Reviews from

Shattered Innocence

Childhood innocence shattered by life's cruelty.

41 total reviews 
Comment from Boogienights
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm sorry for all you've lost. This poem was heartfelt and it made me feel sad, thinking back on the people l love that l'll never see. I certainly relate to your words, as l'm sure many do. Beautifully written from the heart.

 Comment Written 18-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 14-Jun-2024
    Thank you, Boogienights, for reading and reviewing. I really appreciate it. I haven't been on FS for several months, so I apologize for my late response. I appreciate your feedback, and I'm sorry for your losses. Thank you again for reading and reviewing. Take care. :D
Comment from Sanku
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is an out pouring of grief -your tragic experiences thathave systematically destroyed your safe fortress..well written .free verse is most suitable for such expression...

 Comment Written 18-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 14-Jun-2024
    Thank you, Sanku, for reading and reviewing. I really appreciate it. I haven't been on FS for several months, so I apologize for my late response. I appreciate your feedback. Thank you again for reading and reviewing. Take care. :D
Comment from gramalot8
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your poem brought back memories of the losses in my life. Very well written with the transitions of your aging. I have lost many loved ones... some unexpected, some tragically expected. Thanks for sharing your feelings through poetry with us.

 Comment Written 18-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 14-Jun-2024
    Thank you, gramalot8, for reading and reviewing. I really appreciate it. I haven't been on FS for several months, so I apologize for my late response. I appreciate your feedback, and I'm sorry for your losses. Thank you again for reading and reviewing. Take care. :D
Comment from Mia Twysted
This work has reached the exceptional level

This piece is filled with a life long history of loss. To have so much only means having so much to lose. However, despite the loss, which is devastating, remain grateful that you had time and love. There are some who are not so lucky.

 Comment Written 18-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 14-Jun-2024
    Thank you, Mia, for reading and reviewing. I really appreciate it. I haven't been on FS for several months, so I apologize for my late response. I appreciate your feedback, and, yes, I'm grateful for the time I've gotten with my loved ones. Thank you again for reading and reviewing. Take care. :D
Comment from dragonpoet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Amber,
Sorry for all your losses. It seems Alzheimer's has attacked your family. That must be very hard. Sorry for your losses.
I can see how pictures of happy mother/daughter scenes can make you sad enough to write this cathartic free verse poem. I think you did well. I can't see any changes. I can empathize and sympathize with this because I lost all my grandparents to death before I was a sophomore in college. Three within 7 month of each other. Both of my parents died of cancer too.
Keep writing and stay healthy.
Have a great week.

 Comment Written 18-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 14-Jun-2024
    Thank you, Joan, for reading and reviewing. I really appreciate it. I haven't been on FS for several months, so I apologize for my late response. I appreciate your feedback, and I'm sorry for your losses. Thank you again for reading and reviewing. Take care. :D
Comment from harmony13
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The author's words are heart felt,
sad, upsetting, filled with emotions
and engage the reader. The poem
expresses feelings well and gives
detailed accounts of the events. I am so sorry for your losses. Thank
you for the author's notes - glad you wrote this poem. The color scheme and artwork go well with
these words. My thoughts and prayers are with you....Maria

 Comment Written 18-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 14-Jun-2024
    Thank you, Maria, for reading and reviewing. I really appreciate it. I haven't been on FS for several months, so I apologize for my late response. I appreciate your feedback and your prayers. Thank you again for reading and reviewing. Take care. :D
Comment from estory
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I thought you had some strong descriptions of Alzheimer's in that you describe it as swallowing your grandparents, robbing them of their memories. It is so true. I watched my mother die of Alzheimer's and this is how it feels. It's a horrible disease in that it robs you of your relationship with them. And the hole it leaves behind in your life is never really filled. estory

 Comment Written 18-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 14-Jun-2024
    Thank you, estory, for reading and reviewing. I really appreciate it. I haven't been on FS for several months, so I apologize for my late response. I appreciate your feedback, and I'm sorry for your loss. Thank you again for reading and reviewing. Take care. :D
Comment from locust
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It feels odd to say that you enjoyed a sad poem, but I did enjoy, and it evoked deep empathy. My heart goes out to you. I wonder though if this might not be better explored in prose? The poetry format almost seems to limit the expression. I'd love to see this revisited but in a different style. It feels less like a poem and more like a confession. That is not a critique. Just a curiosity... Well written <3

 Comment Written 18-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 14-Jun-2024
    Thank you, locust, for reading and reviewing. I really appreciate it. I haven't been on FS for several months, so I apologize for my late response. I appreciate your feedback, and I'm now I'm curious. When you say prose, do you mean a story format, or were you picturing a different format? Thank you again for reading and reviewing. Take care. :D
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I can't bring anything that may bring comfort, having lost both parents, my wife the same, hope is the only thing we have, I would never want my grandchildren or children to be crushed by our demise, but give them a positive message, sorry for your loss, or your friend's, are they hers, or yours? Well done, blessings Roy

 Comment Written 18-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 14-Jun-2024
    Thank you, Roy, for reading and reviewing. I really appreciate it. I haven't been on FS for several months, so I apologize for my late response. I appreciate your feedback, and, yes, the losses are mine. I'm sorry for you and your wife's losses. Thank you again for reading and reviewing. Take care. :D
reply by royowen on 14-Jun-2024
    Well done
Comment from Cedar
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a sad poem you have penned. Life can be a cruel and heart-breaking journey or it can be the most delightful experience we will ever have in this world.

I hope and pray that you have a strong outlook on life and can withstand all the pitfalls that it can bring.

Good luck and welcome to Fanstory...Bill

 Comment Written 18-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 14-Jun-2024
    Thank you, Bill, for reading and reviewing. I really appreciate it. I haven't been on FS for several months, so I apologize for my late response. I appreciate your feedback and prayers. Thank you again for reading and reviewing. Take care. :D