    Thank you for being so gracious and sweet with your words, M; very VERY much appreciated. xoxox
Comment from Terry Broxson
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

That mute button is one powerful tool. It comes in handy, particularly when someone appears to be a bully. Or perhaps when someone acts like a condescending A****.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm talking about me.

I have muted a couple of folks like that. And they are both dang fine writers, and well respected. But somehow, this loveable old, very old Texan rubbed them the wrong way. So I hit the mute button. One of them muted me back. The technical term for that is called, "Mutual Muting."

The other one didn't mute me, but I skip 'em anyway. I never rubbed them again (as far as I know), nor them me. It's worked out just fine.

But here's the thing about throwing rocks at rainbows. They will ricochet off that rainbow and crash right through your skylight. It leaves a mess for somebody to clean up, and of course, you have to worry about a thunderstorm.

You don't have to write Dear Abby; just hit the mute button. I think mutual muting would work. There would be no rainbow to worry about, no broken glass, and no thunderstorm to bother with.

Of course, it's just my opinion, which doesn't matter unless, 'm paying for the drinks.

Have I got my 150 characters yet? Terry.

 Comment Written 10-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 10-Jun-2024
    Oh, gosh, Terry, there can't have been any review EVER for which you had to worry about counting your characters!

    I am philosophically opposed to muting, for my own self. If someone else wants to have at it and push their Mute button, go for it! But it's not my style. It's also hardly what would could ever be considered an act of heaven-sent, rainbow-infused kindness, could it? The examples you gave certainly don't seem like it, especially since they included bleeped-out letters where expletives once lurked. I think Muting is the exact opposite, which makes it seem so duplicitous, then, when someone touts kindness and magnanimity in the name of the Lord, right? In the words of Judge Judy (was she a Texan?) : "Don't pee on my leg, and tell me it's raining." Don't espouse kindness and Christianity ad nauseum and then shun someone. See what I'm saying here, Terry? It's that mixed message conundrum that becomes so simultaneously obnoxious and disingenuous. It even kind of suggests that FanStorians aren't smart enough to see through BS, and that's an egregious underestimation.

    Finally, the threat of thunderstorms has never been a deterrent for me; I am more than capable of handling anything that comes my way. That's also why I don't mute people. I can live and let live and ignore what I don't choose to read. Muting, to me, is the digital equivalent of slamming down a receiver - another social oddity in which I've never once participated. Both seem so laughably impotent to me - like a theme and variation on a toddler stomping his or her foot. People who don't know how to properly defend themselves resort to that. Myself, I'm more than capable of standing my ground.

    Besides, it wasn't the muting that I found galling; it was the timing of it with the posting of a sanctimonious poem about how everyone should be kind! Anyone can talk the talk, but it's the respected among us who also walk the walk...and they do so whether there's a thunderstorm - or a Mute button - or not.

    Thanks so much for your review. It's always a pleasure to spend time with your wonderful Texan self!! xoxo
reply by the author on 16-Jun-2024