Reviews from

Life's Twisted Road

Viewing comments for Chapter 27 "Life's Twisted Road - Chap 27"
Pages turn, stories change, bonds crumble

15 total reviews 
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The principal wants to see our two girls, Becky and Natasha, they've got a lot on their plate with all these problems that have afflicted them over the recent times, you're building a pretty good story Carol, well done, a great raconteur, well done, blessings, Roy

 Comment Written 25-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 25-Feb-2024
    I'm afraid Natasha is about to give the performance of her that will destroy her entire family. Took me most of my sleepless night to put the next chapter together. We're nearing the end though. Thank you so much, Roy. Have a great day! Carol
reply by royowen on 25-Feb-2024
    Good job
Comment from Julie Helms
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Natasha is so self-absorbed. To be so cruel to her grandmother, who has been taking care of her, to say it's OK if the bad guys got her. A very destructive form of selfishness. It will catch up with her one day, sooner or later. Great chapter. Dying to find out what happens in the principal office! Julie

 Comment Written 25-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 25-Feb-2024
    I fear what lies ahead for Natasha...She believes the world is her oyster. At 16, she has no qualms of lying to get whatever she wants. It's sad... the road ahead seems dark.

    Thanks for the review and comments.
    Smiles, Carol
Comment from karenina
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Look at you churning out chapters like they were haiku!

You capture this little hellion with such precision I'm wondering which of your granddaughter's you're modeling her after...

(Sadly I know some of the history.and I could make an educated guess!)

I suppose the good news is if they make it through the terrible teens they often straighten out and fly right!

This must be do cathartic for you, even as you entertain us like Mrs. James Patterson or something!

Nat's due for a wake up call....


 Comment Written 25-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 25-Feb-2024
    Now, that's a compliment I never thought I would receive. Mrs. James Patterson writer extraordinaire. Don't I wish... Thank you... Three hours of sleep and #28 is posted... My nerves are shot as if I'd drank three cappucinnos. but I'm closing in...not nearly as fast as I would, but the story needed a bit more before I ended it. Thanks so much for all your kindness. Always, Carol
reply by karenina on 25-Feb-2024
    You are most welcome. Reading this, like knowing you, is a joy...
Comment from Karen Cherry Threadgill
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Natasha is the most idiotic narcissistic young girl I have ever come across. I worry for her. Good writing.
You are really amping stuff up. Have good weekend. Karen

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 Comment Written 25-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 25-Feb-2024
    Every time I think I've filled the page with the last words I can share about this story, it grows another life. Each chapter digs harder at my heart. I've posted 28 and hope we are near the end.

    Smiles, Carol
reply by Karen Cherry Threadgill on 25-Feb-2024
    We don't, hope you are at the end. Dion and Gabby need to start building their relationship.You know what I was thinking? It's ten years later Jackson is front page news He caught the last of the drug dealers and locked them up after catching their secret leader Jason. The town is stunned. After he got let go by the Denver Broncos for drinking and date rape, no one heard from him. No one knew he was back. Dion was reading the paper to Gabby while she breastfed her second daughter Dionne. I will be taking the boys today to show them how to plant seedlings. Jesse and Jericho the 9 year old twins were balls of
    energy. Callie their darling six year old was bringing them both coffee, she was momma's little helper. Dion was very successful. After losing football he started working for " Plant One Here" the green growing equivalent of Walmart. He manages all the northwest stores now. he and Gabby are happy. Her aunt Audrey never got over losing Bobby, and had a wreck herself two years after his, She died instantly. Sheriff Jackson married that nice Dorie Anderson who was now only working partime at "Plant one here" because she wants to be home when their kids Alice, belinda, caroline and davis leave school. She told jackson when he got his boy that the factory was closed. Ava's husband got fed up with her and their daughter and divorced her. Isabella saw the writing on the wall, and sold up and moved to the new senior center. Minimum age is 60! Ava had to go to work. So did Natasha. Ava told her that anything she wanted she had to earn for herself. The shock nearly did her in. She stared at "Frank"n"Furter", moved to Taco Bell, then Jason's Deli, and now owns two "Clean as a Whistle" stores. The dry cleaner,tailor, laundry, and self serve laundromat, requires no cooking. She has no children. She has a nice loft in the city where her partner Jane is a happy cook, cleaner, and pastry chef for " Fantastica Serata". The restaurant is open from 6 pm til 1 am. Wednesday through Saturday. So she has lots of free time. Judy Cleaned herself up and married the Coach. They adopted Becky's kids Juan and rosie when she died of aids related illness. They had been taking care of them for some time already.The biggest shock was Layla giving up nursing to travel the world with Austin and Roscoe jr. They are enjoying Switzerland right now.
    Life goes on while you make other plans.
    In the 80's I was in a round Robin kind of thing. They would give me some names and basic facts and I would give them the back story. It was a lot of fun. I hope this might spark ideas. Or use can use it whole hog, Or, dust bin it. My brain just won't stop working. Love to you and yours. Karen
Comment from Wendy G
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Another excellent chapter, well written and progressing the drama with these two scheming girls. Lying does seem to come naturally to Natasha, and she's unfortunately a convincing actor as well.

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 Comment Written 25-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 25-Feb-2024
    She most certainly this very day I suffer from her lies. But in life, we take what we are given and hope the LOrd gives us strength to endure. Thank you for reading and for the review.

    Smiles, Carol
reply by Wendy G on 25-Feb-2024
    The Lord is indeed giving you strength and wisdom to cope, and one day He will vindicate you, and her sins and wrong-doing will be evident to all. What a tragedy that she is wasting her young life like this.
reply by the author on 25-Feb-2024
    The saddest part for me is that my daughter won't even give me the chance to tell my side of the story.... she doesn't talk to me any more, but definitely talks about me to everyone else. That's why I needed to write the story, even though I've left out so much. Thanks, Wendy
reply by Wendy G on 25-Feb-2024
    Carol, my heart aches for you. You deserve so much better. I think writing the story will help, even though it's hard, because it will clarify what has happened. Your writing is from the heart and that's why it is so authentic and powerful.