Reviews from

Return To Concorde Valley

Viewing comments for Chapter 34 "Journey to Nyx"
Fantasy based on the intersection of two worlds.

14 total reviews 
Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
This work has reached the exceptional level

Your excellent chapter gives more clarification to the geography of Mount Olympus and its parallel world within, Olympia. Theo is learning much from Hermes about this, as well as the role Georgios has, the anchor who guards the valley in their father's absence. Increasingly, Theo understands the responsibility that is an integral part of his and his family's power. It sets the scene for the hurdles that must be overcome in his mission. Dialogue and character development are, as ever, excellent, and, although I miss Echo and the other characters, I appreciate the need for this overview of the story.
Small edits: Zeus (mispelt a couple of times);
You aren't nearly as strong as Heracles (delete one of the 'as')
Well done, Rhonda! Take care Debbie xo

 Comment Written 13-May-2024

reply by the author on 13-May-2024
    Debbie, thank you so very much for the lovely stars and for your comments. I can't believe you only found two edits!! Yay. The Zeus one is common for me. I keep switching my vowels, lol. Thank you for you comments as well. Echo will show back up shortly, lol. I had to give some background for the next two chapters.
reply by Debbie D'Arcy on 13-May-2024
    You're welcome, Rhonda. I've become alarmingly dyslexic and have to check my reviews all the time. And with the american spellings now, I'm losing confidence in my spelling on a daily basis:(
reply by the author on 13-May-2024
    Poor Debbie, we are such a naughty bunch over here. Who knows how we learned to butcher proper English?
    I appreciate you time and effort, or sure.
reply by Debbie D'Arcy on 13-May-2024
    Oh dear, I didn't mean it to sound like that. But it's just amazing how different so many words can be, in the spelling and pronunciation xo
reply by the author on 14-May-2024
    I didn't take it wrong. I'm sorry I made it seem that way. It's just me realizing we do a terrible injustice to the English language. You're the best!!!!
Comment from Sally Law
This work has reached the exceptional level

The lomg-awaited chapter is here and you did not disappoint, my friend! Another exceptional chapter for the book. I was a Sunday School teacher for decades so I appreciate the mention of Sunday School. I thought I recognized Theo from my high school class in New York. He was very studious with lots of questions, if I recall. Wink, wink!
I'm anxious for Theo to get to Echo though. Holding on to the horse as we go. Sending you my best today as always and love and blessings across the bridge.
Sal Xoxo's

 Comment Written 13-May-2024

reply by the author on 13-May-2024
    Hi Sally,
    You are so sweet. Thank you for the six stars and for your comments!! I'm glad you liked the Sunday School comment, and you're the first to comment on it. I was trying to show not everyone is as they seem.
    Lol, yes, Theo told me he was in your Science class, lol, maybe history.
    Not sure Theo will make it to Echo for a while, though. He may have to rely on others for a bit longer...

    Much love across the bridge,
reply by Sally Law on 13-May-2024
    I just loved the chapter. The dkaglop was super fun. I look forward to the next chapter. Great work, my friend,
    Sal XOs
reply by Sally Law on 14-May-2024
    I taufgt middle school Sunday School and graduated up with them to be be the High School Sunday School teacher. Some of them I had as students for five years. It was great. A super sweet time in my life. Theo was in my high school Sunday School class, I believe. He was very handsome and quick on his Bible!
    Love ya,
    Sal Xoxo's
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Sorry, I don't have any sixes left. I am happy to see what Theo is doing as Echo is attempting to get rescued. You are doing a great job with this story and I am really enjoying reading it.

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 Comment Written 13-May-2024

reply by the author on 13-May-2024
    Hi Barbara,
    Don't worry, I run out of sixes so quickly I hardly know I had any. I appreciate you reading and giving me your opinion, that's the important part!!
    I needed to switch over to Theo for was bit so people won't wonder why he hasn't come to the rescue, and to set up some information important for the next part of the story.
Comment from Begin Again
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am so happy that I gave your story a chance, something I never thought I would do, and discovered how intriguing and how much I enjoy it. It's magical, humorous and definitely entertaining. Keep up the awesome work and I shall continue to follow.
Smiles, Carol

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 Comment Written 13-May-2024

reply by the author on 13-May-2024
    I'm happy you got involved as well. It's hard to step out of your preferred genre's to read other's work. I was following yours, but got so behind I gave up. Sorry about that. I stay so busy I have trouble following when people post more than once or twice a week, lol. I keep saying I'm going to go back and try to pick up one of your threads and follow it. Maybe over the summer when I'm not teaching.
    Any rate, thank you for your comment.
    Take care,
reply by Begin Again on 13-May-2024
    I am enjoying the story very much. And I do hope that you can follow mine too. I don't have a very big following and appreciate all he readers I can get. I enjoy the input. Have a great day!
    Smiles, Carol
reply by the author on 14-May-2024
    I will probably pick it up this summer when I have more time off. I have several people who post often that I've had to step back from until I have more time.
reply by Begin Again on 14-May-2024
    No a problem...You can only do what you can do. Smiles and hugs, Carol
reply by the author on 14-May-2024